Chapter 71: Level 5 to 599!.

With the phantom beast sealing box being opened.

An extremely condensed black ball of light flew out. Black light is blooming.

A giant phantom beast war horse with black scale armor all over, strong in size, majestic and majestic, and a savage and rough breath appeared in front of Li Mo.

Phantom dragon horse, snorting like low thunder.

Black phantom fog gushed out from the nose, like a stream from both sides, and merged into the body.

“It’s really tall and burly.”

Li Mo couldn’t help but sigh.

The height of this black dragon horse’s back is all at the same level as Li Mo. Raise your head, I’m afraid it’s not two meters five.

It has four eyes, dark pupils, and contains cold stars.

More importantly, this black dragon horse is not an ordinary horse-like phantom beast creature that eats herbivory. This guy has a mouth full of fangs.

It eats meat.

You asked Li Mo why he knew.

Because as soon as this dragon horse came out, it stared at Li Mo and was glaring at Li Mo. Staring at Li Mo’s phantom dragon horse, his four eyes were full of killing intent.

“Feel like I’m a knight and don’t want to be ridden by me, do you?”

As soon as Li Mo’s words fell, the phantom dragon horse rushed up. Li Mo was afraid to rebound it to death.

Quickly converged the invincible rebound effect.

Unable to hit Li Mo, the phantom dragon horse came up.

The phantom dragon horse turned around and kicked a pegasus at Li Mo. The wide and heavy horse’s hooves slammed into Li Mo’s head. The pose is handsome, but the damage is only a few -1.

“This phantom dragon horse, as a phantom beast physique.”

“It has both virtual and real states.”

“It can condense the entity and enter the phantom beast body.”

“My soul body state can be very compatible with its phantom beast body.”

“Don’t worry about him running too fast and throwing me out.”

Face the attack of the Phantom Dragon Horse.

Li Mo released his 12-star professional aura faintly.

With the thickness of the 12 star steps, the breath of mountains spread. Phantom Dragon Horse was visibly shocked.

After pacing in place for a moment, he lowered his head and walked up, rubbing Li Mo twice. Then began to circle around Li Mo.

A phantom beast of the mount type.

Naturally, they also need a strong master.

The breath of a 12-star rank knight is not something that this 7-star rank phantom beast mount can resist. If it was the breath of the 6-star rank before Li Mo.

If you don’t stay up for three days and three nights, this seven-star mount will never bow its head. Li Mo threw a contract over.

Phantom Dragon Horse, direct absorption signing without the slightest hesitation. The seven-star Phantom Dragon Horse is officially in hand.

Gu Liguang on the side, Dragon Drink, felt Li Mo’s 12-star professional atmosphere, and he was also amazed. There was even a discussion in the voice.

“This Li Mo’s 12-star profession has a starry breath, and it also contains a certain extremely hidden peculiar aura.”

“Could it be that that peculiar hidden aura is what makes him special?”

“It should be, but what exactly it is, even if Li Mo releases it, I can’t detect it.”

In the depths of Long Yu’s eyes, the energy imprints were almost full, but he could not see through what was hidden in the depths of that hidden aura. It is completely unprying existence.

Li Mo touched the phantom dragon horse, and this phantom beast body was like some kind of tough light liquid, which was quite magical.

【Phantom Dragon Horse】【Agility】

Grade: 7 stars. Level: 266.

Phantom Life: 3.44 million/3.44 million. Phantom energy: 21,000.

Phantom Attack: 22,000. Phantom Defense: 28,000. Phantom Agility: 36,000.



Wind: Movement speed, agility characteristics permanently increased by 30%, Phantom Spirit: When running, ignore gravity and ignore large inertia.


【Core Skills】

“Dragon Horse Form: Phantom Dragon Horse, you can switch between “Horse Form” and “Dragon Form”. ”

Phantom Flash: After casting, a small distance of phantom displacement can be performed.

Chasing Electricity: After casting, transform into a phantom lightning bolt, and increase your speed by 500%.


The attributes of the Phantom Dragon Horse, compared to the world boss mixed yuan gluttony, are naturally thrown away a few streets. But as an agile mount.

Its mobility and flexibility are obviously much higher than those of the mixed gluttony. Most importantly, this thing is easy to carry.

Mixed yuan gluttony, such a large size, Li Mo’s pet space, can not fit at all. Can’t carry it at all.

Now, that bastard is still near the Black Mountain replica, absorbing experience around the replica every day.

Li Mo even prepared a task lighthouse specifically for the mixed element gluttony, and if it has any needs, it can publish tasks in the lighthouse such as tasks.

Let the professionals do it for him.

With a gentle tap of one hand, the phantom dragon horse transformed into a bracelet and wrapped it around Li Mo’s wrist.

“Take this phantom dragon horse to upgrade with me, and when its level increases, then my combat ability will rise sharply.”


A few days later.

Li Mo led a squad of more than twenty people, two thousand-level powerhouses. Following the thousand-level powerhouse of the Night Soul Clan, he rushed to the Night Soul Clan’s territory.

These teams of more than 20 people are the core technicians who built the lighthouse. They can build a lighthouse framework in the replica and charge for ticketing.

The Night Souls do not directly border humans. Need to pass through the sea of broken stars.

Crossing the border barrier, the trading beacon of the race cannot be directly contacted. You need to set up corresponding teleportation strongholds, and then walk through the border barrier.

Opening up and perfecting these teleportation arrays is the work of this group of professional technicians. Open up 400 levels of mythical copies in the Night Souls.

There wasn’t much of a wave. It’s brush brush brush!

Anyway, Li Mo has long been familiar with the road.

And as Li Mo gradually developed mythical copies.

That night soul clan’s thousand-level powerhouse attitude towards Li Mo and the others also gradually softened.

Even, they invited Li Mo to the treasure house of their group and collect some of the treasures Li Mo needed. And in order to return the respect of the other party.

Li Mo also ignored the previous suspicions and brushed two more mythical copies for the other party. Although there is still a fee.

However, for their race, more copies means more heritage. After all, the mythical copy framework established by humans is not expensive. One copy is only charged 150,000 Chaos Coins per month.

And the real benefit of a level 400 mythical copy is several times the price. Therefore, that night soul clan, even the final payment of compensation later, was much more generous.

In addition to Li Mo’s copy.

The 1900-level Nazni of the Night Soul Clan also invited Li Mo to visit the Chaos City-State. Visited some of the Qijun scenic areas of their ethnic group.

Even when talking privately.

Nazni, also hopes that after Li Mo says that after the level is high, he can help their race develop level 600, or even level 800 mythical level copies.

Even the level 800 World Mythical Tree copy, they began to be willing to let Li Mo open up for them. After all, the development of this mythical copy, that is really fragrant!

I don’t know where Nazni heard about it. When Li Mo was about to leave.

Nazni, gifted Li Mo an 800-level [Elf Queen].

This is the real [Elf Queen] with an 8-star elven heart, and in the elven territory where they are located, this [Elf Queen] was really the queen of an elven country.

This scene made Li Mo very speechless.

The cold posture of the country made Li Mo look at it several more times without arguing.

Even in the squad, communicators began

“Lord Li Mo, hobby elf!”

, this is similar to the grapevine. This elf queen is not just one, there are more than twenty maids and elves who serve alone.

A team of more than 20 people when they came.

When I came back, the team had grown directly to more than fifty people. Wait until the day when Li Mo returns to humanity with so many people.

When the dragon came to greet him.

He also ridiculed Li Mo, which played a strategic and huge role in the racial richness and population growth of the human territory. This made Li Mo angry.

But anyway.

This trip to the Night Soul Clan.

Let mankind reap abundant gains, it is indeed worth the trip. Night!

Inside the Chamber.

Li Mo examined the many resources in his hands. Then he took out a 5-turn promotion pill.

With taking it.

I have accumulated a lot of experience for a long time, and I immediately broke through the 500-level barrier level. Promotion five turns.

With breakthrough promotion.

The extremely rich white light on Li Mo’s body emerged, making Li Mo like a small sun, shining the entire secret room like the ultimate daylight for more than a minute, and the white light on Li Mo’s body dissipated.

At this time, Li Mo’s level was already 599 full of experience.

At the beginning, Li Mo killed so many thousand-level powerhouses, and his experience was accumulated together. Not only can it rise to five revolutions, but it can directly rise to 599 levels.

It is estimated that it can also be directly promoted to 699 levels when it rises to six revolutions. As for the seven turns, Li Mo is not very clear.

The amount of experience required after level 500 is staggering in itself.

Leveling up after level 700 requires a lot of experience.

After many professionals have more than 500 levels, they brush the copy wildly, and one or two more can barely advance to one level. At this time, the importance of the 5-turn upgrade pill of the Shattered Star Sea was highlighted.

Usually, after level 500.

The best place for professionals to upgrade is the Chaos City-State. In the Chaos Star Domain, guard the Chaos City-State.

Those chaotic creatures give experience, that’s super much. In Chaos City, you can effectively upgrade quickly.

And this is why Gu Liguang wants to get the Night Soul Clan’s Gate of the Territory.

If human beings want to upgrade on a large scale, they must borrow the gate of the territory and enter on a large scale. Build your own defenses in the Chaos City-State.

Even… Humans guard a chaotic city-state alone.

Of course, ordinary clans dare not say that they can defend a chaotic city-state. The rise of mankind obviously has a long way to go.

[Invincible Starry Sky Chaos Knight] [12 Star Rank] Level: 5 turns, 599 levels.

Blood Demon Pool Life: 2.6 million/2.6 million. Surface health bar: 4.2 billion/4.2 billion.

Core health bar: 1385 billion / 1385 billion. Health regeneration: 7.645 million/sec.

Invincible Single Frame Health Bar: 88,000.

Energy: 326,000/326,000… Attacks: 277,000.

Defense: 457,000 Strength: 117,000 Physique: 317,000 Agility: 58,000 Spirit: 176,000 [Talent]

Invincible Chaos Physique: LV10. Invincible Blood Demon Damage: LV10.


【Core Class Skill】Invincible Defense: LV10 level. Invincible Taunt: LV10 level. Invincible Overlord: LV10 level. Invincible Charge: LV10 level. Invincible Shield: LV10 level.

During the day, Li Mo had already made his own equipment team. Set up 7 mythological pieces of your own, plus 1 epic star spirit necklace. All levels have been built to level 590.

At this time, Li Mo’s attributes were blessed with a mythical equipment. Naturally a tough little explosion.

The skill level needs to break through level 1000 before Li Motou can continue to upgrade. And Li Mo’s blood bar also broke through the one trillion mark long ago.

Now it’s more than 1.38 trillion.

[Invincible Bloodsource Pool] is under the condition that Li Mo continues to invest a lot of resources. Now Li Mo’s basic life recovery has reached 7.6 million.

Full state recovery.

It can restore 60 million health points in one second.

This value allowed Li Mo to also find another way to open the [Invincible Meat Shield System].

[Invincible System System].

Be able to help yourself break through many limitations.

For example, the “blood bar of infinite growth” of the invincible chaotic physique. Invincible Blood Demon Damage’s “Infinite Stacking of Blood Damage”.

Invincible Bloodsource Pool “Unlimited Recovery of Blood Volume”. The first layer is also the invincibility of the foundation.

Invincibility of defensive posture.

But equipment that will provide a defensive posture will be “disarmed”

“Equipment suppression” and other capabilities restrained. Thus rendering his invincible defense ineffective.

But the real attack that crushed the invincible defensive feature in the front, Li Mo had not encountered. Li Mo speculated that no one should be able to do it.

After all!

This is the power of the system.

You can restrain defensive postures through the rules system of this world, and even bypass them at the framework level. However, it cannot defeat the invincible characteristics provided by Li Mo’s system through a frontal attack.


It is the literal existence.

For the characteristics provided by the system, Li Mo is still very sure. The mechanism of the “single-cell health bar” is the second layer of invincibility. This layer is that the mechanism at the bar level is invincible.

It is a “pseudo-invincible”. Single stale characteristics.

It’s the same as if a professional is killed and dies.

A single block of health bars is emptied, which is a single death. What other characteristics can cross death?

Whipping corpse? It doesn’t hurt that!

This is the core logic of the national occupational attribute system.

And this single-cell health bar characteristic is one of the results of the direct blessing of the system. Just as others could not destroy Li Mo’s invincible defense head-on.

Single blood bars.

You can knock out my HP, but you don’t want to cross the height of a single bar. A single second can knock out up to 88,000 blood of Li Mo.

And Li Mo can recover in a single second, 60 million blood. 5.3 In Li Mo, he was suppressed by equipment in all directions, breaking the defensive invincible posture. Moreover, it is necessary to attack Li Mo 682 times a second to theoretically kill Li Mo.

Generally speaking, when it comes to theory, the difficulty of wanting to achieve is basically nothing. And next!

It will be Li Mo’s third layer of invincibility.

That is [Resurrection], invincible to save life!

This will be the core and most profound skill of the meat shield class.

It is also one of the core skills directly supported by the system.

Li Mo flipped his hand.

He took out the powerful resurrection skills from the God Kingdom of War that was traded from the Night Soul Clan, and used the divinity of the Kingdom of God to cultivate.

【Angel Resurrection】

After death, you will be reborn after three seconds in a complete state and remain invincible for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 36 days.

After examining it, Li Moyu summed it up.

“First, this is a lossless resurrection, it will not drop levels, will not drop attribute frame strength, and will not lose equipment, etc.”

“Second, after the resurrection, the three-second invincibility state is invincible in the body, not the invincibility attached to my kind of equipment, that is, this is invincible that cannot be crossed, or the duration is too short.”

“Third, hmm… That’s a bit too long! 36 days, resurrected once in more than a month, the effect is strong and good, the cooling is longer, and there is no big problem. ”

“Let’s see, what kind of blessing the system can give this powerful resurrection skill.”

Immediately, Li Mo directly read the article to learn about this [Angel Resurrection]

“Ding, learn [Angel Resurrection], automatically promoted to [Invincible Resurrection].”

Immediately, Li Mo took a deep breath and opened the [Invincible Resurrection] blessed by this system straight to the core.

【Invincible Resurrection】

LV: Level 1.

After death, you will be reborn after three seconds in a complete state and remain invincible for 180 seconds. Cooldown: 180 seconds.

Number of resurrection reserves: 10/10.

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