Chapter 55: False God–Li Mo!.

With the cooperation between the two parties.

Long Drink spoke

“All right, guys.”

“Since friendly cooperation has been reached, then next!”

“We’re going to do some aftermath.”

“One is to solve those three thousand-level powerhouses first.”

“After all, the battle between us, those three thousand-level powerhouses, are witnesses.”

“As long as they’re dead, then… No one outside will know the specifics of the battle between us. ”

“And… Those three fled. ”

“I think, Lord Hoshigami, you shouldn’t leave such a traitor behind!”

Although Li Mo did not mention how to deal with these three thousand-level powerhouses before.

But Long Drink obviously did not intend to let them go.

All three were alien and knew some of the internal battles. Staying is ultimately a scourge.

“All three of them have the seal of the gods I left behind.”

“I’ll fix all three of them.”

At this time, the star god said so.

“In that case, then His Excellency Star God will do it! Senior Dragon Drink and I will gradually collect the treasures of this Broken Star Sea, and we will return to the Broken Star Sea with many treasures. ”

Li Mo’s voice sounded.

After looking at Li Mo, he looked at the dragon drink. The mind retreated directly into the sky and disappeared. Look at the disappearing star god.

Although Li Mo did not complete the achievement of “slaughtering gods”. But he completed the achievement of incorporating the gods.

The latter is more difficult than the former. Li Mo, who withdrew his gaze, flew up.

Then, it fell directly on the boss of the mixed element gluttonous world.

“Can you condense the seat?”


The mixed gluttony is in the highest position on the back. An energy seat was condensed. Li Mo sat up directly.

Suddenly! Don’t say, this world-class boss mount, sitting on it, the scenery is indeed good.

“Senior, did you come up?”

Watch the scene where the world-class boss becomes Li Mo’s mount. It feels unreal.

This kind of scene is probably something that many people dare not dream of. However, Li Mo has already made too much history.

“Huh! No need, get older, be more active, and be good for your body and bones. ”


“I’ll send you the coordinates of those treasures.”

“You can just collect it yourself in the past.”

“I still have some things to deal with.”

Saying that, Long Drink sent the coordinates of those treasures to Li Mo.

There are a total of eight treasures, and the value of each one is not lower than the [Teleportation Star Bead].

“Senior, do you still have things to deal with in the Shattered Star Sea?”

Li Mo asked curiously.

“It’s just a little thing, here in the Broken Star Sea, there are also some small human city-state territories.”

“When I’m done, I’ll go to the Star God City-State to wait for you.”

“In addition, the thousand-level powerhouses of the Dark Light Clan, the Blue Scale Clan, have been in ambush here for a long time.”

“They have not shown up either, if they do, notify me.”


Immediately, the dragon drink a teleportation disappeared. It says it’s about dealing with little things. But actually.

Dragon Drink is already planning to return to the human world.

After all, now Li Mo’s strength no longer needs his protection. On the contrary!

Li Mo’s strength has now increased so terrifyingly.

He had to return to the Terran clan to discuss with other thousand-level powerhouses.

How to let Li Mo play a huge role in curbing foreign races.

After all, now the human world is a huge powder keg, suppressed by many powerful alien races. Now Li Mo has initially grown.

Naturally, it is necessary to give full play to Li Mo’s ability and maximize the help to the human world. At the same time, he also had to contact other human thousand-level powerhouses.

It is necessary to re-cultivate Li Mo with strong resources.

Sitting on the mixed yuan gluttony, Li Mo thought for a moment before he spoke.

“Let’s go!”

Mixed Yuan gluttonous, huge in size, very fast. When moving forward, the speed is also very steady. It can also be considered a qualified mount.

And as Li Mo rode the mixed yuan gluttony, he began to collect many treasures in various places in the Shattered Star Sea. Naturally, it was discovered by many professionals who explored in the depths of the Shattered Star Sea.

A human being, riding a world-class BOSS, mixed with gluttony! In the case of remote exchange of information.

Soon, the news spread in the Shattered Star Sea.

A human riding a world-class boss and mixed with gluttony.

You know, the mixed yuan gluttony, in the Shattered Star Sea, it has the title of a city-state holy beast. The relationship between the bastard gluttony and the gods is very good.

At this time, the world-class boss mixed yuan gluttony was ridden by a human. This naturally set off a monstrous wave in the Sea of Broken Stars.

And when some people who have remote detection means and see clearly that the person riding the Mixed Yuan Gluttonous BOSS is a human – Li Mo, this news is directly transmitted back to the human world.

It has also made quite a few waves in the human world. People with the name “Li Mo” who are not very clear.

The concern is obviously that a human is riding on the gluttony. World-class boss mounts.

This is something that cannot be imagined in the human world. And those who know the name “Li Mo”.

I was even more shocked.

You must know that the world boss of more than 600 levels of mixed yuan gluttony, one or two thousand-level powerhouses are powerful existences that cannot be solved, and it is necessary for thousand-level powerhouses to form a team to hope to kill them.

And now, the world boss has become Li Mo’s mount.

When the people on the side of the Holy Radiance City-State learned the news, they were also shocked alive. Li Mo has only been out for about half a year.

Actually outside, he made a big move again. And as humans subdued the world boss, when the news of the mount intensified in the Shattered Star Sea. Everyone vaguely guessed.

I am afraid that something big will happen in the Shattered Star Sea. Sure enough.

A few days later.

A city-state announcement of the Star God City-State, incidentally, under the power of the Star God, the radiation became a world-class announcement of the Shattered Star Sea. And as soon as this announcement was issued.

It shocked the professionals of the entire Shattered Star Sea. Broken Star Sea!

It’s really going to change.

【Star God City-State Announcement】

[Larov, Kanya, Lomer, three thousand-level powerhouses, openly released blasphemous information, and were killed by the great god Nature Star God! ] 】

[Terran Li Mo, loyal to the Star God, was granted the status of Star God Messenger by the Star God, and gave the Mixed Yuan Gluttony as his mount, shattered in the Star Sea, see Li Mo like a god! ] 】

[God Envoy Li Mo, about to open up a mythical replica in the Shattered Star Core Quest, the Star God City-State Guild, will undergo large-scale adjustments in the near future! ] 】

[God envoy Li Mo will store many treasures of the Shattered Star Sea and offer them to the great gods! ] 】

With this announcement of the world of gods that swept the shattered star sea world, it was released.

The content of the announcement was so large that it was difficult for many professionals to digest for a while. After all, there is too much shocking information interspersed here.

The first is the news released by those three thousand-level powerhouses a few days ago.

It is said that the gods were chased and killed by the human Li Mo, and the emperor fled in a hurry, and the star god city-state was about to end.

Coupled with someone saying on the city-state channel, a huge explosion occurred in the core area of the Shattered Star Sea. The gods are involved in the battles and so on.

For a while, the Star God City-State was panicked.

Subsequently, the three thousand-level powerhouses were killed by the gods, which calmed the turmoil. Only now has the announcement been officially issued.

Li Mo was then granted the status of a divine messenger.

As well as the announcement that Li Mo is about to open up a mythical-level copy, etc. Of course, the most shocking news is.

Then Li Mo wanted to collect many treasures from the Shattered Star Sea and offer them to the great gods. This is a real big upheaval.

There are quite a few treasures in the core of the Shattered Star Sea.

Those treasures protected by energy barriers are coveted by countless people. Even if you can’t get it.

Every once in a while, after an eye addiction in the past, it’s still good. But now, these treasures will be collected by the gods.

This is undoubtedly a powerful evidence of the authority of the Shattered Star Starfish God. Of course this among the many news.

It is most closely related to everyone.

【Mythical Quest】

After all, this is highly overlapping with the interests of many professions.

When the Shattered Star Sea was formed, an epic copy of 400 levels and a depth of 11 was born. But the copy of the broken star, understand everything.

There are replica cracks, and it is not easy to give birth to large resources.

Most of the time, even a copy with a depth of 10 is not comparable.

But at least it’s also an epic copy, and it’s still somewhat attractive.

In addition, this copy of the broken star has been around for decades, and nothing has changed. Obviously, the Star God City-State had no ability to open up higher copies at all.

Therefore, the upper limit of the Star God City-State is also like this. But it’s different now.

The great deity of the Star God City-State actually openly said that the god made Li Mo want to open up [mythical level] copies. Do you think the mythical copy is a wasteland in your backyard?

If you want to open up the land, open the land? But!

This is an announcement issued by Star God himself.

In addition, in the past two days, the rumored exact news about Li Mo riding the world boss mixed yuan gluttony, wandering around the Shattered Star Sea, collecting treasures.

Let the professionals of the Star God City-State also can’t help but speculate whether what the gods said is true. After all, there are many important treasures.

Even the gods don’t have the ability to open it. As a result, Li Mo could open it.

Could it be that Li Mo can really open up [Mythical Copy]. Over the next few days.

Li Mo continued to collect treasures in the Shattered Star Sea.

Li Mo’s speed is not fast, enough for many professionals in the Shattered Star Sea to see. Even, such a situation was deliberately done by Li Mo.

The Dark Light Clan, the Blue Scale Clan, and a thousand-level powerhouse entered the Shattered Star Sea. Li Mo now walked out in an upright manner.

The purpose is to attract their attention as a core goal. Even, let them shoot.

The second is to pass on the news that he has harvested a world-class BOSS. This is not what Li Mo wants to show off.

The deterrent power of world-class bosses is amazing. Even if it is a city-state guarded by a thousand-level powerhouse.

In the face of the attack of world-class bosses, they are unstoppable.

Unless three or five thousand-level powerhouses join forces, they can drive and even kill world-class bosses. And Li Mo wanted to let the alien race take a look.

He now has the strength to compete with the strong people of foreign races.

This is enough to deter aliens into treating the world as individuals, rather than using the human world as a hunting ground.

And in fact.

When Li Mo rode a world-class BOSS and went shopping in the Sea of Broken Stars.

The news was transmitted back to the human world, and the effect was far better than Li Mo imagined. The first is the human world starry city-state and the surrounding area.

Naturally excited.

World-class bosses, humans have not killed so far.

The world-class bosses born in the human world were all snatched away by aliens. And now, Li Mo uses the world-class boss as a mount.

For the human city-state, there is no doubt that this Li Mo is definitely a powerful combat power, even far stronger than the average thousand-level powerhouse.

And for foreign races, the deterrent power is directly full.

Even if they have formed a tribal guild and gathered thousand-level powerhouses, they can snatch the mythical-level Black Mountain copy of mankind.


They also need to consider whether they can carry a group of human beings with a thousand-level direction, plus Li Mo with the world boss, to attack their city-state territory.

The destructive power of world-class bosses can be called a city-state bulldozer. An entire city-state can be bulldozed in minutes.


Sea of broken stars, canyon plain.

Li Mo was riding a world-class mount first, heading towards the last treasure. In the distance.

Three thousand-level powerhouses of the Dark Light Race and two thousand-level powerhouses of the Blue Scale Clan gathered together.

Through their insight into the treasures, they could clearly see Li Mo, and hit the more than 600-level mixed element gluttonous boss under Li Mo.

According to their past few days, probe the information collected. This sea of broken stars, there is no doubt that the sky has changed. The person who caused all this was that Li Mo.

The first thing that can be determined is that this Li Mo fought with the Star God of the Shattered Star Sea. Although the specifics are unclear.

But as the two sides reached an agreement, the handshake and the peace talks looked at that. This Li Mo is most likely not afraid of those more than five hundred level gods.

Although they are not afraid, their way to deal with it is to escape one by one! As long as they escaped, the Star God naturally couldn’t deal with them.

And Li Mo fought with the Star God. In this case.

They naturally guessed that this Li Mo’s strength was estimated to be no weaker than that star god. The strength of the more than 500-level natural gods is at least comparable to that of a thousand-level powerhouse of level 1,500. A thousand-level powerhouse, the higher the level, the more exaggerated the attribute improvement.

A level 1,500 thousand-level powerhouse is at least between two and four times the attributes of a level 1,000 powerhouse. Double the attribute, basically you can unilaterally crush.

The attack attribute of the level 500 gods is not strong. But the divinity is too strong, and the blood bar is super thick. And in the Sea of Broken Stars, it is still the lair of the gods.

These thousand-level powerhouses in their early 1000-level are completely unable to match up with the 500-level gods. And this Li Mo, who is only over 400 levels, actually reached this level.

This made many thousand-level powerhouses dare not easily make a move against Li Mo, that is, they were five people. Theoretically, there are five of them, and one of them pins down the boss of that world.

The other four can also try.

But! Now that Li Mo is the messenger of the Broken Star Starfish God.

Once they make a move, the Star God will definitely come. Therefore, they are even more afraid to make a move.

“Real tricky guy!”

Examine the huge world boss in the distance. A thousand-level powerhouse of the Dark Light Clan led by him gently sighed.

“What star rank profession do you think he is?”

Someone asked at this time.

“It should be at least fifteen stars!”

“Fifteen stars? That’s an exaggeration. ”

“It’s not an exaggeration, it’s not only fifteen stars, but this kid is very likely to have obtained the heavy treasure of a fallen god, or even picked up the treasure of the fallen god.”

“In this way, you can have such a strong defensive damage reduction ability.”

“Normal Chaos Knight, definitely doesn’t have this effect.”

“Only a professional who inherits the treasures of the gods and even the characteristics of the gods can be so strong.”


“This Li Mo is now, at least a pseudo-god billion!”

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