Chapter 48: The Core Treasure of the Shattered Star Sea!.

After two or three minutes.

The starlight dissipated at night.

The cave once again entered the dim daylight hours.


Li Mo let out a soft breath.

The pressure brought by the gods is still great.

Although the other party is only more than five hundred levels, after all, it is a god! It is possible not to go to war, then naturally it is better.


Immediately, Long Yu took Li Mo and quickly left along the cave passage.

“Senior, it’s only two or three minutes before and after, and the gods can rush over? This is also too fast! ”

Li Mo whispered.

“It should be a projection of the gods.”

Long Yu responded in a low voice.

“So can we fight?”

“Fight, it must be able to fight.”

“However, the gods can also rush quickly, after all, this is on her territory.”

“In this way, then the next treasures, we can’t take them!”

Li Mo sighed.

“It’s hard to get, but it doesn’t mean we can’t get it.”


Li Mo raised his eyebrows.

“Senior, what can you do?”

“The teleportation star bead just now, isn’t it the ability to teleport again?”

“With the ability to teleport the star bead, our mobility can be greatly improved, and we are not afraid of the pursuit and killing of that god.”

“It can be said that once we get this teleportation star bead and make a little arrangement, we can pass back and forth in this broken star sea area”

“This is a good idea!”

Li Mo’s eyes lit up.

“In the next period of time, we will go to the core area of the Shattered Star Sea in the north.”

“Core area?”

Li Mo’s eyes lit up.

“Wasn’t there an extraterritorial meteorite falling?”

“In the part near the core area, the star god was born.”

“Even, that world boss was born near the core area.”

“And in the very core regional part.”

“There are special barriers.”

“That barrier, not only the world boss can’t enter, but the star god can’t enter either.”

“The core area of that shattered star sea can be described as the spasm of the star god.”

“Anyone who dares to hit the idea of the core area will be frantically hunted down by the Star God.”

“But… You are different. ”

“Although the barrier is thicker, you can still pass through the barrier and enter the core area.”

“You have strong vitality, the head iron is not afraid of death, you can enter it, so that even the star god cannot threaten you.”

The corner of Li Mo’s eyes twitched.

I don’t know if your words are praising or ridiculing me, senior!

“When the time comes, you can explore the secrets of that core area.”

“You know, this is the most core secret and treasure of the Shattered Star Sea, and no one knows what is inside.”

“Once you get your hands on the core treasures.”

“For you, there is definitely a huge qualitative change.”

Crush the treasure of the core of the Star Sea!

Li Mo quietly thought about the gold content of this.

There is no doubt that the area of the most core treasure of this Shattered Star Sea is absolutely amazing. After all.

Near the core treasures, gods can be born, as well as world-class bosses. It can be imagined that the treasures in the core area are of high value.

It can be said that this entire sea of broken stars, the most core area, is where all the value lies. But!

There are extremely powerful barriers. Not to mention the barriers in the core area.

Even those idle treasures within the scope of the Shattered Star Sea. These treasures are guarded by barriers.

Even Star Gods can’t get it. Not to mention those thousand-level powerhouses. But I have a systematic existence. Invincible hegemony, invincible charge.

This is all to qualify himself to enter the core area of the Shattered Star Sea.

Just like Dragon Drink said.

Once you enter the core area of the Shattered Star Sea. The treasures inside will all be Li Mo’s.

Before, Li Mo was cultivating and upgrading to improve his strength. I really haven’t explored those treasure lands.

Once you get the treasure in the core area of the Shattered Star Sea. What kind of qualitative change there will be, Li Mo does not know.

The more so, the more Li Mo looked forward to the core area of the Shattered Star Sea.

“After passing, let’s hide there for a while to avoid the limelight.”

“Although we got a treasure, in these years, some treasures have been taken away by other people by chance.”

“That star god may not know that we have stable means to get the treasure.”

“So… After arriving there, let’s not act until the star god relaxes his vigilance. ”

“Let’s do it again.”

“There, I began refining this teleportation star bead, and began to build the teleportation on the left and make a large-scale layout.”

“If it’s really like you conceived, I can complete the so-called Flying Thunder God Technique.”

“Then we can have absolute strategic initiative in this broken star sea.”

Listening to Long Drink’s plan, Li Mo also laughed.


“That teleportation star bead has ultra-long-distance teleportation capabilities.”

“Short-range ones can be transmitted at high frequencies.”

“Once the Flying Thunder God Art is successful.”

“Senior, your mobility can be called the strongest of mankind.”

“Huh… It hasn’t worked out yet! Don’t say it so categorically. ”

“However, even if it doesn’t succeed, this ultra-long-distance instantaneous teleportation alone is enough for us to gallop through the Shattered Star Sea.”

“And, in addition to the core area, some treasures from other places.”

“It’s enough for the two of us to eat and drink.”

As Long Yu said this, Li Mo also laughed. This sea of broken stars, other treasures, there are indeed quite a few.

Just like Dragon Drink said.

As Li Mo’s level increases, his strength increases, and his career intensity gradually increases. The two joined forces, and they could completely turn this sea of broken stars upside down.

“That’s right!”

As he walked forward, Li Mo suddenly thought of something.

“Senior, I have been promoted to four turns.”

“My fourth turn skill, I want to obtain the resurrection skill as a core skill.”

“I wonder if you have similar skills or information channels for such core skills, seniors?”

“Resurrection skill!”

Long Yu frowned and thought. Resurrection skills!

This is the core skill with the strongest ability to save life of almost all skills. And it is the core that is deeper than the depth of the health bar.

The value is so high that even a thousand-level powerhouse is extremely difficult to get.

“That kind of simple resurrection small skill, after resurrection, drop the level, drop equipment, and even the class frame will be loosened and even the class star level will drop.”

“You definitely can’t see it.”

“And the powerful resurrection skill, even I don’t have a good clue.”

“However, I know that we are not far from the [Phantom Beast Realm], where there is the resurrection skill of the Phantom Beast system.”

“Phantom Beast Realm?”

Li Moxin moved slightly.

In the era of the universal occupational system. There are many different worlds.

For example, [Undead Realm], where there are a large number of skeleton undead intelligent creatures. Some undead realms will become upgrade points for those powerful worlds.

For those powerful worlds, brushing copies can no longer satisfy them. Brush the whole world to be interesting.

Such as the [Elven Realm], a world dominated by elves.

However, once the elven world enters the professional era of national job transfer. Unless you are born with a relatively powerful elven realm.

Otherwise, the fate of the clansmen in the general elven world will be worse than that of humans. They would be imprisoned in mass slavery and sold as goods. An entire world of elves will become “cattle” to be raised. There is also a more peculiar world.

Such as the [Phantom Beast Realm] mentioned by Dragon Drink.

Enter the [Phantom Beast Realm] of the national professional system. Born with the ability to give birth to many powerful phantom beasts.

There are intelligent phantom beasts, established phantom beast city-states.

Those intelligent phantom beasts even captured wild phantom beasts themselves for contract sales. Three stars and four stars, considered an elite phantom beast.

Five stars, six stars, can be regarded as the leader phantom beast.

Seven stars, eight stars, is a lord-level phantom beast, and this level of phantom beast is already very powerful. Very rare.

The nine-star phantom beast is a world-class phantom beast.

The ordinary phantom beast world cannot give birth to world-class phantom beasts.

Only those powerful [Phantom Beast Realms] will give birth to a certain number of world-class nine-star phantom beasts. And the more powerful top world-class phantom beast, 10-star existence.

That’s a rare sight in hundreds of years.

Phantom beasts, angelic phantom beasts, and phoenix phantom beasts all have resurrection talents.

And this type of lord phantom beast is also the main target of outside professionals entering the phantom beast world and hunting. Meantime!

Phantom beasts have other important attributes. That is, phantom beasts can also be used as mounts. Moreover, the phantom beast is also a top-level mount.

Ordinary boss creatures are used as mounts, and after death, they really die.

And the mount of the phantom beast line, after death, as long as the core is still within the professional framework of the knight class. The phantom beast can then borrow the power of its master to revive.

And this has led to countless knightly professions that have entered the phantom beast world. Examination is just a mage class, a Taoist, a summoner, etc.

will go to the phantom beast realm to contract all kinds of powerful phantom beasts.

The ordinary phantom beast realm has long been occupied by various powerful races.

And the phantom beast world that was not occupied, they were all self-reliant and established a powerful phantom beast empire, and even the phantom beast alliance. And what Li Mo knew was not far from the human realm was a phantom beast plane called the [Holy Spirit Plane].

That world was not only huge and vast, but also had phantom beast gods. You want to get powerful mounts and resurrection class talents.

Obviously, this phantom beast realm [Holy Spirit plane] is obviously very necessary to visit.


Deep in the sea of broken stars.

Reflected in the shattered area of the shattered mirror dome.

A straight starry curtain-like canopy divides the earth. The deeper you go.

The more the earth is divided, the more it is broken.

Fortunately, this is only a vision, and it does not delay the professional to go deeper. Led by Dragon Drink.

The two of them continued to teleport and cross one starry curtain after another. Although this starry curtain does not delay the professional to pass through them.


If you really go through these starry curtains. The iron will definitely be seen by the star god.

At this time, Dragon Drink used the characteristics of [Teleportation Star Bead], as well as its own flickering ability. Keep crossing these barriers.

It can effectively avoid the detection of the gods. More than half an hour later.

Long Yu then took Li Mo to a stop near the Sky Screen Barrier.

“It’s amazing!”

Li Mo looked around. Huge core area.

A canopy like an inverted bowl.

Several surrounding peaks were buckled in it.

This height is probably 10,000 meters large, more than ten kilometers, higher than Mount Everest. And the thickness of this canopy barrier, four or five meters.

Moreover, Li Mo could feel that the thickness of this sky barrier was much more condensed than the half-meter-thick barrier he had encountered before.

If you want to cross it, it will take more time.

“Senior, there is a light curtain upside down on the surface of this earth, what about the ground?”

Li Mo asked curiously.

“The same is, the whole is a spherical barrier.”

Long Jiu looked at the light curtain in front of him and responded.

“Long ago, when the level of that god was relatively low.”

“Those earth system mages have already surveyed the underground all over again.”

“And this barrier, people have groped it around every corner.”

“If there really is a gap, it will be discovered long ago.”

“Besides, you can just break in and ask what is this for?”

“I’m not afraid that after I go in, the gods will also go in, and at that time, won’t I be applied for a steady turtle in it?”

Li Mo joked.

“If you can go in, the star god has already entered, you don’t have to worry about this at all.”

“I have left teleportation coordinates on you.”

“And you also have props in your hand for me to teleport coordinates.”

“Now you can go in.”

“After you go in, I’ll try to see if I can teleport in, but there is a high probability that I can’t get in.”


After nodding, Li Mo directly released the [Invincible Overlord Body]

[Invincible Charge] entered the state of Imperial Soul by the way. As Li Mo and the barrier touched.

This barrier is obviously much more difficult to penetrate than the previous barrier. But it also couldn’t stop Li Mo.

Moreover, with the characteristics of invincible charge blessing, Li Mo only needs to aim in the direction. You can get a steady stream of charging momentum.

And don’t worry about being wrapped in amber like a fly. In about five minutes, Li Mo barely went deeper than a meter. Fortunately, it can still be steadily advanced, and there is not much problem.

About twenty-five minutes.

Li Mo’s head finally probed into the barrier of the core barrier. The head comes in, and then it’s fast.

In less than two minutes, Li Mo’s whole person officially entered the Sky Barrier in the core area of the Shattered Star Sea. With Li Mo entering.

The dragon’s heart moved.

“Sure enough, you can enter.”

Suddenly, Dragon Drink tried to teleport over.

A moment later, Long Yu shook his head at Li Mo.

“No, you can’t get in.”

Long Yu shook his head at Li Mo. Although it can’t be teleported in, the sound can be transmitted directly.

“Can’t you really come in?”

Li Mo didn’t have much surprise.

If you can easily come in, I am afraid that this has long been emptied.

“Li Mo, then you can practice well inside and hide.”

“And I’ll be outside, laying out.”

“Remember… Don’t touch what’s inside. ”

Long Drink Thousand Dingwan instructed.

“Understood! Predecessor. ”

Anyway, the treasures in this are all Li Mo’s. Li Mo has patience and waits here.

“It’s good to hide inside, so I’ll find a hidden corner and start refining that treasure.”

“I’ll send you a message when the time comes.”


Li Moshen nodded.

Immediately, the dragon drink disappeared with a flicker.

Li Mo turned around and looked at the inner area of the core of this Shattered Star Sea.


“Let’s take a look at what the treasures are inside!”

“I have already felt the breath of several treasures.”

Subsequently, Li Mo also disappeared deep in the dense forest of the mountain range.

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