Soon, over the hills.

Li Mo saw the Black Mountain copy area.

The entrance is a huge black hole-like vortex.

And about two or three hundred meters in the replica area, it is the guild stronghold of the Blue Crystal Guild.

This guild stronghold, the size of a small town.

That’s enough to accommodate thousands of people.

At this time, there were many people on the city wall.

It is estimated that those scouts have returned and brought Li Mo’s situation just now.

Knowing Li Mo’s characteristics, how?

Can you prevent it?

“Brothers, rush with me!”

Li Mo roared and rushed straight up.

Although Li Mo does not have a brother now, he does not delay Li Mo to shout slogans, and the momentum must keep up.

The boss of Blood Sand City, isn’t it just a one-man siege of the city?

Li Mo’s speed was unhurried.

As long as I drive invincible, although millions of people will go to me.


Blue Crystal Guild stronghold, city wall.

The vice president of the Blue Crystal Guild, “Enoch”, looked at the human who rushed over slowly.

Brows furrowed slightly.

The scout has passed the message back.

Humans shot at them.

In other words, the war between their Blue Crystal Guild and the human world is coming.

And that’s exactly what they want.

Divide the resources of the human territory.

This is the consensus of these eight powerful races.

As long as the “Dark Light Clan” conquers the level 800 quest.

Humans will become the predators of their swords.

It’s just that!

Now that this war has started, there seems to be a little change.

That is, the main forces of the three major guilds of the Holy Radiance City-State did not come.

Instead, a low-level human knight was sent and slowly rushed towards their guild camp stronghold.

This human knight, a little weird.

It seems to have extremely high damage reduction, as well as rebound damage.

At the same time, it also has a strong ability to mock.

But they also coped with the program.

“Be careful later, everyone is trying to attack that knight with low-level sustained damage.”

“Don’t use big moves to burst high damage, and, after attacking once or twice, don’t attack, that guy’s rebound damage is high.”

The captains of each squad quickly gave similar orders.

But there are always some people who obviously don’t care that much.

A low-level human knight, need to care so much?


Accompanied by Li Mo’s rushing sound alone.

Everyone on the camp wall of the Blue Crystal Guild laughed.

“This guy came alone, he is also a knight, he is bare-legged, and he is too unhuman.”

“Don’t say it, I like horseless knights.”


When Li Mo entered some ranged attacks.

Several archers and mages unleashed long-range attacks directly at Li Mo

Ring the bell….

The intensive attack hit Li Mo.







A series of injuries floated over Li Mo’s head.

And these attackers.

On their heads.

But it floated out without harm at all.

Li Mo directly absorbs the rebound damage and contains the rebound damage.

“Doesn’t it mean that there is rebound damage?”

“It can’t be a release state, right?”

“Groove, didn’t you notice that knight’s damage reduction and defense? My attack of 50,000 hit -1. ”

“This guy is so resistant.”

“Hurry up and get out, kill that guy.”

Seeing that there was no rebound damage from those scouting intelligence just now, these remote output units gradually relaxed their minds.

Started to step up the output.

Li Mo, who was supporting the shield forward, obviously felt more and more attacks, and bombarded himself from the front.

The surrounding ground was shaken by the explosion.

Rebound at the beginning, those guys are guarded and will certainly not output at full strength.

Wait until they think they have no rebound damage, when the time comes, they will directly let go of the rebound damage, and dozens of people will be killed in a wave, Meizhi ….

Sure enough, as Li Mo gradually approached.

More and more attacks are coming densely.


Li Mo instantly released the rebound damage feature.

The dense attack smashed on Li Mo at the same time.

– 1.5 million.


-1.05 million.





A series of densely packed high-level damage floated out from the heads of those enemies who attacked Li Mo.

For a time, more than thirty remote output units did not have time to stop.

Directly a wave was shot alive.

And those remote output units that perceive danger and quickly close their hands.

But all of them were scared half to death by the terrifying high rebound damage.

Suddenly, the wall of the real Blue Crystal Guild camp completely exploded.

“Groove! That human knight really had rebound damage. ”

“This rebound damage is too high!”

“Damn a wave hit me close to two million lives, why is this guy so scary?”

“Is this still an attack?”

“Attack a hammer, touch it and die.”

The many Blue Crystal Guild members on the city wall were crazy about drugs.

“Melee past!”

At this time, on the city wall, the calm-faced guild leader “Enoch” said in a deep voice.

Immediately, more than twenty melee warriors, knight meat shields.

Jumped off the city wall and rushed towards Li Mo.

A knight at the head, with a level of more than 600 levels.

He rode a triceratops.

The triceratops was a collision against Li Mo.

Li Mo is even a shield.

Under this violent impact, he was also knocked alive for more than ten meters, and then he was thrown to the ground and rolled five or six meters.

But that knight was also bounced back – 240,000 HP.

Knight class, low attack, low rebound damage.

“Although this guy has high damage reduction and high defense, he also eats control.”

“Take turns controlling him!”

The triangular dragon knight at the head roared.

“Want to control me? You’d better fight your guild members! ”

Li Mo released the past with a taunt.

At the same time, he shifted his taunt to a heavy knight behind him.

The knight at the head, with a roar, turned around and rushed towards the many warriors and knights behind.

“Be careful, this guy taunts skills, very tough.”

Even if you have a size, it is still useless.

Knowing it doesn’t mean you can prevent it.

Li Mo held his shield, gradually released taunts in the melee of these kills, and then let them fight each other.

Less than a dozen seconds.

These more than twenty knights and warriors of the five hundred level were completely blood-red eyes, fighting each other madly, and they were in chaos.

“Although my shield is an invincible defense, I will still eat control and eat repulsion.”

“Even, if the enemy deliberately designs to trap, it is still possible to surround me.”

“When my reputation is not obvious, the enemy will naturally not use this method against me.”

“But as my fame grew.”

“Everyone knows that I have amazing defenses and can resist.”

“I’m going to be careful.”

“Once I gain the skills for Dominance and Resurrection, I’ll need to improve my mobility and functionality.”

“Damage doesn’t have to be there, but functionality has to be comprehensive.”

“Escape, chase, break free, perceive, etc., are indispensable.”

These thoughts flashed through my mind.

Li Mo still held up his shield and advanced towards the city wall.

At this time, everyone on the city wall looked at their own people fighting each other desperately.

The officials of the Blue Crystal Guild on the city wall, as well as many core professionals, were all dumbfounded.

You must know that those knights and warriors of more than five hundred levels are the main force of the guild’s melee core.

But at this time, in front of that human knight, he was completely disturbed by the taunting skill.

This taunting skill is also too against the sky!

Even Enoch, the leader of the Blue Crystal Guild, faced this kind of characteristic that he couldn’t understand at all.

I was also a little flustered.

“This guy… How he did it. ”

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