North side of the city-state of Shenghui.

Montenegro copy area!

Similar to humans, a member of the Blue Crystal Guild with blue scales.

At this time, there were many people who were guarding the outside of the human teleportation array stronghold, confronting the humans.

Obviously, these Blue Crystal Guild members are determined not to let humans go to the Black Mountain copy again.

Within the teleportation array, a burst of white light shone.

Li Mo and more than twenty others were the first to teleport over.

On this matter, the four-star, four-level starry sky assassin “Qiao Yi” next to Li Mo looked outside and whispered.

“Li Mo, be careful.”

“The people in the Blue Crystal Guild are very strong.”

“After all, it is a race that can go out of the local world, and it still has some skills and means.”

“Among the eight races that regard our humans as a leveling area, this blue scale race can be regarded as powerful.”

“Otherwise they wouldn’t be so jumpy.”

“The Blue Scale Clan who came to our human world to level up is at least three turns up.”

“Blue Crystal Guild, the main battle members, most of them are masters of four turns and five turns.”

“Their level is really not low.” Li Mo responded gently.

“The ranks of the alien races are indeed on the high side.” Qiao Yi also secretly sighed.

In the White God Guild, the vice president is only more than six hundred levels.

Presidents of three chapters, more than five hundred levels.

It and many members are generally only two turns and three turns.

There are not many four turns.

The Lanjing Guild, on the other hand, is generally four turns and five turns.

On average, the level is at least about 200 levels higher than the White God Guild.

No wonder, too, that Chairman Kwok is reluctant to conflict.

Under the large level gap between the two sides, the gap in equipment and skills is even greater.

If there is really a conflict, or the White God Guild will suffer.

Within the teleportation array stronghold, Li Mo examined the members of the Blue Crystal Guild.

Then gave Qiao Yi a look.

Qiao Yi followed Li Mo to the corner.

Li Mo directly supported the shield.

“Hit me.”

Li Mo whispered.

“Is your plan really working?” Joey asked.

This Qiao Yi is a four-star assassin, who is also a core member of the guild and will also be one of Li Mo’s important teammates in the future.

Li Mo had already informed Qiao Yi of his plans before.

“No problem at all!”

Li Mo nodded.

“Then you can relax, don’t just shoot me to death.”

“Don’t worry, I’m absorbing the damage!”


Immediately, Qiao Yi took the dagger and began to poke Li Mo.

With Joe Easy to attack.




Three or four hundred injuries floated out one after another.

“Lying groove, why is your damage reduction and defense so high?”

Looking at the damage he hit, Qiao Yi was a little confused.

You must know that he is an assassin of more than four hundred levels.

The attack is close to 100,000.

Even if he contained the critical attack, the damage was too low!

You must know that Li Mo is only 199 level.

“Now you know why the guild wants to cultivate me as the core main T!”

Li Mo said with a smile.


Joe Yi gave a thumbs up.

The amount of damage that Li Mo absorbed, all the way to reserve.

Soon it exceeded 10 million.

When it was close to 20 million, Li Mo felt that he was injured to the extreme.


As Li Mo spoke, Qiao Yi directly stopped, for fear that Li Mo’s rebound would kill him.

“Li Mo, who has a high rebound damage, is indeed like a hedgehog, which is difficult to start.”

“Fortunately, he and Li Mo are teammates and not enemies.”

Qiao Yi thought secretly.

The damage reserve is complete.

Li Mo looked directly at the members of the Blue Crystal Guild who were facing off with the White God Guild outside.

Directly scolded angrily: “The blue scale clan of CNM.” ”

Facing an assassin not far away is an [Invincible Taunt].

Invincible taunts can be applied through words, actions, and both.

There is no trace at all.

But the next moment.

The assassin who was taunted by Li Mo instantly turned red in his eyes.

It was as if he and Li Mo had a feud with the heavens.

One of his phases shuttled directly to Li Mo’s side, and facing Li Mo was “sacrificing his life”.

The skills at the bottom of the box were all released instantly.

And Li Mo also stored close to 20 million damage and entered a passive release state.

As soon as the other party touches himself, it will trigger more than 20 million rebound damage.

-28 million terrifying high damage, floating over the assassin’s head.

The assassin simply didn’t have time to react.

A knife, directly shot to death.

And the members of the White God Guild, seeing the members of the Blue Crystal Guild attacking, immediately became angry.

Even took out weapons on the spot.

And the members of the Blue Crystal Guild were all a little confused.

There is a lot of scolding between the two sides.

However, this sudden attack is still not available.

At this time, the members of the Blue Crystal Guild took the lead in attacking, but they died.

It made it obvious to them that something was wrong.

“I remember that kid, called Li Mo, he had rebound damage.”

At this time, a member of the Blue Crystal Guild immediately shouted.

Some time ago, Li Mo’s news that more than four hundred level assassins had been killed was also transmitted to the Blue Scale Clan.

“They must have been cheating.”

“You fart, it’s clear that your Blue Crystal Guild members want to assassinate the genius profession of our White God Guild.”

“Just now I saw those two sneaking things together tomorrow.”

“Fuck your sister, obviously you attacked us first.”

The two sides are once again engaged in a war of words.

What Li Mo wants is chaos.

In the quarrel between the two sides.

Li Mo taunted an invincible at a warrior, and at the same time directly grafted the hatred value to the mage next to him.


A roar like the roar of a brute bull exploded instantly.

For a while, both sides were a little confused.

What’s the situation?

And then in full view.

The heavy swordsman, the one up, the mage beside him, took off in place.

The heavy swordsman jumped and slashed at the mage and went crazy.

Everyone who watched this scene was stunned.

Direct infighting.

It’s also too exciting.

“Stop fighting, don’t fight.”

The members of the Blue Crystal Guild hurriedly rushed up to pull the frame.

Li Mo secretly continued the operation.

Once again, he taunted an assassin and then aimed it at a priest.

Immediately afterwards, he taunted a fire mage, and the target was the people of the Blue Crystal Guild.

The scene, which was originally somewhat chaotic, was instantly out of control.

With Li Mo’s one after another, invincible taunts and hatred shifted.

The members of the Blue Crystal Guild were completely beating each other at this time.

Soon quite a few members died.

And Li Mo was also surprised by the effect of this invincible mockery and hatred transfer.

“I was just a small experiment, I didn’t expect this invincible taunt to be so violent!”

Immediately, Li Mo quickly summarized the high-intensity characteristics of Invincible Mockery.

“First of all, this invincible taunt effect is quite raw, and it directly makes people lose their minds, fall into madness, and cannot maintain rationality.”

“Secondly, the guy who is taunted can unleash skills, and not ordinary attacks like ordinary taunts.”

“Since then, it has been like a sudden outbreak of infighting.”

Watching the members of the Blue Crystal Guild who were caught in infighting over there, they continued to die.

Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly.

“This invincible taunt, it is indeed a divine skill.”

Immediately afterwards, Li Mo faced the members of the Blue Crystal Guild, constantly releasing and then transferring hatred.

The other party looks like a lot of infighting.

This made the White God Guild side, one by one, happy in their hearts, desperately arching the fire.

“Fight, yes! Just fight like that. ”

“It’s best if blood flows like a river.”

“Groove, are they crazy?”

“Whether he’s crazy or not, it’s really exciting.”

Right now.

Within the teleportation array of the White God Guild, white light surged out.

Vice President Guo Mirage, and the three branch presidents teleported down.

When they saw the members of the Blue Crystal Guild, they beat each other, and there were even many corpses lying on the ground.

They were also a little confused.

“What’s going on?”

In an instant, Guo Mirage thought of what Li Mo had said before.

“My taunt, very powerful!”

“Could it be…”

Guo Mirage immediately looked at Li Mo.

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