“Withstand attacks, health +1.”

“Withstand attacks, health +1.”

“Kill unit, +100 health.”


Li Mo, who was carrying the damage, was racing all the way.

In just this meeting, Li Mo’s health has broken through to 500,000.

Even, Li Mo was leisurely thinking about the development of his [Invincible Defense] ability.

“Currently, my damage rebound is real damage calculated based on enemy attacks.”

“As the skill is upgraded, the real damage rebound will become 200%, 300%.”

“These are all calculations of the enemy’s attributes, not my own.”

“If you encounter those low-attack, blood-thick creatures.”

“That’s disgusting, and the killing efficiency will be very slow.”

“Therefore, the damage of the rebound is the focus of core development.”

“Can be included in rebound damage, with my percentage defense, and even with my percentage health.”

“In this way, even creatures with average attack power can rebound high damage.”

“In this way, when you brush the copy, it is much more efficient.”

“At the same time, the professional beaten meat shield knight class has the property of absorbing damage damage reserves.”

“And the higher the health, the higher the damage in the reserve.”

“I completely stocked up on the damage of the beating rebound to form a damage pool.”

“Aiming at the enemy, going up is a release of rebound damage.”

“Hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions of rebound damage.”

“People who can play directly are numb!”


Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly.

“Once developed, the ability to rebound damage reserves.”

“Just start someone else’s attack, I can absorb all the rebound damage and reserve.”

“The enemy is completely imperceptible to the damage of the rebound and will always attack me.”

“Wait until the damage reserve is sufficient, release it directly, and kill in one hit!”

“Additional collateral rebound damage.”

“Rebound Damage Reserve.”

“These two capabilities must be developed.”

“Even … In order to let the enemy hit me, see me lose blood. ”

“I need to build a second health bar to cover up my core health bar.”

In the era of job change and upgrading of the whole people, various abilities can be developed.

The premise is that there are enough resources to develop your capabilities.

Fortunately, this time I joined the White God Guild.

Li Mo has 300 million development funds.

Enough to develop a few of your core skills strong enough.

Rebound damage, are real injuries rebound.

And it can pull a group of monsters and bounce back at the same time.

Li Mo’s cleaning efficiency is still very good.

About half an hour or so.

Li Mocai cleared the copy of the queen bee’s nest.

It’s a pity that the drop probability of the quest boss is touching.

None of the three bosses dropped anything good.

The best one is just a silver dagger, and the attributes are not very good.

With this wave of copies brushed out.

Li Mo’s health points are from 350,000 before entering the book.

It soared directly to 5.9 million.

Health increased by 5.55 million.

This health point is already comparable to some four or five hundred level human shield classes.

And this is just Li Mo’s wave of health points.

“Go on!”

Li Mo had no intention of coming out at all, on the settlement page.

Just re-enter.

This second round of copies, just brushed about halfway.

“Ding! Invincible defense level increased, current level LV2. ”

Listening to the prompt, Li Mo was slightly startled.

“Isn’t the level improvement of core skills very slow?”

“At the beginning, it will take half a month or even a month to upgrade to the second level.”

“In the future, the time to upgrade will even be measured in years.”

“How did mine improve so fast?”

After a little thought, Li Mo understood.

“It should be the reason for the invincible meat shield system, which has caused my talent and skills to upgrade relatively quickly.”

“The skill characteristics are strong, and the upgrade speed is fierce.”

“This is the invincible existence!”

Li Mo smiled.

Invincible Defense: LV2 level.

Enter a defensive stance, immune to all damage, decay speed to 20%, and bounce 200% of damage to enemies.

“The damage is directly doubled!”

“200% real injury rebound, whether it is brushing or anti-boss.”

“It’s even stronger.”

“My innate ability, invincible chaos physique, can also be upgraded.”

“Once you level up, the efficiency of growing up is even more amazing.”

Li Mo’s guess that the invincible system can make his skills and talents upgrade faster, which is obviously correct.

When Li Mo’s second round of copies brushed to the final boss.

Just bounced off to kill a wave of little devil bees.

“Ding, invincible Chaos Physique upgrade, current level LV2.”

Li Mo, who was holding the shield, was carrying the damage while checking the LV2-level chaotic physique.


Invincible Chaos Physique: LV2 level.

Increases the maximum health by 200 for each unit killed, and increases by 2 for each attack.

Compared to the first-level invincible chaos physique, the second-level effect is doubled.

“After the talent is upgraded, after a round of copies, you can brush more than 10 million health points.”

“Moreover, my talents and skills will continue to upgrade. The efficiency of the brush and the efficiency of the health increase will become higher and higher. ”

“Keep brushing!”

Looking at his soaring health all the way, Li Mo brushed harder and harder.

Damage increases as the invincible defense bounces.

Li Mo’s brushing efficiency also began to improve significantly.

10 million health points.

20 million health points.

50 million health points.


When the brush reaches the tenth round.

Li Mo’s health value officially exceeded the 100 million mark.

100 million health points.

This is a standard that many level 100, extremely frank lord bosses, and even world bosses cannot reach.

And this is just a milestone in Li Mo’s health points.


The sky in the replica world is getting a little dark.

The replica and the outside time are synchronized.

With this round of brushing.

Li Mo stopped on the checkout page.

[Invincible Chaos Knight] (6 star).

Level: 0 rpm, 99 levels.

Life: 182 million / 182 million

Energy: 5330/5330

Attack: 2756

Defense: 4961

Power: 2297

Physique: 4136

Agile: 1147

Spirit: 3447



Invincible Chaos Physique: LV4.


[Core vocational skills].

Invincible Defense: LV5 level.


Now Li Mo has a full 182 million health points.

Moreover, the invincible chaotic life physique has been upgraded to level 4.

A wave of quests, that’s more than 20 million health points.

And the core class skill level 5 [Invincible Defense] is also becoming more and more ferocious.

Li Mo, who is defensive, has 50% speed and 500% damage rebound.

“Whew… Suck it…”

A thick breath.

Li Mo examined his attributes, and his face was full of smiles.

“180 million health points, even if you don’t open the shield, it is enough for the enemy to output for a long time.”

“When you arrive at the guild tomorrow and develop your core skills, you can officially break through and be promoted.”

After a turn, it can be regarded as the real beginning of this era of national job change and promotion.

Li Mo then clicked the button to leave the copy.

At this time, it was getting late.

There is not much around the replica area.

Just when Li Mo just came out and was pondering where to eat later.

A dexterous black shadow descended.

At the same time, a blood-colored blade quietly tore through the air.

Towards Li Mo’s head, he slammed down.

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