Soon, that succubus was injured and died by Li Mo alive.

Followed by.

69 levels.

70 off.


75 levels.


80 off.

Every level, Li Mo is like this.

Hold the shield, carry the damage, and watch the other person perform.

Then the other party was injured alive and died.

Indescribably shocking impact pictures.

Let the crowd of onlookers be difficult to calm down for a long time.

Even if you are a meat shield.

You’re too meaty!

This is if combined with some knightly talents.

It can directly give the enemy a seven-in-seven-out.

The enemy is afraid that he will not directly break the defense on the spot.

With Li Mo’s performance in each level.

The three members of the guild clearly recognized Li Mo’s great value.

First of all, Li Mo is not a simple meat shield.

There are counter-injuries.


Li Mo’s meat is outrageous.

These two points go together.

Once cultivated.

There are too many things that Li Mo can do.

Secret land reclamation.

Li Mo’s kind of meat shield that is not afraid of death can take the lead.

World Boss.

Others can’t bear it, Li Mo’s super meat shield is enough to bear.

Exotic battlefields.

Li Mo’s kind of human shield can completely penetrate behind enemy lines.

Even some “Chaos City” where many races compete.

With a meat shield like Li Mo on their shoulders, they can also have greater hope to compete.

The three of them, who recognized Li Mo’s great value, looked at each other.

Although they didn’t say anything.

But at this time, it seems that there is a spiritual rhinoceros in the heart.

The three major guilds are the top guilds of the Holy Radiance City-State.

But look at the human world.

Their guild is not even a second-tier guild.

It can only be rated as a third-line guild.

Of their three guilds, none of them could compete for those top federations and guilds.

But if the three join forces.

Take out all the family base to cultivate Li Mo.

There is still hope for a fight.

As a federal convention, you don’t see you when you look down.

And many times, the three guilds cooperate with each other to cover when defending the city.

They also know each other very well, trust each other, and often act together.

It is not impossible to join forces to cultivate geniuses.

After all, if the three do not join forces.

This Li Mo Tie will definitely be poached by other Federation Grand Guilds.

Immediately, the three guilds began to discuss privately.


96 levels.

97 off.

98 off.

99 levels.

Li Mo went one level after another, constantly climbing the tower.

If it’s a man, go up to the 999th floor.

Although there is no 999 floor, this 99 floor is high enough.

When Li Mo cleared the 98th level.

The level was raised to level 99.

And when the 99th level is opened.

Li Mo’s level is directly 99, and the experience is 99%.

The limit of 0 revolutions is 99 levels.

Want to move up to level 100.

That’s where promotion materials are needed.

Li Mo itself is a six-turn profession, and the upper limit of the level is 6 turns 699.

The Lord needs to take a “One Zhuan Dan Promotion Pill”. You can officially break through.

And the subsequent level increases, 199 level, 299 level and so on.

They only need to take the promotion pill of two turns and three turns.

And these promotion pills with a few turns are not expensive.

So, before reaching level 699.

Li Mo’s level will be improved very smoothly.

And this is also a huge advantage of the high-star rank class.

“Perfect clearance.”

With the opening of 99 levels.

Li Mo stretched out.

“With invincible defense, this upgrade is really cool!”

“Invincible for a while, cool for a while, invincible all the time, always cool!”

[Invincible Chaos Knight] (6 star).

Level: 0 rpm, 99 levels.

Life: 350,000/350,000

Energy: 5330/5330

Attack: 2756

Defense: 4961

Power: 2297

Physique: 4136

Agile: 1147

Spirit: 3447


“Three hundred and fifty thousand health points.”

“The average six-star other profession, at level 99, is only 50,000 to 100,000 health points.”

“Although the health points are more, it is obviously not enough meat, and I need to borrow my invincible chaos physique to increase the health value to hundreds of millions of levels, so that it can barely be called a [meat shield].”

“As a meat shield, you need a little bit of meat.”

“At the same time, as a six-star meat shield, my attack power is not weak.”

“But compared with those output-type professional 99-level attacks that break 10,000, it’s still a bit far behind.”

“High blood defense, low-level attack, this is the characteristic of the meat shield.”

“Fortunately, I’m not completely without output.”

“Whether it’s the [taunt] skill acquired in the future, or the ability to expand the core defensive stance.”

“It allows me to have a strong output ability.”

With this in mind, Li Mo called the Magic Tower Elf.

“Leave the Trial Tower!”

Accompanied by white light.

Li Mo appeared at the exit of the Trial Tower.

As soon as he came out, Li Mo was stunned.

At this time.

Principal “Qian Fengyun” and the other three powerhouses wearing the costumes of the three major guilds of the Holy Hui City-State, as well as the teaching director.

The weakest of these people are all three hundred levels up.

Such a luxurious lineup examined Li Mo.

It made Li Mo a little nervous.

Six-star career.

Directly break through to the 99th floor.

It’s hard not to get noticed.

“Li Mo, come with me!”

Qian Fengyun smiled kindly at Li Mo and said.


Inside the principal’s office.

In addition to Li Mo, the recruitment leaders of the three major guilds are also there.

“Li Mo, what’s going on with your defensive injury reduction and counter-injury?”

Principal Qian Fengyun asked slowly.

“Of course, if it’s not convenient to say, it doesn’t need to be said.”

Li Mo thought for a moment and spoke.

“When I woke up, I felt that the six-star Chaos Knight seemed to be very special.”

“There was an inexplicable attraction to me.”

“So I chose this six-star Chaos Knight.”

“Then I got a lot of damage reduction in a defensive stance and a tackle-back character.”

Li Mo only said characteristics, not specific values.

Several people listened and did not ask too much.

On the contrary, Li Mo said so, making them more and more sure that Li Mo’s Chaos Knight was a relatively special Chaos Knight.

Otherwise, there would be no such rare attributes as damage reduction and counterdamage.

“Li Mo, your Chaos Knight, is very powerful.”

“Once the news gets out, there will soon be a federal-level Grand Guild coming to recruit.”

“However, people are not as good outside as inside the city-state.”

“In the city-state, with your six-star talent, whether it is the academy, or the three major guilds, or the city lord’s side.”

“They will come up with a lot of resources and cultivate you as the core. At the same time, it will also ensure your safety and give you a lot of freedom. ”

“If it’s outside, it’s a lot of constraints, and it’s going to be hard.”

“The guild of our own city-state is still good.”

“I wonder what you think?”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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