Trial Tower!

It is a purpose-built upgrade place for the Academy.

The experiential energy inside is extremely abundant.

At the same time, the creatures in this are also bred by experiential energy.

Properties are weak.

All of them can be called “experience babies”.

As Li Mo entered the first floor of the Trial Tower.

Two fist-sized trial tower “elves” appeared in front of Li Mo.

“Hello, Dear Trialists.”

“The Trial Tower has a total of 99 floors.”

“After killing all the monsters on each level, you can level up one level.”

“When your health is endangered, I will automatically teleport you out of the Trial Tower.”

“If you want to voluntarily leave the Trial Tower, step back one floor and you will automatically leave the Trial Tower.”

“Have a happy trial!”

After saying the trial tower elf, before disappearing, he also made a playful wink at Li Mo.

“One level up, and it will automatically teleport when you encounter danger.”

“It’s a babysitter-style upgrade.”

“However, before level 100, upgrading itself is easier.”

“After level 100, it will be difficult to level up.”

Li Mo looked around.

As a result, after looking around, Li Mo was stunned that he did not find this first-layer monster.

Just when Li Mo was puzzled.

Li Mo’s heart moved, and he looked at the three “stake people” on the side.

Li Mo suddenly cried and laughed.

“It’s just stuffing experience into your mouth!”

“I want to test my invincible defense, and I can’t do it.”

“It seems that it can only go down to the next level.”

【Stake Man】

Level: Level 1.

Life: 12

Defense: 1

This attribute is simply weak and pitiful.

12 health points, Li Mo directly punched a little friend.

“Ding! Kill enemies, health cap +100. ”


300 health caps in hand.

With the three stake men killed, Li Mo’s level was raised to level 2.

And the invincible chaotic physique also gave Li Mo’s life an extra 300.

Kill enemies and increase your health limit.

Invincible chaotic physique, perfect effect.

Come to the second floor of the Trial Tower.

The monsters on this layer are no longer stake people.

It was two goblins with wooden sticks.

After seeing Li Mo.

The two goblins were stunned for five or six seconds.

Only then did he slowly twist the wooden stick and walked over.

“Just this reaction, just this speed, put it in the wild, I am afraid that I will starve to death in minutes.”


Level: 2

Attack: 3

Health: 18

Defense: 1

The attributes are still weak and pitiful.

Li Mo directly supported the shield and entered a defensive posture.

Began a specific test of the effect of his own invincible defense.


The wooden stick smashed limply against the shield.

-3 damage floats from the goblin’s head.

Although it is only a simple numerical value.

But Li Mo saw many doorways.

“My second-level defense is 27.”

“And at this time it’s -3 rebound damage.”

“In other words, the rebound damage of this attack does not count my own defense.”

“And not counting the goblin’s own defenses at the same time.”

“As much damage as the opponent hits, he will rebound as much damage!”

“This is…”

Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly.

“Don’t count the defenses of both enemies and ours – real injury rebound!”

“It’s really a skill produced by the system.”

“100% real injury rebound, awesome!”

When the goblins attack again.

Li Mo removed his shield and let the goblin’s stick smash into himself.

Li Mo remained unharmed.

And the goblins are once again a -3.

“As long as I hold up my shield and get into a defensive stance.”

“Whether it’s hitting the shield or attacking my body.”

“I’m all immune to injury, and at the same time really hurt rebound.”

“In the state of supporting the shield, I am a truly invincible existence.”

“At the same time…”

Li Mo tried to move around.

I found that my legs seemed to be poured with lead, and I could only move a small step.

“If you support the defensive state of the shield, the speed is slow.”

“Coupled with a sharp drop in speed of 10%, I hardly have the ability to move.”

“Fortunately, the invincible defense can be upgraded, and as I level up, my movement speed will slowly return to normal.”

“With the Goblin’s attack, my health increases a little every time.”

“Get stronger when you get beaten! This is not an empty phrase. ”

As you go through the levels.

Li Mo’s rank is also increasing.

And Li Mo is constantly testing his core professional skill [Invincible Defense].

And the results obtained also made Li Mo very satisfied.

For example, ranged attacks can also rebound 100% damage.

When Li Mo receives sustained damage, once he enters a defensive stance, he immediately immunizes the damage and clears the persistent damage.

It can be said that this defensive posture, once turned on, is 360 degrees of all-round invincibility without dead angles.

More importantly.

When Li Mo, who was in a defensive posture, was beaten, there was no injury at the same time, nor did he feel the slightest pain.

No matter how fierce the attack, falling on the body, it is like a fresh breeze, and there is even a bit of comfort.

And the growth effect of the invincible chaotic physique is also very gratifying.

But there are not many monsters in the Trial Tower.

Outside, there are a lot of monsters.

Pull up a group of ranged attack units.

Carrying the damage, Li Mo’s health will soar all the way.

After more than a dozen layers, Li Mo still groped the characteristics of invincible defense clearly.

Immediately, Li Mo began to support the shield and began the formal breakthrough.

Trial Tower.

Every ten floors, the difficulty increases a bit.

The attributes of those monsters will not only return to normal, but also gradually improve their combat ability.

After all.

If the academy builds a trial tower, it is impossible for everyone to break into the 99th floor.

After twenty layers, trainees with a slight combat foundation can still pass through several layers.

However, most of the students will stop at the 20th floor.

The combat ability of the cadets has not been formed, and it is still difficult to fight creatures with these combat capabilities.

After reaching the thirty layer, there is not enough combat talent, the professional star level is not high enough, and it is basically over.

As for the forty floors above.

That requires a three-star or higher class, as well as a strong combat talent.

Those who can kill above the forty layers are outstanding existences.

But for Li Mo.

Hold up the shield and you’re done.

I watch you perform, watch you show, and then watch you die.

These live condensed high-level creatures, combat capabilities, and fighter jets coincidence.

But this wisdom, that’s nothing.

Holding Li Mo is a crazy output.

Li Mo was very happy to carry their output, constantly increasing his health points, and then increasing his level.

Level 40.

Level 45.

Level 50.


Inside the trial tower built by the school.

Li Mo frantically talked about the school’s experience and raised his grade.

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