All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 99 Epic Narcissus Tree! Narcissus Wine! 500 Years Of Life!

Inside the Longmen Inn.

Private room on the second floor.

Lu Yun called over dozens of people, including Bai Gui, Dong Guo, Wang Lao Bo, Xiu Niang, etc.

Haven't seen each other for a while.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to ask about their management.

Du Qiuniang asked the chef to arrange several tables of running water banquets, and went to boil several pots of fine wine herself.

Dozens of people sat at three separate tables.

The top dish on the table is meat cooked by the top chef of Longmen Inn.

The waiter stretched out his hand to open the iron cover, and there seemed to be golden light blooming, and a faint white refreshing mist floated out.

The figures of dragons and phoenixes are looming in the clouds and mist, and the picture is full of shock.

Some time ago.

Longmen Inn has created several talented chefs who are proficient in cooking.

The Five Zang Temple gave comfort to the people of the territory.

Chefs with superb cooking skills, top-notch knives, and secret sauce preserve the freshness of the meat to the greatest extent.

In a blue and white porcelain plate.

There are optic meats spread out like petals, dotted with several Tianshan snow lotus medicinal dishes.

See this.

Lu Yun took a bite and tasted it briefly.

The beef grilled over high fire, after biting into it, the pink color is clearly visible inside.

The crystal clear raw meat exudes light like jade.

It is smooth and tender in the mouth and has a sweet taste.

[Qi and blood permanent +1]

[Essence permanent +3]

"This dish tastes good and can add some shallow energy and blood."

Lu Yun carefully felt the warmth in his abdomen.

The physical strength increased slightly, and the absorption speed of spiritual energy seemed to be much faster.

"It is of great benefit to both body-refining warriors and qi-refining monks."

"Taste them all."

Hear this.

The people and heroes sitting at three tables started to eat with their chopsticks as fast as the wind.

Wang Xiaopang endured a mouthful of laughter, but did not dare to move easily. In the past few days, Uncle Wang had taught him some etiquette.

He could only look at the delicacies eagerly, and he was already eager to eat them, and he kept secretly swallowing his saliva.

After getting Lu Yun's approval.

Wang Xiaopang couldn't wait to take a bite of the [See Meat] bloodline beef.

"It smells so familiar."

He looked at the meat and vegetables in front of him in surprise, and a familiar throbbing came from his blood.

Seems like a long time ago.

Wang Xiaopang has a gluttonous bloodline, and occasionally eats meat and makes tooth sacrifices.


The embroiderer ate the meat one bite at a time, praising it profusely.

"Everyone, try the second dish."

A mysterious look appeared on Lu Yun's face. Seeing this, the others couldn't wait to lift the iron cover on the table.

The excellent iron shield comes from the inheritance of the [craftsman] of Baijiang Gongfu, and is forged by combining Li Si's weapon refining methods.

It can preserve the freshness and taste of food to the greatest extent.

Everyone opened the iron cover.

Inside is a sauce-red crocodile cut into pieces, exuding an alluring fragrance and looking delicious and delicious.

The most surprising thing.

The crocodile on the dinner plate has a head that looks like a dragon.

"Pig Po Dragon."

"The ones you put into the animal farm just now are particularly easy to feed."

The waiter introduced it enthusiastically.

He looked at Lu Yun with awe.

The Lord Lord conjured up vivid pig dragons out of thin air, and each of them seemed to be extremely well-behaved in front of Lu Yun.

Wait until Lu Yun leaves.

The ferocity of the Pig Woman Dragon was revealed, and it roared and wanted to devour the young bull calf next to it.


Liu Changqing came to see Ling Zhi off, and he passed by and chopped off the most cheerful Zhu Po Long with a knife.

At the banquet, some people were afraid to use chopsticks.

Following the lord, I have been eating Dangkang and eating dragons these days.

They were almost numb.

"Taste it."

Under Lu Yun’s urging.

Ge Erdan no longer hesitated, stretched out his hand to bite the dragon head, put it to his mouth and chewed it down.

"Sir, it's delicious."

Take a bite of Geerdan and feel the full juice filling your taste buds.

[Qi and blood +1]

Lu Yun looked at the energy and blood value floating out of Ge Erdan's body and shook his head.

He spent 10,000 spirit stones with [Zhuanxu's Relics] to strengthen a B-level crocodile with the bloodline of [Zhu Po Dragon].

Especially good for fertility.

But the taste is probably not that good.

Anyway, it's cheaper.

Bai Gui and Gao Yun were knowledgeable. They took a few bites of Zhu Po Long and stopped using their chopsticks.

As for.

Ge Erdan wanted to swallow all the food on the table.

His Lintao giant bloodline was too eager for blood essence replenishment.

"And this pot of Narcissus wine."

Du Qiuniang showed off her graceful figure and handed over the newly brewed wine in a leisurely manner.

"Let's talk first."

"Don't be greedy. One cup will make you drunk, and two cups will keep you drunk for seven days."

Du Qiuniang personally served Lu Yun the table and bent down to fill the wine.

"It looks pretty good."

Lu Yun didn't squint, the warm narcissus wine in front of him exuded a fruity aroma.

[Shou Yuan + 1 day]

"Add longevity?"

Lu Yun's heart was slightly shaken.

He had a sudden idea of ​​using [Zhuan Xu's Legacy] to strengthen a narcissus tree.

The strengthening cost is as high as 1.5 billion spirit stones.

At that time, he was still surprised that nothing much had changed.

Now Lu Yun vaguely understands.

Why does the Narcissus tree consume so many spiritual stones?

"Just one whiff adds one day to your life span."

"Drink them all."

"How much will it increase?"

Lu Yun didn't hesitate at all and drank the narcissus wine in one gulp.

The palate is refreshing and tangy.

The wine flows on the tongue, bringing a pleasant touch.

Such a taste is endless, like notes dancing on the tip of the tongue.

Immediately afterwards.

A strong feeling of dizziness came over me.

Lu Yun's face turned slightly red, and his body was subconsciously running the Heavenly Dragon Emperor Sutra. The wine was flowing through his flesh and blood, constantly improving his body.

【Shouyuan+1 year】

"One year?"

Lu Yun silently counted the numbers in his heart, adding a total of one year to his life.


He is a monk at the Golden Core stage.

The increased life span of ordinary people and monks cannot be generalized.

Lu Yun looked at the other people at the banquet, and the numbers of increasing longevity kept popping up on his forehead.

"Waiter, drink this glass."

Lu Yun called over an ordinary person.

The dozens of people here are more or less cultivated.

The estimated value is not very accurate.

"As you command, my lord."

The waiter looked excited. He was a drunkard who never drank.

This is a glass of narcissus.

It is said that the price of spiritual stones is as high as hundreds of thousands. Now that there is such a good thing, there is no way the waiter will let it go.

Drinking glass after glass of narcissus.

next moment.


The waiter fainted with a flushed face, the smell of alcohol was coming from his forehead, and the number of life increase numbers kept popping up.

"Five hundred years."

"Ordinary people can increase their life span by up to 500 years if they continue to drink it."

Lu Yun took a deep breath to calm down the excitement in his heart.

"Qiuniang, how much Narcissus wine can be produced in a month?"

"Sir, the current production is 400 liters."

Du Qiuniang looked at Lu Yun with awe and respect.

The more she knew, the more she respected the Lord.

Last time.

Du Qiuniang inadvertently saw that Mr. Bai Gui was constantly dropping gold ingots from his body after absorbing [wealth energy], and a large number of shining gold coins appeared out of thin air.

His body exuded a heavy and solemn divine power.

It is exactly the same as the nine-day interview in Lushan Temple.

Since then.

Du Qiuniang vaguely understood in her heart how high-ranking Lu Yun was, even the God of Wealth had to treat him with respect.

"400 liters, converted to 40w milliliters, a cup is about 10 milliliters."

"A few drinks can increase the lifespan of a mortal by 500 years. The lifespan alone is comparable to that of our ancestors in the golden elixir stage."

Lu Yun's heart became lively.

Just this epic narcissus tree.

In addition to selling meat, the territory has another way to make a lot of money.

Although the effect on the monks is minimal.

But ordinary people drink it.

At the cost of being drunk for seven days, you can add five hundred years to your life when you wake up.

This is simply a sale with a price but no market.

The plane trading hall and the new lord trading platform are expected to grab the lead.

Who does not desire to increase his longevity?

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