All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 91 Dharma Sutra, Returned To The Collection, Mohist Giant

The rise and fall of the Wei state.

It brought glory to Legalism.

But it also brought a touch of sadness to the lower class people of that era.

With the help of the "Iron Law of Legalism", Wei's national power continued to grow.

Both the nobles and the common people need to abide by strict and cumbersome laws. While the Wei Kingdom is prosperous, another disaster of overthrow is quietly buried.

Wei Wuzu system.

There must be brave men under the heavy reward, and the king of Wei used his whole country to cultivate Wei soldiers.


This kind of reward cannot be continued forever.

They also distributed money, land, and officials to Wei soldiers.

It also provides tax exemptions, taxes, and corvee for the whole family.

Li Kui brought down a group of Shiqing nobles who had not changed from ancient times, and the newly born Wei Wuzu meritorious group gradually entangled the Wei State's emerging chariot.


Wei's national conditions require foreign war to divert internal conflicts.

Although the Wei state is strong, it can learn from its path of destruction.

The population of Wei State is about five million, and more than 500,000 people were dispatched to attack Zhongshan State, which is equivalent to one in every 10 people going to join the army to fight.

These ten people also include the elderly, the weak, women and children.

At this time, Wei's manpower was quite tight.


Even so, Wei State swallowed up the territory of Zhongshan State and added hundreds of thousands of people.

Under the constraints of the "Iron Law of Legalism".

The Zhongshan survivors were unable to make too big a splash.

"With a hundred thousand troops, I will definitely destroy the small country of Zhongshan."

King Wei was in shock and shouted fiercely.

"Your Majesty, no more war against Zhongshan Kingdom."

Wei Xiang Li Kui persuaded.

Behind him, Wu Qi and other generals did not follow suit.

The country-destroying attack has reached a critical moment.

The troops of the princes and countries were ready to move on the border of Wei.

at this time.

It is even more impossible to give up attacking Zhongshan State. Once Wei State shows its weakness, it will inevitably be swallowed up bit by bit by other big countries.

"The Golden Dragon of National Fortune tells me."

"The Nuo God is dead."

"Zhongshan Kingdom's last trump card is gone."

"Why don't I take this opportunity to destroy the small country of Zhongshan in one go?"

King Wei laughed loudly, feeling extremely happy in his heart.

What about the ancient gods who have survived to this day in ancient times?

A dead god will not be looked upon by him.

Li Kui's pupils, which contained stars, suddenly solidified, and then gradually enlarged.

God is dead?

He founded the Legalist sect, and his soul will never really disappear even if his soul is attached to the Changhe Gate of Legalism.

A god who has survived from ancient times to the present.

How could he die so easily?

But this kind of thing.

Li Kui couldn't make things clear to the king of Wei.

Loyalty to the king is true.

But the king's suspicion can also divide people's hearts.

"Urgent report!"

"Zhao and Han sent letters to the king and specially invited Li Kui and other Wei ministers to talk to the border."

Outside the palace, I suddenly saw a person walking quickly and shouting loudly.



The king of Wei and his ministers looked at each other and smiled.

Although the Wei State killed 400,000 Wei troops in the battle, it still ate up most of the territory of the Zhongshan State. They could still raise troops again after a few months.

The laws of the legalist Li Kui and the strong soldiers of the military strategist Wu Qi.

Let the engine of Wei's new tank roar again, and it seems that it is still the invincible overlord of the Warring States Period.

"Come here, I have 100,000 soldiers. Let Han and Zhao see how strong our army is."



The ministers said compliments against their will.

Li Kui, Wu Qi and others looked at each other and saw the anxiety in their eyes.

All the houses in the city are in plain clothes, and white flags are flying to summon the souls of Wei.

Wei could obviously rest for a few years and continue to accumulate Wei's national power through Li Kui's reforms.

After that, it will definitely be able to sweep across the princes and countries unstoppably.

However, the princes and countries are watching eagerly, and the Han and Zhao families are not united. At this time, Wei must not be weak in its external relations.

So they don't have any solution to this problem.

at this time.

Under the strong and vigorous appearance of the Golden Dragon, the national luck of Wei, he hides the appearance of an old and rotten wood.

【June 408 BC】

The state of Wei once again raised an army of 100,000 and ordered Wu Qi to lead the army.

Zixia's disciples carried two Taoist instruments, "Gui Zang" and "Dharma Sutra" respectively, and went straight to Zhongshan Kingdom.

(The Book of Changes is divided into three parts: Zhouyi, Lianshan and Guizang.)

The situation, which had been calm and stable for half a year, became turbulent again.

The eyes of all the princes and countries in the world are watching this war.

After all, it was the State of Wei that conquered the world and returned with a great victory over the State of Zhongshan.

Or is it that the decline of the Wei State has become apparent, and at dusk in the West Mountains, we can get a glimpse of it all in this battle with the Zhongshan State.

This time.

One hundred thousand Wei troops were under the Confucian magical power of Gong Yanggao, Duan Qianmu, Tian Zifang and dozens of other great Confucians.

March quickly to the Seventh City of Zhongshan Kingdom.

The North China Plain, where a lot of weeds grew, was once again trampled by the Wei army's camps.

This time Gongshu Ming did not come with the Wei army.

Because today Zixia invited another heavyweight.

"The stubborn disciple Qin Huali, who is a disciple of the Mohist sage, has met General Wu Qi."

Qin Huali is wearing a dark raincoat and holds her hands slightly.

He deliberately emphasized that he was from the family of Mozi, rather than the family of Xia, a Confucian scholar.

Wu Qi and others not only had no blame.

On the contrary, it feels natural.

"If the current Mohist giant and the leader of the Mohist sect are scoundrels, then what will they matter to us?"

Wu Qi laughed, and the others complimented him.

Other Confucian disciples whispered.

"My master actually invited the bird slipper here. It's unbelievable."

"Junior brother, this is wrong."

"Qin Huali followed his master in his early years and studied Confucianism, and then he switched to Mozi's sect."

"No wonder Gongshu Ming didn't follow."

The Confucian disciples suddenly realized this.

"No matter how outstanding the Mohist attainments of Zhongshan Prime Minister Guo Dongguo is, he cannot surpass the contemporary Mohist giants."

"Small Zhongshan can be broken within a day's time."

The Legalist disciples agreed.

The Legalist sage Li Kui’s tool for attaining enlightenment is the Legalist Book of Legalism, plus the Book of Changes Gui Zang that has been handed down from ancient times to this day.

As well as dozens of great Confucian scholars, plus contemporary giants of Mohism.

Under the premise that the god Nuo, the god who protects the country, has died.

How could the small country of Zhongshan, which had lost the blessing of the gods, resist the cavalry of Wei.

"According to the order of the teacher (Zixia), I will only stand here and will not take action."

"in addition."

"I am no longer a contemporary giant of the Mohist school. I am solely responsible for personal reputation and reputation."

"Qie Hu is involved with the Mohist family."

"The evil disciple of Momen, Qin Huali has met all the generals."

Tears filled Qin Huali's eyes, once again emphasizing his identity as a villain.

He violated the Mohist philosophy of "loving all, not attacking", and naturally he was no longer worthy of holding the position of a Mohist giant.

Even though my heart is extremely tormented and struggling.

At the request of the late master Zixia, Qin Huali had to come.

"Dong Guo Mo, I'm sorry, I will save the lives of the people in Zhongshan cities for you."

"Even if it costs my life, I won't hesitate."

Qin Huali endured the torment in her heart and exhaled a breath of turbidity.

the other side.

"The fake heirloom ordered us to bring in the poultry milk. Did I really do something wrong?"

Ram Gao muttered to himself.

Some unbearable gloom penetrated Gong Yanggao's heart.

He felt that his heart was constantly twitching, which was a punishment for violating Confucian righteousness.


This feeling was abandoned by Gong Yanggao again.

"I am here to unify the Wei State. This troubled world will definitely end in the hands of the Wei State."

"The rise of Wei State to dominate the world is unstoppable."

"Abandoning personal emotions can save the dawn of life."

Ram Gao took a deep breath, didn't think much more, and concentrated on preparing for the next battle.

Confucian righteousness and magical power are very strange.

If you feel that what you are doing is right and you do not publicly kill good people, go ahead with your inner morality.

Confucian righteousness will still be effective.

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