All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 85 Armistice Between The Two Countries, Dongguo's Reform, Li Kui's Sacrifice To He

The fire of arrows all over the sky cut through the rain curtain.

For a while.

The fighting battlefield was as bright as day.

Suddenly I heard the sound of the strongman's drum, which was like rolling thunder.

Unfavorable news on the battlefield reached Wu Qi's ears one after another, but the building was about to collapse, but he was unable to save it.

The Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards were galloping across the battlefield, and there was no way they could be stopped without sending out the Suzaku Machine Beast and the Confucian Master Disciple.

The Wei army will undoubtedly lose in this war.

"All armies cease fighting."

Seeing that the prince of Wei was captured, Wu Qi had no choice but to stop the war.

Accompanied by the waving of Wei Jun's flag.

The Wei army on the battlefield slowly stopped moving forward, and the Zhongshan army who survived the disaster cheered loudly.

After the weather clears and rains.

The air was filled with disgusting blood and smoke, and the blood-stained soldiers breathed a sigh of relief to each other.

Corpses littered the fields and blood flowed for hundreds of miles.

The broken spears and remains of the machine beast were half-hidden in the muddy plain, shining faintly in the dim sky.

"One year."

Dongguo stretched out a finger.

"Within one year, if the two countries are unable to engage in war, my Lord will let Wei attack."


"The food bowl for the young master of your country will be delivered to the general's tent in person."

Mr. Dongguo rode a high horse and read out Lu Yun's King's Letter with great arrogance.


The Wei army slowly stopped moving forward and receded like a tide.


"I'm scared to death, old minister."

Mr. Dongguo wiped away the cold sweat and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although in the princely countries, it is not uncommon to use the enemy's protons as a guarantee for restraint.


Facing Wei's hundreds of thousands of troops, the unparalleled power still put great pressure on Mr. Dong Guo.

"Your Majesty, Wu Qi agreed."

"He promised a one-year truce and could not afford war between the two countries."

"But the first step is to ensure the safety of Young Master Wei in Zhongshan Kingdom."

Dong Guo was panting and trotted over.

Lu Yun's heart dropped.

He made a surprise attack on the Wei army and kidnapped the Wei prince as a hostage. The dangerous tactics of the army worked.

The two countries continue to fight against each other.

Zhongshan State could not defeat Wei State, its dominant overlord.

Thirty thousand heavenly soldiers were attacked by Wei State's machine beasts and great scholars in this kind of battle, which could easily reach hundreds of thousands. They also lost more than two thousand people.

Lu Yun just needs to delay the time now.

Wait until you have accomplished your magic, or wait until the dungeon time is over, to protect 'Gu City' from falling.

"Mr. Dong Guo."

"I need to retreat for a while."

"The rest of Zhongshan Kingdom is up to you."

Lu Yun solemnly took Dong Guo's hand and handed a [Zhongshan Cloud Sword] to the latter.

"This is the Cloud Sword that governs the country. It is ordered. Anyone who violates it will be killed without mercy."

It symbolizes entrusting the national destiny of a country to the Prime Minister of Dongguo.

Lu Yun has already arranged the national policies of Zhongshan State for the next two years.

There needs to be a reliable person who can carry it out unswervingly.

"Old minister Dong Guo."

Dongguo Xiangbang straightened his clothes and knelt down respectfully.

"We will definitely fulfill our mission."

He stood up again and took the sword solemnly.

On the other side, in the dim light of the wild goose pattern bronze lamp.

The palace historian faithfully recorded this scene.

[The king is like a green mountain, and the country is like a pine tree. 】

[From ancient times to the present, there have been few monarchs and ministers who share the same ideals, such as Duke Wu of Zhongshan and those of Dongguo. 】

This began a reform that affected all the princes and countries.

[Midwinter in December 408 BC]

The haze of war was blown away by the dry cold wind, and the Zhongshan Kingdom returned to its usual prosperity.


From the moment when Xiangguo Dongguo of Zhongshan Kingdom stepped out of the palace gate with his sword in hand.

The gears of the world's destiny.

Earth-shaking changes took place under Lu Yun's decision.

Mr. Dongguo opened schools in various cities, appointed Tianbing Yuwei as his teacher, and established "Zhongshan Academy" as the highest institution of learning.

The existence of Tianbing Yuwei has solved the problem of insufficient teachers in China.

Since the dungeon is for training arms.

It doesn’t have to be about fighting and killing. It’s the same thing to learn the ideas of hundreds of schools of thought and go back to teach and educate the people.

Vigorously promote papermaking and movable type printing.

Preserve and pass on the civilization of our ancestors.

It gathers the strengths of hundreds of sages and absorbs the wisdom of ancestors of all ages.

at the same time.

He advocates the concept of "external Confucianism and internal Dharma, the ink craftsman strengthens his skills and complements them with Tao".

Mix the advantages of hundreds of schools of thought to implement state governance.

[History is called the Dongguo Reform. 】


It was Lu Yun's decision after careful consideration.

Productivity determines production relations, and the economic base determines the superstructure.

Two years of copy time.

Lu Yun could not change the course of the civilized era.

Want to make Zhongshan Kingdom leap from the semi-slavery system of the mythical era to the industrial system.

It's nothing more than a fool's dream.


Lu Yun wants to leave some ideas and changes to influence and subvert this era.

Come all come.

They just stick to the rise and fall of a country.

Too obvious.

Lu Yun wanted to use Xia to transform the Yi and unify the concepts and seeds of all countries.

Sown quietly.

One day.

There will be heroes who want to unify, pick the fruits of this unification, continue to implement it, and work hard for it.

"The general trend of the world is that if it stays together for a long time, it will break up, and if it stays divided for a long time, it will unite."

"Accompanying the minister to carry out the country's orders?"

"Is it common sense that ritual and music conquests come from the princes, not from the emperor?"

These handfuls of dry firewood were thrown into the Warring States Period by Lu Yun, a huge melting pot where a hundred schools of thought contended.

He looks forward to that day.

It was ignited by more raging flames, burning the world and supporting a more glorious Chinese civilization.

As time goes by.

【407 BC】

[Zhongshan paper] is portable and easy to carry, so it became popular among the princes and countries and swept the civilization of the Central Plains.

More widely available and easy-to-use writing materials facilitate the spread of classics and the inheritance of culture.

Academic exchanges among various schools of thought.

Under the background of the invention of papermaking and movable type printing in Zhongshan State, it became more prosperous and prosperous.

The brilliance of the collision of ideas from various schools shone brightly throughout the Warring States Period.

According to "Xia Xiaozheng", astrologers and Zhanhou family deduced the detailed rules of farming and emphasized the farming process.

He was a poet in Shu, a poet in Qi, and a master ink in Song.

Because Dongguo first served as the prime minister in Zhongshan Kingdom, the three Mohist sects gathered in Zhongshan Kingdom to express their ambitions.

in addition.

A large number of medical doctors traveled thousands of miles to Zhongshan Kingdom with the skills of Qihuang.

They heard that Zhongshan State University had established a well-established medical college.


This is a huge temptation for physicians who always want to communicate with each other.


Disciples of Confucianism and Legalism made no move.

Everything seems to be gradually getting better.

The population of Zhongshan Kingdom gradually increased, agriculture and industry prospered, the treasury was full, the armor and soldiers were strong, and the people fought bravely.

August 407 BC.

Outside the palace of the King of Wei.

A large number of Confucian scholars, military generals, ministers and common people gathered at the viewing platform of the palace.

The square is very large and can accommodate about 20,000 people.

The king of Wei sat on the throne.

Li Kui, the Prime Minister of Wei State, walked up to the viewing platform step by step, holding a thick code of law in his hand.

There were tens of thousands of people in the audience, no one made any noise, and they watched all this happening quietly.

Li Kui felt as if he was in the midst of a turbulent historical wave.

Among the young Confucian scholars and common people around, no matter whether they were dressed in luxurious or shabby clothes, everyone held their chests and heads high, and their eyes were firm.

A wave of Confucian righteousness soared from the top of his head.

"Why did the king call us here?"

"have no idea."

"It's probably the Prime Minister who has come up with some way to strengthen the country."

"I still want to go back and have a good time with my beautiful concubine."

"The beautiful concubine from Zhongshan Kingdom tastes wild."

The audience burst into laughter.

The senior officials on the viewing platform yawned.

They were born nobles, different from the untouchables in the underground.

The king and nobles share the world.

There are fiefdoms, titles and official titles from generation to generation.

Li Kui glanced around the audience without leaving any trace.

Looking at the doctors who had no rules and regulations, his eyes turned cold.

"To offer sacrifices to heaven and earth, one should have a cauldron."

"These nine King Wei cauldrons should be used as sacrificial cauldrons for heaven."

Li Kui pointed to the Jiuding in the distance, looked at Wei Wenhou, and stood solemnly.

There was an uproar among the doctors and people in the audience.

Since the Spring and Autumn Period.

The emperor uses nine tripods, the princes use seven tripods, and the great officials use five tripods.

This move undoubtedly tore the last layer of face of Tianzhou Yunchao.

"What does he want to do?"

"Could it be that we, the Wei Dynasty, are about to officially establish a country?!"

Doctors from all over the world stood up excitedly.

The eyes of the surrounding Wei scholars and soldiers became colder and colder, as if they were faintly mocking these nobles.

King Wei nodded indifferently.

Approval of Li Kui's actions.

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