All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 83 Three Years, Three Years Will Definitely Take Zhongshan Kingdom, Robbing Food Is Like Ent

Inside the Palace of the King of Zhongshan.

The atmosphere was quiet and depressing. Everyone stood near Kanyutu, breathing rapidly.

It's been a long time.

Mr. Dongguo was the first to break the silent atmosphere and secretly said cruelly: "Give me another three months."

"I will definitely find a way to defeat the public loser's machine beast."

The ministers and sages from hundreds of schools were in an uproar.

"Sir, you can't defeat the public loser in a month no matter what."

"Even if we take down the public loser's machine beast, the Wei army will take shape. Who can stop it?"

Another doctor came forward to question.

The atmosphere in the hall was depressing again.

Zhongshan Kingdom's thousands of chariots and one hundred thousand soldiers were scattered to various cities.

It is impossible to organize an effective resistance force at all.

They will inevitably be eaten away by the Wei army one by one, and each of the more than fifty remaining cities will be defeated.

The naked real problem is before everyone in Zhongshan Kingdom.

"A month."

"In one month I will conquer the domineering mechanism beast of the public loser."


There was lightning and thunder outside the hall, and heavy rain poured down. Everyone was secretly in a trance.

Only Mr. Dong Guo looked determined.

He didn't bother with the other problems of getting rid of the machine beast.

This is a collision between public losers and Mohist ideas of machinecraft.

Mr. Dong Guo secretly made up his mind.

When the court meeting is over, immediately contact Mo Xia in Shushan and prepare to join forces to fight against Wei.

"I am going to organize a decisive battle between the two countries in the North China Plain."

Lu Yun marked out an area on the plain in the center of the map.

Prepare to have a decisive battle between Zhongshan State and Wei State here.

The Wei army attacked cities and felled lands along the way, partly to replenish its own food supplies.


Lu Yun planned to abandon the cities along the way.

Move some people and supplies to the rear.

And burned all the granaries that could not be taken away.

Against the background of the chaotic Warring States Period.

No overlord of any party would dare to risk the disapproval of the world and choose to massacre the city.

The war is fought over land and population.

You killed everyone.

The people's hearts in various countries are in chaos, just waiting for all countries to gather to attack Wei.

The Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards were responsible for cutting off the Wei army.

The long food supply line achieves the effect of waiting for work.

"Please contact the Prime Minister and the members of the Mo family from various countries."

"When Zhongshan Kingdom is safe and sound, I will be grateful."

Lu Yun first ordered Mr. Dongguo to win over other members of the Mo family.

The machine beasts gathered in Zhongshan Kingdom to deal with the public losers.

on the other hand.

He constantly sent people with heavy sums of money to lobby Zhao and Qi.

Promote the theory of lip-destroying and tooth-burning, trying to get the two countries to send people to stop the war.

Lu Yun did not need a long truce.

It only takes enough for Lu Yun to practice for a year and a half.

He has the confidence to suppress the whole world by himself.

With his own personal power, he can still sweep the Wei army.

"General, another city has insufficient granaries for our army to continue advancing."

"Every time a city of Zhongshan Kingdom is captured."

"Our army needs to leave a large number of sergeants stationed to coordinate the city's citizens and food issues."

Wu Qi listened quietly to the sergeant's report on the situation in the city.

"General, slow down the siege speed."

"Rear supply supplies have been repeatedly attacked by the Zhongshan Army."

Prince Wei Ji also persuaded.


Wu Qi had no choice but to nod.

The soldiers and horses have not moved, but the food and grass go first.

The supply line formed by Wei and Zhao in the rear.

It will inevitably happen as the front advances.

It gets longer and longer.

Wu Qi must stop and consolidate the rule and management of cities in various areas occupied by the Zhongshan Kingdom.

"Pass the order."

"The old people who moved to Zhongshan returned to Wei State."

"Recruiting civilians and criminals from Wei State to enrich the newly occupied Zhongshan City."

Wu Qi ordered various matters in an orderly manner.

The huge Wei army gradually dispersed into several teams.

The most elite 30,000 Wei soldiers, as well as the public losers' machine beasts, followed the Wei chariots.

Responsible for encroaching on the remaining territory of Zhongshan Kingdom one by one.

"Zhongshan Kingdom also wants to follow the example of the king, recruit talents, and become the second overlord."

"Idiot's dream."

Wu Qi's eyes were full of coldness and mockery.

He will not give Zhongshan Kingdom any chance to breathe.

the other side.

More than half of the 200,000 Wei army was dispersed.

Occupy the cities that govern the Zhongshan Kingdom and maintain long supply lines for grain and grass.

"The road to conquering a country is long and long."

"Three years, we will definitely win the Zhongshan Kingdom in three years."

Wu Qi's eyes were full of ambition to make great achievements.


Le Yang is most likely to compete with him for the leadership position.

It is actually a masterpiece of Zhongshan Kingdom.

Le Yang was imprisoned by the King of Wei.


Wu Qi even wanted to establish Hexi County by capturing Qin's cities and destroying Zhongshan.

In exchange for a position as the Prime Minister of Wei State.

The small Hexi County Governor could not satisfy Wu Qi's ambition at all.

He wants to take it one step at a time.

Go to a position where one person is lower than ten thousand people.

Use your ideals and ambitions to change and end this chaotic world that has lasted for hundreds of years.


On the other side, Prince Wei Ji was discussing with Gong Shuming.

How could Zhongshan be captured within one year?

Wei Jin wanted to rely on his achievements to swallow up a whole country.

Take the inheritance rights of Wei State.

His younger brother Wei Cheng poses too great a threat to his succession to Zuo.

"According to His Highness's words."

"We can force the general to fight a decisive battle between the two countries on the North China Plain of Zhongshan."

Gongshu Ming played with the organ and made an opinion.

"Isn't it too fast?"

"General Wu uses his troops like a god, and we are in trouble. Will..."

Wei Jie's eyes flickered, hesitant.


"Which one will inherit the country in the future, the king or General Wu?"

Gong Shuming sneered.

Prince Wei Ji lowered his head, finally convinced.

After much hesitation, he was still ready to discuss with Wu Qi when the time came.

The two countries agreed to fight in the North China Plain.

The effect of [Hongfu Qitian] takes effect.

A transport convoy that stretched for hundreds of miles slowly moved forward on the passage left by the machine beasts who cut down the mountains to clear the road.

at the same time.

Rough straw ropes tied tens of thousands of dejected Zhongshan citizens, gradually walking on the road back to Wei.

Every few dozen meters on both sides.

Each has a Wei soldier holding a halberd, fully armed and escorting the Zhongshan national troops.


The Wei soldiers patrolling in the distance asked loudly.

A rapid wooden whistle sounded all around.

The Wei army dispersed nervously.

Groups of Wei soldiers were mobilized to guard against any disturbance around them.


There was a heavy clashing sound of Wei armor, and the Wei warriors held crossbows in a covering shooting mode and turned to prepare for shooting.

They will gradually increase the rate of fire as the enemy approaches.

When the enemy advances within 50 steps.

The crossbowmen retreated to the wings, and the soldiers replaced their crossbows with short soldiers and shields to cover the phalanx.

The main phalanx moved forward with their flat-end halberds, and hundreds of heavy infantry launched a group charge.

Under the attack of four to five hundred heavy infantry, Wei Wu soldiers.

It is difficult for any old-style combat unit with vehicles and soldiers to maintain its formation.

Once the enemy formation is dispersed, the enemy soldiers will inevitably be massacred by Wei soldiers.

This is the key to the transformation of Wei Wuzu from a group of rabble to synonymous with a strong army under Wu Qi's reform.


What they encountered were not infantry and cavalry from the same period.


The heavenly soldiers and feather guards from myths and legends!

The sky was overcast with rain and dark clouds, and lightning and thunder flashed.

The time, place and people are favorable.

It would be difficult for them to defend the city in Zhongshan Kingdom.


Let's switch to a decisive battle on the battlefield.

But it was a one-sided massacre by the Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards!

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