All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 8 Dongling Zhentian, Don’T Bully Young People Into Poverty

Lu Yun reopened the property panel of the special building [Lushan].

[Lushan]: Dongling Zhentian (in the process of conception).

[Level]: Mythical level.

[Building Group]: Sandiequan, Wulaofeng...

[Architectural Characteristics]: [House of Immortals], [People go to the house to survive], [Catch the mountains and block the sea], [Seek Taoism and visit the immortals]...

[Architectural Effects]: [Ignorance of Mount Lu], [Nine Heavens of the Milky Way], [Sunset Incense Burner]...

[Dongtian Blessed Land] (in the process of being nurtured): After the Dongtian spiritual veins are generated, spiritual stones will be regularly produced every month, gradually warming the ground veins near the territory.

Introduction: The spiritual veins of the cave sky are gradually being formed and are temporarily unable to support the original thirty-six cave heavens.

Of the more than 90 peaks in the Lushan Mountains, only Wulao Peak is unblocked.

To this.

Lu Yun secretly thought it was a pity.

However, as time goes by, the lockdown will be lifted sooner or later.

It can be said.

This time, the myth of Lushan was given.

For Lu Yun, it is a good deal with a guaranteed profit and no loss.

The mythical quality of Lushan not only retains the blessing of territorial characteristics in the first three directions.

The feature [Seeking Taoism and Visiting Immortals] has also been added.

Lu Yun checked them one by one.

【House of Immortals】

Introduction: There is a fairy destiny in the mountain. In your territory, the qualifications of the people seeking Taoism +2.

【People go to Lucun】

Introduction: Immortal Fang Fu once made alchemy in Mount Lu. In your territory, the alchemy qualifications of the people in your territory will be +4.

【Higurashi Incense Burner】

Introduction: At sunset, the alchemy furnace is opened in the territory, and the quality of the elixir is +1.


【Seeking Taoism and Visiting Immortals】

Introduction: Your territory’s attractiveness to Taoist forces and talents increases by 30%.

[House of Immortals] and [People Go to the House] are buffs that can directly improve the qualifications of the people in the territory.

The better the qualifications of the first generation of territorial citizens.

The more plasticity the next generation of people will have when they grow up.

Couple it with the rare treasure buffs of [Seeking Taoism and Visiting Immortals] and [Higurashi Incense Burner].

One has a 30% chance of attracting Taoist talents.

When refining another elixir, the quality of the elixir will be +1.

What does it mean that the advantage is mine, the tactical retreat.

The improvement brought about by this wave of mythology.

It can be said to be a bloody profit!


[I don’t know Mount Lu]

Introduction: Within Lushan Mountain, the probability of territorial buildings being discovered is reduced by 70%.

The lost effect of [Unknown Lushan] is a bit tricky for other territories.


The [When the Stars Shine] effect of Blessing of the Stars is never lost.

It just offsets the negative impact of [not knowing Lushan].

"The probability of Lushan buildings being discovered is reduced by 70%, and they are subconsciously ignored."

Lu Yun rubbed his chin and thought.

"Then I'll move the novice lord's mansion to Lushan!"

"It can be regarded as a Lushan building."

Generally speaking.

If you want to conquer a territory, destroying the core of the opponent's territory is the most important step.


If you can't find my Lord's Mansion at all.

How should you respond? !

Lu Yun clapped his hands suddenly.


He doesn't have to worry about his people not being able to find the lord's mansion. With [When the Stars Shine], they will never get lost. It's easy for his people to find the building.

【Galaxy Nine Heavens】

Introduction: 1. In your territory, if the weather is good, the chance of a good harvest will increase by 10%. 2. When the territory encounters a defensive battle, the Wanjun Galaxy Falling Nine Heavens attack will be triggered.

[Catch mountains and block seas]

Introduction: The stability of your territory’s buildings is +3 overall.

[Chasing Mountains and Seas] and [Galaxy Nine Heavens] are very rare territory buffs.

One can increase the stability of territory buildings.

For example, the damage to buildings caused by the aftermath of an earthquake will become negligible under the influence of the [Mountains and Seas] effect.

Another [Galaxy Nine Heavens] effect occurs when the territory enters combat.

A sky river was smashed down from high altitude.

Cause extremely terrifying damage to the enemy!

Don't know about those lucky ones.

You can experience the feeling of being hit on the head and face by Tianhe.

Lu Yun values ​​​​the most.

On the contrary, it is the effect of good weather and good harvests within the territory of [Galaxy Nine Heavens]!

for a territory.

Even if the weather is 10% favorable, the harvest effect will be blessed.

The increase in crop yields is amazing!

The top priority for territory development in the early stage is population and food.

There are good weather and abundant harvest effects.

There will be no hungry people in Lu Yun’s territory!

"The surrounding climate seems to have been transformed by Lushan Mountain, making it more suitable for crops to survive."

Lu Yun took a deep breath, breathed it into his heart, and found that it felt very comfortable.

He stretched out his hand to feel the temperature.

The temperature is neither too high nor too low.

The living environment in the territory has become more comfortable and pleasant.

far away.

Uncle Wang, who was patrolling the territory at night, was extremely surprised to find:

The wheat in the terraced fields goes from seedling to maturity in the blink of an eye.

Swaying gently in the breeze, the ears are big and plump!

"Lord... look quickly."

Uncle Wang ran over and picked up an ear of wheat as if he were offering a treasure.

【Messy Lingmai】

Quality: D grade excellent

Properties: cure diseases and strengthen the body, prolong life.

Introduction: The mutated wheat ears grown on the spiritual soil cultivated in the Cave Heaven Paradise have many benefits if taken for a long time.

"Not only that, Lord Lord, the people are reacting..."

"They have become much stronger physically!"

“The fatigue caused by staying up late is gone.”

Mr. Wang hesitated and spoke.

Uncle Wang was afraid that this sudden change was an illusion.

"Because the spiritual energy in the territory is slowly recovering."

"Everyone's body is gradually strengthened."

Lu Yun explained.

"There are still such mutant crops. Send someone to collect them."

"Keep the ones that are good for you for planting, and store the seeds of other mutant crops and don't destroy them."

Lu Yun ordered with a smile.

Now the territory is full of gradually reviving spiritual soil.

Plant more spiritual seeds, and you may get unexpected harvests.

[Dongtian Paradise] The gold content of these four affixes.

Lu Yun finally realized it.

"It's...respected Lord!"

Uncle Wang received the affirmation and happily took Maisui back.

He planned to wait for the militiamen to come down from the mountain and then send them out to cultivate farmland.

Lu Yun quickly opened the lord panel.

Find the [Building Territory Layout] function,

First, the location of the [Novice Lord's Mansion] was adjusted to Wulao Peak, and then the orientation of Xialu Mountain was adjusted.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Yun tried to use the [Immortal Guisheng Recruitment Order] to summon the immortals.

[The status of Dongtian Blessed Land is not stable enough, and the summoning cannot be completed yet. 】

[Please try later. 】

"Is your personality not stable enough?"

Lu Yun took another detailed look at the introduction of [Dongtian Paradise], and sure enough, it showed the words "Growing".

To this.

Lu Yun had no choice but to give up.

The land in the territory is gradually being transformed into spiritual land.

The pregnancy should be completed soon.

One side of Wulaofeng faces away from the territory.

The peak that broke off from the top turned into five independent peaks.

Looking from a distance.

It looks like five old men sitting on a high platform in the east.

And because of the mythology.

Wufeng not only looks like an old man, but from a distance, the outline of the human face, which is not angry but powerful, seems to be born with it.

It makes everyone who sees this mountain subconsciously feel intimidated.

The terrain is high and steep, with peaks reaching up to the sky and a bright moon and few stars.

After a while.

“It’s hard to imagine how majestic and majestic Hanyang Peak is.”

“One mountain rivals the five mountains, and its reputation is well-deserved.”

Lu Yun sighed while sitting on the sedan chair.

Eight strong men panted heavily, carrying the sedan up the mountain step by step.

Dark green, tall and vigorous ancient pines are covered in layers, and the mist in the mountains gathers and disperses, making it quiet and simple.

The mottled blue bricks and low-hanging eaves catch everyone's eyes.

"Under the mountain, besides the fog, there is also fucking fog."

Lu Yun got off the sedan and stood on the top of Wulao Peak with emotion.

The vertical drop of up to 1,000 meters brings an unobstructed and open view.

"Wait...what is that?!"

Outside the territory at the foot of the mountain.

The billowing deep black fog stretched as far as the eye could see.

In heavy fog.

Faintly visible, a giant body like a mountain is walking.

Every step stepped on the beating of the heart rate, causing all the buildings in the territory to sway and tremble.

Fortunately, the wonder of Lushan Mountain [Catch the Mountains and Race the Sea] was blessed by its effect.

Otherwise, all the buildings in Lu Yun’s territory might collapse in an instant.


A huge scarlet eye looked over, eyes filled with deathly silence and bloodlust.

From Lu Yun’s perspective.

It was as if a huge blood moon was staring at him, with a head the size of a mountain peak looking over, and the surrounding space was frozen.

The strong sense of suffocation brings unprecedented uneasiness!

[Zhongtian Ziwei] Tianming and [Unknown Lushan] entries are flashing like never before!


The negative effects brought about by the giant's pressure are wiped away!

"Oh no, it was noticed even from such a distance."

Lu Yun looked at the giant in shock.

"Something is snooping."

The giant looked around, but couldn't find the source of the sense of peeping for a long time.


A giant bird as big as a mountain swooped down and grabbed the Cyclops in the air.

The sharp claws can easily tear apart the giant's body like cutting through tofu.

The giant's blood turned into blood rain and spread all over the sky!

In the mist, there are countless weird things, screams one after another, and a carnival feast.

As if sensing something, the giant bird sucked a big mouth of flesh and blood, and a pair of eagle eyes flapped its wings, stirring up the strong wind in the sky.

It's looking for something!

The entry for "I don't know Lushan" has flashed into a light, and the font can't be seen clearly!

All monsters are seen by Eagle Eye.

All were silent and trembling.

After a long time without results, the giant bird cried out unwillingly, grabbed the giant's head, and flew away into the distance.

just now.

Lu Yun took a surprised look and saw the monster's attribute information.

【Bloodthirsty Dapeng Bird】

grade:? ? (Exceeding the current territory exploration limit)

Bloodline: Mythical Roc

talent:? ? ?

introduce:? ? ?

The concealment effect of [Unconscious Lushan] is very powerful.

"Fortunately, I wasn't discovered by the stupid bird."

Lu Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

Once it causes a chain reaction.

This causes the fog monsters to riot and form a monster frenzy in advance.

This will be fatal to Lu Yun’s territory!

at present.

There are less than 500 people in Lu Yun's territory, and the stack of them is less than the height of a giant's calf.


Lu Yun doesn’t think so.

A few militiamen who struggled to fight evil spirits were able to kill the big boss who hunted giants for food.

"Don't bully a young man into being poor. Just wait for me for a few days."

Lu Yun felt furious in his heart.

In addition, he plans to move all the territorial buildings to Lushan Mountain and use the characteristics of Lushan Mountain to hide it.

Don’t waste your wretched development in the early stage.

In the later stage, he got up and punched hard.

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