All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 73 Xuanhuang Jade Seal, One Life And Eternal Life

The trees swaying in the wind grow to about three meters.

The tree crowns stopped stretching, and the grass was flourishing everywhere.

Jianmu exudes a sacred and mysterious aura, attracting a large number of creatures belonging to the bloodline.


Including Wang Xiaopang and Gao Yun.

But he didn't dare to step forward and cross the thunder pool.

They felt that there was a danger around Jianmu that could take their lives at any time.

In the dark.

The spiritual sense warns wildly.

After the two consulted the Lord,

Lu Yun told them.

Building trees are sacred by birth, and there may be some around them, and they are nurtured by guardians.

at this time.

A small snake grew to a length of about 1 meter, with its tail wrapped around it, crawling in the green grass behind the building.

Its eyes flashed over Lu Yun.

The dangerous vigilance in his eyes turned into relaxation and comfort.

With a posture ready for violence at any time, he lazily spat out the snake letter and lay back with his head lowered.

"The little snake is getting bigger."

Lu Yun looked up and down.

It looks like an ordinary little snake, but throws in some tooth dolphin (Dangkang) meat.

Because of the lack of nourishment from Lushan's spiritual veins, Jianmu could only grow slowly.

Building under the tree.

"The sky is filled with great blessings, plus the mythical building wood, the card drawing buff will be fully filled up."

Lu Yun sat cross-legged.

First, arrange the territory exploration mission in the [Lord Panel] today.

Continue the unfinished card drawing just now.

[Trading Platform] Invest 1.4 billion energy value to purchase soldier recruitment cards, citizen recruitment cards and other treasure chest props.

The effect of a day of great blessings all over the sky.

It would be too bad for Lu Yun to practice alone.

"Non-Emirate becomes European Emperor, today!"

Lu Yun pretended.

He covered his face with his fingers, yawned in the era of universal lords, and decisively took a potshot.

There was a glow in the sky.

A giant imaginary wheel of fortune.

Came into Lu Yun's eyes.

"Claim all rewards."

[Congratulations on getting: Xuanhuang Jade Seal (Myth 17 stars), Nine Heavens Destiny Spinning Silk (Myth 1 star), and a wisp of mother energy of all things (Myth 3 stars)]

[Congratulations on getting: SSS level soul summoning flag]

The SSS-level magic weapon is what he promised everyone to fight in the era of lords.

Additional guaranteed rewards.

"Xuanhuang Jade Seal?"

Lu Yun was shocked.

In front of him is a golden jade seal that is warm and exudes supreme dignity.

It is four inches in diameter, with the upper button crossing the Nine Dragons. On it is engraved the words "accepted by Xuanhuang, and will live forever and prosperously".

Territory development wants to move towards the road of fortune.

Various dynasty treasures are needed to bring together the fortune of the family and country and stabilize the dynasty.

The jade seal is the top priority.

It represents the issuance of orders for the operation of a country.

Its importance is second only to Jiuding and Fengshen List.

The jade seal passed down through history represents the divine authority of the emperor, which is orthodox and legal.

Gaining it symbolizes his "order from heaven", while losing it indicates his "exhaustion of energy".

In ancient and modern times, all those who ascended to the throne did not have this seal.

Being ridiculed as the "white emperor" by the world shows that he lacks confidence and is despised by the world.

Lu Yun couldn't wait and immediately checked the detailed attributes.

[Xuanhuang Jade Seal] (Seal)

Grade: Myth 17 stars


1. [Lost Luck]: Dynasty beliefs and luck will not pass away naturally.

2. [Coordination]: National coordination laws, the overall operation speed increases by 20%.

3. [Hidden]: Your fate and identity are protected by your power and luck, and others cannot see through it. (Under Daluo Daoguo)

4. [Qi Number]: The certificate of the orthodox emperor, except for the approval of the king, no one can call the luck.

Introduction: If you receive the fortune of Xuanhuang, you will live a long and prosperous life.

"Coordination Act."

Lu Yun looked at this entry and fell into deep thought.

Ordinances are also called bills.

It was promulgated throughout the empire.

By consuming a certain amount of popular support and basic resources every month, it has an impact on the entire empire.

The institutions of a territory develop into the state.

A vast interstellar civilization.

A huge creature that spans the planes of the heavens.

The speed at which imperial decrees operate.

It is bound to be slowed down by various factors.

[Coordination] brings 20% additional running speed, which can be described as a late-stage god-level skill.

Including those titles that Lu Yun currently holds.

Either one is a late strategic level bonus.

[Nine Heavens Destiny Spinning Silk] and [All Things Mother Qi A Wisp] are respectively related to the casting of the God List and the Nine Cauldrons that determine the country.

Save Lu Yun a lot of effort in searching.

Lu Yun placed all these important treasures related to luck in the Ziweiyuan Palace [Qi Luck Tianchi].

Treasures and materials.

The mutual traction and fetters are formed, and they are slowly continuing to be nurtured in the Qiyun Tianchi.

At this time.

Lu Yun took a look at the scale of Qiyun Tianchi.

30 inches size.

"It's small, but it can be used."

Lu Yun hugged the small pool and moved to the deepest part of Ziweiyuan Palace.

It's always uneasy to put it in the yard.

Think about it.

Lu Yun took Xiaochizi out again.

He placed it directly in Wang Lingguan's side hall and told Wang Lingguan, who was sleeping, to watch carefully.

By the way.

Although most of the buildings in Ziweiyuan Palace have been sealed.

But Lu Yun, as the original owner's destiny, had no obstacles in entering it.

Walk out of Ziweiyuan Palace.

Lu Yun looked at the remaining two rewards.

The first is the reward title for the top hero.

[First Arrival]: Your territory has advanced and your ability to break through the shackles has been reduced by 1% (group).

"Breaking through realm reduces shackles by 1%"

“Good attributes.”

Being stuck on a path can happen for thousands of years.

1% reduction in realm shackles is not a small number.

You don’t have to look at it during the Qi training stage. You frown during the Golden elixir stage. After struggling during the Divine Transformation stage, you become an immortal and overcome the heavenly tribulation and split the Dao Lei.

The higher realm.

One is a major obstacle.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Yun checked the last reward, an SSS-level soul-calling banner.

He just lacked the means to defend himself against the enemy.

The soul-calling flag matches his destiny as the Emperor of Beiyin, so how could he lack a lonely ghost in his hand?

【Calling Soul Banner】

Quality: Immortal (SSS)

Belongs to: Lingqi

Attributes: [Calling Souls] [Reviving Souls] [Evoking Evil] [Split Flags]

Special: Ancestral Soul Blessing increases the power by 25%, and a small secret realm accommodates the soul world.

Introduction: Let the soul know its name and return.

"If you don't work hard at cultivating immortality, how can you become brothers in the Ten Thousand Soul Banner?"

Lu Yun joked.

But don’t get me wrong.

This is not the magic weapon that "I was eighteen years old and stood like a minions in the soul-calling flag."

Quite the opposite.

This is a spiritual weapon blessed by ancestral spirits.

The ancients used clothes, cattails, bows and arrows, or chickens and eggs to summon spirits.

Only the soul-calling flags (spiritual flags) and paper-cuts have been passed down to later generations.

Lu Yun went to Yintu specially.

I took a look at the small secret world included in the [Calling Soul Banner].

The size is about 300 square kilometers.

A very large space that can accommodate more than tens of millions of souls.

"Split the flag to attract souls?"

Lu Yun suddenly noticed something.

He used Jianmu's [Bridge Building] to open several doors in the secret world of [Calling Soul Banner].

Directly connected to the underground world of Yin Tu Yinsi.

Coupled with the [stable space] of the armillary sphere, these channels can be stabilized.

"What a soul-calling flag? This is obviously my little underworld."

Lu Yun suddenly had a brilliant idea.

He was worried about the ghost people in the underworld.

There is no refresh method.

A few scattered ghosts came running over.

Occasionally spawning a few evil ghosts will not make you a good ghost citizen.

Use the [Plane Trading Hall] to sell the divided flags of the Soul Calling Banner and throw them into other small plane worlds.


Borrowing one is borrowing, and borrowing two is also borrowing.

Since I borrowed someone, let me borrow another ghost.

Not too much at all, right?

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