All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 67 The Crown Is Determined, A Battle Without Smoke!

[World Announcement: Ranking of lord levels, ranked number one, Daxia Dynasty, Lord of Tiangong (territory) Lu Yun! 】

[World Announcement: Let us congratulate Lu Yun, the lord from the Tiangong territory, for successfully winning the crown! 】


The new lord of hundreds of millions of humans in the misty world.

Everyone heard this prompt!

"Who is Lu Yun of the Great Xia Dynasty?!"

George W. of the Lighthouse Country.

He looked at the final list of the three newcomer lords in astonishment.

Obviously, there was no Lu Yun in the top ten of the lord level list. He just found Lu Yun's name outside of the thirty.

How could it only take three minutes?

A lord who was outside the 30th place, soared in level like crazy, and directly took Guirong, who was number one on the new lord list, in one fell swoop.

Just because I know how difficult it is.

George Hua's heart was filled with turmoil.

All the new lords looked at the list blankly.

The first person on the list is Wu Xuanmiao.

Just three minutes.

Lu Yun caught up and overtook him.

Soaring so fast.

Let everyone be confused.

Along the way, he trampled on countless lords from the sixteen major states of the Great Xia Dynasty and other countries.

Reach the top of the Rookie Lord Ranking List!

"The Sixteen Prefectures of the Great Xia Dynasty were the legitimate sons of tens of thousands of families."

"I grew up soaking in medicinal baths for thousands of years, and the gods took action to cleanse the body of impurities and create a body with natural talents and bones."

"Why did he, a new and unknown lord, win first place!"

"In just three minutes, I have overtaken the Tangzhou Wu family's destiny phoenix girl."

"How should Wu Xuanmiao feel?!"

"The Crown Prince Zhu Houde was destined to be born. The faith and luck of hundreds of millions of people helped him shape his unique talent."

"Only ranked third?!"

In the misty world, the descendants of the great lords have deep roots and have been passed down for hundreds of years.

I was even more shocked that Lu Yun ranked first in the level rankings.

Just because we know how valuable it is.


What kind of hellish level of difficulty is this.

They were surprised.

three minutes.

Catch up with dozens of new lords who are top notch in talent and luck.

How shocking is this result!

Southern Liao territory.

[Current level lv2]

"No. 1 in the architectural rankings."

"Could it be me?"

"Forget it, just don't look at it."

Wan Yangou had been hit by Lu Yun and did not have the courage to look at the ranking results.


There is still a faint hope in his heart.

just in case.

With his destiny of [Architectural Master], he can really overtake Lu Yun and win the first place crown.

When other people's territory is still in a primitive farming society.

When the people had dozens of thatched huts and huts.

The number of buildings in the Southern Liao territory has exceeded 200,000, making it a huge town.

"Look, everyone, he still seems to be number one on other lists?!"

The eyes of all the newcomer lords were about to look at the list.

The sound of world announcement sounded again.

[World Announcement: Ranking of Territory Buildings, ranked number one, Daxia Dynasty, Lord of Tiangong (territory) Lu Yun! 】

[World Announcement: Ranking of Territory Arms, ranked number one, Daxia Dynasty, Tiangong (territory) Lord Lu Yun! 】

Across the foggy world, the new lords were in an uproar.

six days ago.

Lu Yun is the first on the three lists.

Who could have predicted that this dark horse would firmly occupy the first place on the three major lists for such a long time.

Until the day when the rankings are finalized.

The first place is still Lu Yun!

"Three major lists, the final list is still number one, what a peerless monster!"

"In the newly added territory hero list, he won't still be number one, right?!"

The new lords of all major kingdoms are praying secretly.

There may be some all-around talents in the world.


How could someone be so omnipotent that he could suppress hundreds of millions of lords and rank first on the list? ?

"Don't have sweet dreams. The hero list is a list with millions of families and the most fierce fighting duels."

"The second generation of lords of a large family can directly enter the age of lords through the family's lord hall."

"Even if there is an initial limit of three space grids."

"Most of the direct descendants of the lords will come in with a hero recruitment order."

"While recruiting family heritage heroes, we will also speed up early development."

"Upgrade the intermediate lord's mansion faster."

"Get more resources from the family."

"Lu Yun is an unknown lucky man."

"No matter how lucky or powerful you are."

"Can it overwhelm the established territory that has been developed for a hundred years?"

This argument is widely circulated in all major newcomer lord regional channels.

There are many in the world of fog.

A lord whose three generations have worked within the Yun Dynasty system.

More over.

He was a lord from a wealthy family that had been doing business for three generations.

The direct line lords of each country will be followed by their divine followers.

What can Lu Yun do to overtake him? !

Tianxia territory.

[Current level lv2]

Zhu Houde, who was born in luxurious clothes, saw the newcomer lords in various regional channels quarreling.

Lost in thought.

"The end of civilian lords is on the rookie hero list."

“This is not a period when the era of universal lords just emerged.”

Zhu Houde looked into the distance.

On the top of the dome, almost submerged in the clouds, an old man with an extraordinary temperament drank heavily of turbid wine and waved a sword with his fingers.

Between the sky and the earth, sword lights are flying all over the sky.


Several sounds of unsheathed swords came from afar.

In front of Zhu Houde's eyes, there were several more sword lights like frost and snow.

"Grandpa Xu voluntarily sealed it and demoted it to a hero unit to accompany me to practice."

"How can you surpass it?"

Zhu Houde has this confidence.

Xu Jianxian has been fighting for many years with the Lord of Daxia, pushing down thousands of fog monsters along the way.

at the same time.

Xu Jianxian's strength stood in the Great Xia Yun Dynasty, and he was also the top group of ministers who followed the dragon.

If not for.

Xu Jianxian grew up watching Zhu Houde.

Moreover, he suffered a Tao injury and his energy and blood were somewhat withered. He wanted to follow Zhu Houde and fight again.

This time the lord experiences.

It will be another Daxia war god who follows Zhu Houde.

Quality myth 88 stars.

The second generation of direct lords of the sixteen states of the Great Xia Dynasty.

No doubt they are all aware of this.

"How can it be possible for ten years of hard study to overthrow a century-old family?"

"Lu Yun is already outstanding."

"But the hero list."

"It's really not like a person from an unknown family can be ranked high."

Even Wan Yangou, who was born in Southern Liao.

Although the fate of the destiny requires that you cannot have heroes and troops.

He also brought in a general who protected the country from the early campaigns.

If you can't have a hero, you can't have one.

The ‘heroes’ of the second generation do not need to re-cultivate their favorability and loyalty.

There are methods.

Bypass this seemingly harsh limitation of destiny.

Countless new lords felt sorry for Lu Yun's origin.

But he also lamented that a new lord clan was rising rapidly like the sun.

"You're already great."

Wu Xuanmiao, tens of thousands of planes away, admired Lu Yun who couldn't hear all this.

at the same time.

Millions of newcomers, the second generation of lords, are all waiting nervously.

The new hero list opens.

This will be a fierce battle without gunpowder!

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