All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 63 Wenyuan Library, Cultural Renaissance Museum, Skaven Library (Please Review)

"Your mission is to find a way to buy some people from visitors from various dimensions."

"After doing this, I will arrange a more suitable position for you."

Lu Yun ordered Hu Mukeng.

Just an inconsequential attempt.

After the census statistics are completed, the lord interface will directly display the population information.

When the new lord [Trading Platform] opens tomorrow, the resources Lu Yun has at his disposal can stir up trouble in an entire regional channel.

"Lord, I will definitely work hard to complete this task."

Hu Mukeng worked hard to prove her worth.

The world of mist has been struggling for several years. He does not have the outstanding talents of other people, and he is not suitable for going out to explore and fight.

I wandered around in the major newcomer territories and suffered countless rejections.

Now I have a chance to prove myself.

Hu Mukeng was determined to complete this job well.

The matter of purchasing the population will be left to Hu Mukeng to worry about for the time being.

Lu Yun has always adhered to the concept that there is no waste talent, only inability to use it.

Before the National College Entrance Examination.

Various fetters and effects that create flowers.

This is the secret why Lu Yun has been able to win the championship of the Territory Development Competition for ten consecutive years.

Arrange it all.

Lu Yun spared time to visit four huge library buildings.

"What knowledge will be in it."

"Don't ever give me the entire demographic profile of an alien race."

Lu Yun prayed secretly in his heart.

Library buildings often represent the rise, fall and inheritance of a civilization.


The first library caught Lu Yun's eyes.

"Wenyuan Library."

It has green tiles and white walls outside, and a pool inside, with a square pavilion and bamboo trees surrounding it.

This is a library with a strong Chinese style.

Go inside.

"Books cannot be divided into generations, and books cannot come out of the cabinet."

Lu Yun saw the words on the wall and read them out loud, thoughtfully.

[The elders in the family often advise that all things are inferior, only reading is superior. 】

[However, the ignorant people have shallow practice, often have uninformed thoughts, have no ideas, and cannot bear to study hard in the cold. 】

In Lu Yun's ear.

There was a faint sound of reading from several generations, and strict and rigid Confucian scholars holding rulers were reprimanding one by one.

【I often envy and admire those who keep scrolls in their hands and wear beautiful clothes. 】

[Everyone is a young boy who is a classmate and is in his prime. 】

[But Yu Zhi sighed deeply. Black-haired people don't know how to study diligently early, and white-haired people regret studying late. 】


This library is inherited from a certain family.

I specifically made an ancestral precept that no books are allowed to be separated when the family is separated, and no books are allowed to be taken out of the library.

The building structure of the library is eighty-eight stories, and the top eight floors are wide and unified, with seventy-six bays in a row and no partition walls.

The lower eighty floors are divided into rows of bookshelves, with a long corridor running from the front to the back.

At the entrance, at the agarwood counter.

Jessica wore a fresh and elegant dress with her hair parted in a bun, and was studying ink carefully in her hands.

next to her.

I pressed the copybooks that I copied carefully and compared them with the incomplete ancient books.

"I've met my lord."

Jessica stopped studying the ink and gave the Wanfu gift respectfully.

"Introduce Wenyuan Library."

Lu Yun looked at Jessica up and down. The mature lady's wavy style was replaced by a dress with a gentle temperament.

Wearing a library exudes a sense of exquisiteness unique to Chinese aesthetics and a charm rooted in history.

"Your Excellency, this is the collection of books inherited from thousands of aristocratic families in a certain history."

"The library contains a large amount of information about calligraphy, local history of various dynasties, and stone carvings of barbarian countries."

"There are about 1.2 billion documents in total."

"The most precious among them are some orphan copies, manuscripts, epigraphic inscriptions and documents from past dynasties."

"So, I am gradually sorting out the books."

Lu Yun listened carefully to Jessica’s introduction.

As an epic-level building, Wenyuan Library does not bring any effect bonus to the territory.

Most of the entries in the library are related to the preservation of ancient books and the folding space.

1.2 billion volumes of various historical documents, plus orphan copies and manuscripts.

This is a very large number.

"I will arrange for another 10,000 people to help you organize your books at regular intervals every day."

Lu Yun waved his hand and arranged for 10,000 people to take turns.

The people in the Tiangong territory need to popularize literacy and complete the literacy work.

Cultivation and civilization, cultivation and seeking the truth.

I can pick out individual words from ancient books to understand the exercises, but I don’t understand what they mean together.

What kind of way do the people practice?

I can't practice randomly based on my power of thinking.

If he really succeeds in practicing it, he must catch it and study hard.

"Don't seek to know astronomy from above, but geography from below."

"At least you need to know a little bit about Bagua, arithmetic, calligraphy, pharmacology, and Zhu You."

At least for a long time now.

The people of the territory need to understand the inheritance of ancient civilization through reading.


Lu Yun issued another rule that the people of the territory must complete one hour of reading every day.

Reading books and doing chores at the same time.

Very perfect time management plan.

“Singers will emerge from self-study early, and painters will emerge from self-study late.”

"It's impossible to find a few talented people."

Lu Yun walked out of Wenyuan Library and went to the next library building.

The four Jessicas all have the profession of [Librarian], with talents in management and organization.

No need to worry too much.

[So today's suffering is caused by yesterday's laziness. 】

[Today's poverty is also a result of yesterday's desolation. 】

The long conversation in Wenyuan Library ended.

Lu Yun's footsteps did not move forward for a long time.


Another magnificent and huge building came into view.

"Renaissance Pavilion"

The exterior of the second library.

It is a Western Gothic-style building with complex and exquisite hollow spires and wall carvings.

There was no surprise or exclamation in Lu Yun's eyes.

Western architecture gives people a sense of splendor and surging creativity.

Oriental architecture makes people feel the solemnity of the unity of nature and man and the majesty of power.

The civilizations in the universe are diverse and dazzling.

at this time.

Some sounds sounded in his ears again.

[They are like stars, forever scattering the clear light, illuminating the dark night that will eventually disappear. 】

Before the next voice sounded.

"When future generations gaze upon the stage where hundreds of scholars came to play, they will still be shocked by the richness and brilliance of that time."

Lu Yun's eyes narrowed and he retorted directly.

He disliked this argument very much.

The inheritance of the East is no different than the inheritance of the West.

a long time.

The voice in Lu Yun's ears never sounded again.

Enter the Renaissance Pavilion.

"I've met my lord."

"This is a collection of books on the history of Greece and many other countries."

"There are about 300 million books in the collection."

Already aside.

Fiona, who had been waiting for a long time, opened her mouth to explain.

Lu Yun listened carefully.

The Renaissance Museum retains a large number of books on art, architecture, philosophy, literature, music, technology, and religion.

The transition from the [Classical Age] to the [Steam Age].

It's somewhat helpful.

To this.

Lu Yun also told his people that they could freely come and borrow them.


Compared with the Wenyuan Library, the importance of the Renaissance Hall has declined.

after all.

The main civilization development route is [Cultivation Civilization].

Excellent traditional culture is the root and foundation of territorial development.

Two other libraries.

One is a library from the Skaven civilization.

The other is the library of the goblin civilization.

[You...actually laughed at us rat people! die....die! 】

[Hell, these stinky rat things are totally unreliable. 】

Also a conversation starter.

Lu Yun suppressed his inner discomfort and first visited the Skaven Library.

Inside the Ratman Library.

The greasy floor was dripping with an unknown green liquid.

Yili led a group of people to mop the floor and clean the house diligently.

The bookshelves are full.

The inheritance of magic and mechanical technology from the Skryre clan.

Seeing this, Lu Yun did not disturb Yi Li.

He casually pulled out a parchment that exuded a foul smell.

"Headband Optics Manufacturing Guide" - Reek.

Headband optics are manufactured that can identify any type of material or see through illusions.

Lu Yun finished reading the contents of the book.

He quickly ordered others to move all the surrounding mechanical technology inheritance away from this place.

Although Ratman technology requires [Engineer Warlock] to unlock it.

But some branches of magic technology.

Pure magic modification black technology.

The people of the territory can learn from it, draw parallels and develop in a diversified way.

In another goblin library.

[I'm sorry, please don't shame my family and my race again. 】

[They often say there is no difference between goblins and pesky greenskins. 】

[But I want to prove it. 】

[Goblin engineering technology is as good as any race! 】

Lu Yun heard it.

This elderly goblin's voice was timid but paranoid.

Long lingering sighs surrounded the goblin library.

A large number of magical books and goblin engineering technology are also preserved.

"Scavenger and Goblin technology."

"The inherited technologies of the two vast civilizations have high research value."

Lu Yun was inexplicably touched by the conversations in the four libraries.

Decided to reproduce a magical civilization data.

Save it for later.

Exchange it with the lord of the magician profession for resources at a high price.

So far.

The four major libraries are Eastern history and culture, Western history and culture, and the magic technology of the two alien races.

in addition.

Lu Yun has no idea of ​​opening a foreign library for the time being.

There are 2.1 billion volumes of books in Wenyuan Library.

It is enough for the people of Tiangong Territory to read for most of their lives.

"Wait until the construction of Bailu Academy is completed later."

"Catch them one by one and read to me."

Lu Yun reviewed the conversations in the four libraries and gained a deeper understanding of the meaning of civilization inheritance.

Pictures of civilization are lost in the fog.

(Zhuyou: A method of treating diseases by using spells to restrain the disease.)

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