All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 58 More Than 6,000 Treasure Chests, Hive Mind (Please Comment)

Outside the weak water moat.

The rune shield on the rune city wall must be opened at all times to protect the residents in the territory from the plague and miasma.

"His Majesty."

"Weichen can heal their injuries."

"But in the near future, we will fall into deep sleep and recuperate for a period of time."

The Jiutian interviewer bowed respectfully and saluted.

Lu Yun hurriedly asked how long he would need to sleep.

After getting a stable answer, Lu Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

Two days or so is not a long time.

And special circumstances occur.

It can wake up the sleeping Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards in advance.

But it will affect the level of their recovery.

"Conduct battle settlement."

Lu Yun calmed down.

[This upgrade to the lv3 Lord’s Mansion battle]:

Enemy: Changle Realm Hai Clan (34430).

Battle result: small victory!

Basic reward: Basic resource gift pack*58882 (E-level), 590 high-grade spiritual stones, 50000 luck ([Leader] double effect)

Additional rewards: Changle world plane coordinates (viewable), excellent gift pack*1242 (B level), angel pool wonder building (only)

Evaluation: You successfully defended the [Tiangong] territory, but failed to protect the surrounding territory environment, so the battle result was a small victory.

Lu Yun threw the plane coordinates of Changle Realm into the plane trading hall information database.

There will be a chance to settle this account later.


[Leader] Double the drop bonus of monster spawning props.

Eight thousand Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards slaughtered the Flying Fish Army of the Sea Clan and also dropped more than 6,000 treasure chests ranging from common (E) to rare (C).

Lu Yun divided all these treasure boxes.

Leave it to Bai Gui to open the gift bag and treasure chest.

He has learned a lot. When it comes to luck and luck, the God of Wealth is a professional.


A total of 41,289 low-grade soul stones, 231 high-grade soul stones, as well as a large number of scarce ores and daily necessities were obtained from more than 6,000 treasure boxes.

The special ones are the refining blueprints for the C-level [cold-proof robe], the E-level [hiking boots], and the E-level [cotton clothing].

The others are all building cards for people's livelihood that increase prosperity.

The underworld territory enjoys the supplies from the underworld territory.

[Cotton Clothing] and [Hiking Boots] and other supplies came just in time.

With the subsequent replacement of the National Lord Era version.

The welfare development period for new lords.

Gradually it will become consistent with the development environment of those old lords.

The severe cold of winter is one of the changes.

Outside the fourth ring of Daxia barbarians.

Thousands of human kingdoms are in a misty world, suffering from the strange effects of various natural disasters.

A weak country without the blessing of a strong national destiny can only pray to the heaven for protection.

Exploring the territory will not stop.

[Rune Beacon] and the army of people who recently went out to explore.

The vertical and horizontal ravines have long exceeded the scope of thousands of miles.

Jianmu's [Bridge Building] magical power.

You can open the door directly from thousands of miles away.

The development of the territory will not slow down as a result.

There are so many of these resources.

We can only put it in the territorial warehouse for the time being and clean it up slowly later.

at the same time.

Lu Yun checked the properties of the wonder building [Angel Pool].

【Angel Pool】

Belongs to: Wonder (only)

Level: Level 1

Function: [Cure] [Angel Reincarnation] (Seal) [Detoxification] [Holy Light]

Duration: 4 hours (leader -50% duration)

Introduction: This is a wonder belonging to the angel race. Foreigners may be hostile to the angel race if they use it.

"Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here."

Lu Yun was still thinking just now.

Do you want to use the opportunity given by the myth?

Summon the gods from the Plague Department, one of the eight departments of Heaven, to solve the troubles in the Strange Realm.

[Holy Light]: The people within the scope of the wonder are blessed by the holy light, and their belief in divine power will drive away evil spirits and pollution.


Can deal with the plague miasma that fills the sky.

The wonders of Angel Pool cover an area of ​​approximately 50 square kilometers.

This is a huge range.


Lu Yun waved his hand and mobilized various resources to build the wonder of [Angel Pool].

Think about it for a moment.

Lu Yun moved the wonder of [Angel Pool] to the vicinity of the [Plane Trading Hall] square.

The unnecessary statues and wonder-like buildings are placed at the door to serve as facades.

Shock outsiders from other planes.

"There is still one wonder building left to usher in the era of civilization."

“It would be better to choose a building that would serve as the centerpiece of City Hall.”

Lu Yun fell into thinking.

Walk along the way to the newcomer lord's mansion.

The beginning of the development route of the civilized era.

Five basic wonder buildings are required as prerequisites.


The most important thing is the marvelous building 'Town Hall' which serves as the center of the territory.

Although the Daxia Dynasty was a country of luck that practiced luck.


The Lord of Daxia chose the main [Cultivation] civilization route and assisted the [Technology], [Virtuality] and other civilization development branches.

All major civilization lines are advancing hand in hand with the development of the times.

Because of the help of the development route of the civilized era.

The Great Xia Yun Dynasty removed the main world.

The same applies to the surrounding galaxy planes.

And hundreds or even thousands of star systems have been explored.

Build space stations such as mining stations, research stations, etc. to collect resources in the star system.

They even sent members of the royal family's direct lineage to colonize habitable planets.

in other words.

The national luck beast of the Great Xia Dynasty [Purple Gold Qilin].

Not only can it protect the country and the country, but it can also coordinate the resources of major states, territories, and colonies in small planes.

Each of his clones is more like a [hive mind] within the Yun Dynasty system.


A transcendent destiny existence like the National Luck Divine Beast is still far away from the development of Lu Yun's territory.

Dragon Inn.

"Come on, let's go to the inn and have a drink together."

"Everything in the inn is 20% off today, great discount."

"The rare tooth dolphin feast, I've been craving for it for a long time."

A large number of people gathered together and crowded into the inn.

The waiter and waiters were in a hurry, asking the chef to kill a few more pigs quickly to entertain the guests.

Du Qiuniang squinted her eyes slightly and fiddled with the abacus on the counter, calculating her income in recent days.

from time to time.

She raised her head to summon some new and familiar customers, and raised her voice to urge the waiters to place orders and serve food.

Occasionally, a few tables of tooth-sacrificial drinks are served, and other guests are also happy and comfortable.

Other restaurants and restaurants.

Most of them follow the trend and sell at reduced prices, celebrating and attracting customers at the same time.

The embroiderer led the little boy, Wang Xiaopang, into the inn door.


Du Qiuniang stood up and greeted him with a smile.

"The catch I just brought in this morning is difficult to deal with in the current climate."

"The fresh fish is specially reserved for Xiu Niang and the Lord."

After Du Qiuniang finished speaking, she slipped out a basket of fresh fish, took out a few slings of copper coins from the drawer, and handed them to Wang Xiaopang.

Children are greedy.

Du Qiuniang, who was annoyed by the constant requests for maltose from her, would take a small amount of money to fool her every time.

"I want low-grade spiritual stones."

Wang Xiaopang looked at Qiuniang eagerly.

"It's just these coppers, do you want them if you like them?"

"I'm not as heroic as adults."

Du Qiuniang glanced at Xiaopang angrily.

She asked Wang Xiaopang.

Go to the candied haws stall at the far west end of Zhizhi Lane and buy some of your favorite sweets.

"It all depends on the shopkeeper's care."

The embroiderer was gentle by nature and didn't talk much. She took the fresh fish first.

Then he patted Wang Xiaopang on the head and told him to pay attention to safety on the road.

"Not to mention taking care of the business, Mr. Lu takes care of the business of the shop."

Du Qiuniang said as she called the waiter to serve a table of delicious food.

Outside the inn.

Wang Xiaopang had just gone out and was suddenly stunned.

A large hole with a radius of 40 square kilometers appeared in the sky.

A steady stream of colorful plagues and miasma poured into the territory along the vortex hole.

It looks like the end of the world is coming, extremely terrifying.

"Something big happened!"

"The shield of the rune city wall is broken!"

Wang Xiaopang was so anxious that he was about to return to the inn and drag Xiu Niang to find Lu Yun.

Less than five hours after leaving the city wall, such a shocking change occurred.

"Don't make a fuss."

Wang Xiaopang was stopped by Uncle Wang.

"Your Excellency has found the marvelous building of the Angel Clan, which can purify these plagues."

"In three or four days, there will be no poisonous gas in the sky above the territory."

Uncle Wang pointed to the big hole in the sky and explained.

Wang Xiaopang held a handful of copper coins, breathed a sigh of relief, and ran carelessly to buy candied haws.

"I can't get out of this faraway place these days."

Uncle Wang looked worriedly at the countless ghosts and strange things dancing around outside the territory.

Own children.

Ge Erdan was arranged by the adults to go to the city wall and follow Cui Chaoyang to repair the city gate.

Mr. Wang has other important matters.

Discuss with the pharmacy master Wang Le and the alchemist Shen Xuzi.

Can you make some elixirs and medicines to get rid of the poisonous miasma?

(Hive mind: Everyone is like being in a huge hive, sharing one thought, one emotion, and one perspective.

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