All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 53 Jianmu’S Influence, The Lintao Giant! Stranger The Day After Tomorrow! (Today Is The Auth

Daybreak gradually dawned.

The waterfall hanging high in the sky roared into the depths of the canyon hundreds of meters deep.

far away.

A complete tall city wall surrounds the foot of the mountain.

“If you want to succeed, move the bricks first!”

"Move up at all costs!"

Tens of thousands of warriors are constantly carrying the rune city bricks that combine runes and weapon refining techniques.

Cui Chaoyang shouted heartbreakingly with a large iron loudspeaker.

"Move a brick and you will be rich for three days!"

“You can make a fortune by moving bricks!”

The tens of thousands of warriors below agreed.

"Sleeping on the floor today?!"

"Be the boss tomorrow!!"

Inspiring slogans resounded inside and outside the city walls.

The tens of thousands of warriors all had their eyes gleaming, igniting a blazing fire of struggle, and their bodies were full of energy!

See their expressions.

Cui Chaoyang nodded with satisfaction.

"come on, come on, come on!"



Each warrior exerted endless excitement and thickened the epic rune city wall according to the fixed number.

The craftsmanship from Baijiangfu has been greatly improved due to the reference of "Creating French Style".

The construction speed of Rune City Bricks and other crafts has been greatly increased.

Clouds and mist like gauze slowly move through the mountains.

Along the way, there are arrow towers towering into the sky one after another, and each section of the city wall is sandwiched with thick battlements.

on the sky.

Lu Yun pulled the reins and stopped the Pegasus' steps. Looking down at the city wall on the ground, he felt a sense of security in his heart.

On the eighth day, there was no wonder building trade in the plane trading hall.

He had to find another way.

The remaining two wonder buildings must be completed.

Otherwise, the upgrade of the third-level lord's mansion is completed.

Lu Yun is not the first new lord to start the path of the civilized era.

"The last chance given by the myth is left in my hand."

Lu Yun was thoughtful.

The more information you have in your mind, the clearer your understanding of the situation will be.

He will be more methodical when making decisions.

The last chance given by myth.

It has always been Lu Yun's trump card.

There are all kinds of strange and unexplainable existences in the misty world.

There are just too many.

Once something happens that is beyond his control, the mythical gift will give Lu Yun the confidence to make a comeback.

Now approaching the Lord's Mansion upgrade.

Lu Yun will have one more free opportunity to give.

His mind was active, thinking about what should be given.


[Congratulations to the respected lord, your territory subject Ge Erdan has been affected by Jianmu and his bloodline has changed into a B-level "Lintao Giant"]

[Congratulations to the respected lord, your territory subject Gao Yun, under the influence of Jianmu, his bloodline has mutated into a B-level "acquired alien" bloodline. 】

"The people finally changed their bloodline?!"

Lu Yun said in surprise.

Both buildings and animals and plants in the Tiangong territory are affected by [Building Wood].

Lu Yun has always been curious about why his people don't have blood mutations.

He hurriedly checked the blood attributes of the two people.

Name: Ge Erdan

Grade: B-level excellence

Bloodline: Lintao Giant

Talents: [Destroy beasts], [Tiger, leopard, rhinoceros and elephant]

Attributes: When using bloodline, he is five feet tall (10 meters) and has infinite strength. He can control low-level monsters (monsters below C level).

Introduction: During the Qin Dynasty, there were strangers who drove away wild beasts, such as tigers, leopards, rhinoceros and elephants, to help the Qin army become more powerful.

"Ten meters tall?"

Lu Yun waved the reins and galloped into the sky, eager to see Ge Erdan.

Outside the weapons workshop.

There were a lot of flashback memories in Ge Erdan's mind.

In a daze.

Ge Erdan was wearing a tattered straw coat and a tattoo, walking along a low city wall.

He looked straight at the black-armored general on the city wall.

Dozens of frightened Guizhou leaders were running around, avoiding Ge Erdan's steps.

I don’t know if it’s Ge Erdan’s illusion.

He always felt that the ducks under his feet were as small as a newborn child.

Ge Erdan rubbed his eyes.

He returned to the familiar weapons workshop before his eyes.

"Meet the lord."

Ge Erdan found two familiar figures appearing next to him.

Mr. Wang watched this scene very nervously.

"No need to be polite."

"Use your 'Lintao Giant' bloodline and show it to me."

Lu Yun looked at Ge Erdan expectantly.

"Lintao giant?"

When Ge Erdan heard these four words, chaotic memories kept flooding in.

His body continued to grow.

He lowered his head and looked down at his father and lord who had become smaller.

I saw.

Ge Erdan's body is covered with strange blood-red tattoos.

A head of short hair as rough as a steel needle.

The straw clothes on her body only cover a few important parts of her body.

Ge Erdan easily lifted the stone lion at the entrance of the weapons workshop.

He tossed the two stone lions back and forth in the air like walnuts and played with them.

"There were giants in the Qin Dynasty, and they all wore Di clothes."

"When the First Emperor is unified, we will use this giant image."

"Collect all the bronzes from the world and cast them into twelve golden figures."

Lu Yun looked at Ge Erdan's image.

Corresponding to the memory of facing the Tao giant in his previous life.

Another point is about Ge Erdan’s hair loss.

The ancients regarded people with cut hair and tattoos as barbarians.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, during the Battle of Ailing between Qi and Wu, the people of Qi had to prepare ropes to tie the heads of Wu people because of their short hair.

But in our own territory, we don’t care about these Huayi claims.

"very good."

"Ge Erdan, you will be in charge of the vanguard team from now on."

"I will make you a vanguard general!"

Lu Yun watched, juggling the two-ton stone lion and the juggling Ge Erdan.

Hear this.

Uncle Wang next to him couldn't help but burst into tears.

My child finally made his mark and became a pioneer general!

at this time.

A figure took one step forward, as if shrinking to an inch, spanning a distance of several hundred meters.

The movements are strange, almost like flickering.

Taoist priest Gao Yun, who had gray hair and beard, ran over excitedly.

"I have completed the small way, the small way has been completed!"


Gao Yun with a crazy smile.

He just kept shouting excitedly:

He has become it, he has practiced it!

Lu Yun had a dark look on his face.

Ignore the crazy Gao Yun.

Lu Yun looked at the panel attentively.

Name: Gao Yun

Quality: B-level excellence

Bloodline: [Acquired Stranger] +1

Attributes: When the mind is crazy, the traces are strange, and it can travel thousands of miles away in an instant.

Specializes in: "Cangshu Climbing the Stage Madness Technique" and Yunshan Crazy Talisman.

Introduction: The Yi family is a descendant of Taoist priests from Taiqingguan. He possesses the inheritance of a famous family and is proficient in the art of talismans and seal scripts.

"Taoist priest Taiqingguan, a well-known and highly skilled practitioner of the Eight Classics."

Lu Yun looked surprised.

When we first met.

Gao Yun's attribute is obviously that of a wild fox Zen who doesn't know the magic.

How to change now.

Has he become a famous person?

[Acquired Stranger]: The acquired environment affects the ability to appear different from ordinary people.

Seeing this, Lu Yun suddenly realized.

The influence of the myth [Jianmu] is truly terrifying.

A heretic can become a master of Taoism.


Lu Yun narrowed his eyes.

Why did a bloodline mutation occur among these two people in a territory of more than 100,000 people?

Why weren't others affected by Jianmu?

Lu Yun thought of Wang Xiaopang who had Taotie blood.

First of all, the first one was affected by Jianmu, and the concentration of blood essence increased significantly.

Secondly, Zoe, Jessica and others are originally of natural elf blood, so it makes sense for them to mutate.


Ge Erdan and Gao Yun both have one thing in common.

Gao Yun originally possessed Xuanmen skills.

Even if it is an unconventional way of thinking.

Gao Yun also stepped into the world of spiritual practice with one foot.

Ge Erdan trained the "Physique Refining Technique" for two days and took the "Physique Pill" refined by Shen Xuzi.

He naturally has a hint of military aura about him.

"Perhaps Jianmu is currently in its infancy."

"It can only randomly affect some people who have learned to practice."

Lu Yun thought about it.

That's all.

There are very few people who can explain the territory’s awakening bloodline.

(Zhufa. "Zhu" = "break"; Wu, the country of Yi and Di, Zhufa tattoo.)

(The source of the Lintao giant and the Yi family’s disciples, with the author’s comments attached.)

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