All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 473: Turning From Mortal To Immortal, The Whole World Is Shocked!


Affected by Lu Yuncheng's immortal calamity.

One huge wave after another set off from the long history of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, stirring up countless brilliance.

Emperor Xin first looked at the intercepted history of the Yin and Shang Dynasties.

Then he looked at Lu Yun, who was gradually losing his mortal body and transforming into an immortal.

"Who are you……"

Di Xin felt the familiar aura on Lu Yun's body and seemed to recognize something, his face gradually became serious.

He is the embodiment of evil thoughts and humanity.

What you feel is naturally clearer or more disturbing than anything else present.

"Zi Wei...Zi Wei Emperor Star transformed into an immortal?!"

Suddenly Di Xin reacted.

What was the reason for the horror in his heart?

About to take action.

A golden dragon of luck appeared in the void, its huge dragon head staring at Di Xin.

"How can I allow you to be so presumptuous during your majesty's ascension ceremony?"

Its light is like the sun and moon, and its sound is like thunder.

Although Lu Yue's complete luck body was hidden in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, only some of his body was exposed.

But it appears to be boundless, hovering in the sky, and the whole body is winding like the undulating earth veins and towering mountains and rivers.

The brilliant shadow covered tens of thousands of miles in radius.

Almost the entire Chaoge City ruins were covered under it.

Compared with Lu Yueheng's endless luck body, the black bird's luck condensed by the evil businessman is as small as an ant.

The black bird couldn't stop trembling.

"You...what the hell are you."

Di Xin opened his mouth in fear, but no sound came out from the surroundings, and he was already in a situation where he could not move.

Not only could he not move.

Together with half of the ancient history of the Yin and Shang Dynasties and the army transformed from evil thoughts and human nature, they also collapsed and disappeared on the spot.

On Nantianmen.

The numerous immortals and gods smiled and said nothing, just silently watching the immortal Lu Yun who was gradually transforming above his head:

"Your Majesty, you are finally coming back."

"You are the Emperor of Heaven...the supreme Emperor of Heaven who has endured countless tribulations and endured eternal enlightenment."

"All the gods are waiting for you to return."

The Jiutian interviewer swallowed and had a panoramic view of more changes in the rules of heaven and earth.


Far away and unknown.

Countless ancient and tyrannical beings dropped their gaze and responded to the changes in the world with a single Taoist sound.

Everyone looked at the man in the sky with extremely complicated expressions.

The body of the Luck Golden Dragon is like a mountain, rising and falling among the golden clouds of humanity, shaking its head and tail.

Even if it's just a glance.

Countless lords' troops and heroes were frozen in thought and fell into the void.

Trillions of living beings.

Now there is only panic, uneasiness, and the fear of the thunder above getting louder and louder.

"If I become an immortal..."

An answer flashed in Lu Yun's heart.

"I want to establish an eternal and immortal supreme heaven."

Click-! Wow!

High Avenue responded.

A sudden realization slowly came to Lu Yun's heart.

Because the body momentum continues to climb, the field of vision also becomes higher and broader.

The world is getting smaller and smaller.

The [Jie Chen] that Nezha's copy relied on became smaller and smaller in Lu Yun's eyes, until it collapsed into a small dot.

In Lu Yun's eyes, the scenes of Jianmu and Taixiao's sea of ​​clouds were slowly shrinking in distortion.

From the perspective of a mortal looking at the sky, it has gradually grown into the perspective of an immortal looking at the sky.

The vicissitudes of life are constant, and the years are fleeting.

The body's hair falls off, its flesh and blood melts, and skeletal impurities are expelled from the body. At the same time, new flesh, blood, soul, and bones will continue to grow.

Until life completely transforms into another higher-dimensional existence.

[The calamity of illness...the calamity of lust...]

The catastrophes of immortality are beating wildly, and they can't stop Lu Yun at all! !

"Yang uses its shape, and yin uses its essence. It's the same thing between heaven and man..."

" this an immortal?"

When Lu Yun slowly opened his eyes.

Qiao De, Xiao Kun, Li Jing, Di Xin, and thousands of other lords all fell into shock and confusion.

"Human Immortal?!"

"He has just passed through the Immortal Tribulation, straddling the two great realms of Immortal Dao, and is ranked as a Human Immortal in the third realm of Immortal Dao?"

The incomprehensible uproar was even more terrifying.

The scene that appeared in front of them was completely beyond the scope of everyone's understanding.

"The ancient monks did hear about it."

Qiao De desperately searched for memories in his mind, and suddenly remembered a secret conversation, which attracted everyone's attention as soon as he opened his mouth.

"The first two realms of immortality are actually incomplete immortal transformations, just like the difference between Mahayana and Tribulation."

"In the first realm of immortality, some people call it a half-immortal, some call it a pseudo-immortal, and some say it is a ghost immortal who cannot enter the immortal sect."

"In the final analysis, the first level is actually a loser who has not completed the tribulation."

I see.

Most of the lords who had not become immortals suddenly understood.

However, some of the lords who were already ranked as pseudo-immortals and jie-immortals had hot faces and were unstoppable in their shyness.

What on earth have I been doing during my hundreds of years of practice!

"As for the second realm of immortality, Jie Xian is also called Corpse Jie Xian."

"Borrow an object and use it to survive the tribulation and become an immortal."

"Although such immortals are one level above the rest, they are far inferior to human immortals who have successfully survived the catastrophe."

Speaking of which.

Only then can everyone realize for themselves what the words of the country’s leader Zhu Yuan once meant.

"The so-called realm among ordinary people..."

"It's just a road paved for mediocre people under the subdivision of previous generations."

Qiao De murmured, still unable to believe in his heart that Lu Yun survived the catastrophe with the cultivation of a serious immortal.

"If there are gaps in the way of heaven, the will of the times will be derived to fill the gaps and check for leaks."

"What kind of evildoer are you to be able to transform into an immortal in this era... and cross the three realms?"

At the same time, he sighed deeply.

Naturally, the deep depression and confusion at the heart of these pseudo-immortals cannot be known to outsiders.

It took Lu Yun some time to regain his composure.

Driven by the pious and majestic incense wishes of hundreds of millions of people, immortals and gods, it is natural to reach the realm of human immortality.

[National Times Tip: Congratulations to Lu Yun for successfully overcoming the tribulation and becoming an immortal! 】

[Tips from the National Era: Lu Yun in the Yanhuang Realm has set the fastest time for all humans to become immortals. 】

[The current record holds: 7:23 on May 8, 3 years. 】

The celebration fireworks formed by the rules ignite beautiful light.

this moment.

Not only the lords of the Yanhuang realm were confused.

All civilized lords in the realm covered by the will of the national lords, their heads went down almost at the same time.

"Where is the Yanhuang Realm?"

"Damn it, you became an immortal in three years, are you really a human??"

"Tadpoles have frogs tattooed on their bodies, show off to me...¥"

The world is in a boiling state!

[Congratulations on refreshing your immortality record and getting a mythical treasure chest*1]

Seeing this, Lu Yun opened it decisively.

The sky once again turned into a fiery red light.

"War Priest*1?"

Lu Yun had a strange expression on his face. The stuff was good, but it was completely incompatible with the way he practiced.

But it is just right to reward the heroes and troops under your command.

Thinking of this.

Lu Yun directly summoned Liu Changqing from the air and placed the newly obtained war priesthood on him.

"Practice well, I have always seen your efforts."

Another piece of pie and encouragement.

Countless monks and warriors practicing in the army were agitated. It turned out that His Majesty had not forgotten these acquired mortals.

My own efforts have always been noticed.

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