All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 469 I Am Not Dead Yet, And The World Of Great Shang Is Not Dead Yet!

The Fumo Army and the Tiger Army joined the battlefield.

Although it did not reverse the situation in an instant, it allowed the Iron-Blooded Lord camp, which was retreating steadily, to maintain its position and prevent the army from losing all its vigor.

It is related to the general trend of humanitarian reform.

Qiao De, Feizi and other iron-blooded lords gritted their teeth, and a look of pain flashed across their faces.

Or send out your own troops to fill the battlefield like a millstone of flesh and blood.

The army was about to be overwhelmed by them.

Shen Qingqiu suddenly flashed golden light in his hand, threw his Confucian manuscript into the air, and spoke plausibly:

"The blue sky is getting higher and higher day by day, and the jade dragon is winding and enchanting."

"The boundless greenery is supported by sheep grazing, and a horse flies and sings to drunken the night."

The moment the manuscript was spread out, the vast prairie scene appeared out of thin air, directly absorbing the sea of ​​blood and Gu insects. The strongest [Deceitful Gourd] on the opposite side fell from the air in an instant.

"A god is pregnant in a book?!"

Joad stayed where he was.

From the perspective of the commander of the Luohe Star District, it was natural to see that Shen Qingqiu was extraordinary. Even in the Sixteenth State of Daxia, he was a literary scholar who was not weaker than Zheng Xuan.

"Lu Yun, we don't know how many surprises and trump cards you have."

When Joad murmured.

Feizi next to him had seized the opportunity and quickly added troops to the army on the battlefield.

"Your Majesty has already taken action. If you don't get the merit coins now, how long will it take?"

Fei Zi was in a happy mood, and the embarrassment and worry just now disappeared. He decisively pressed all his troops and fleets to kill the troops of the evil businessman camp.

Every soldier of the evil businessman.

But they are all bright and moving merits!

Not only the Iron-Blooded Lord's army was greedy, but the soldiers and civilians in the Heavenly Palace Territory and the Underworld Territory also saw the opportunity and killed everyone.

While Master Xuan Guang was stunned for a moment, he rushed towards his treasure in a hurry, trying to snatch it back.

At this time, the situation on the battlefield became more intense, and all forces were trying their best to fight.

The mysterious spell Shen Qingqiu cast caught the enemy by surprise, while other lords took the opportunity to expand their victory.

Shen Qingqiu's eyes were slightly focused, and words popped out of his mouth:

"There is always no evil in the money that smells like copper, but there is no promise in replacing the poor."

"Lost the treasure!"

Another ray of divine light suddenly burst out, sweeping towards the dozens of remaining treasures.


In the explosion that caught Master Xuanguang off guard, before they had time to show off their power, they exploded and shattered one after another, turning into a piece of light that dissipated in the wind.

"This great scholar actually has magical powers?"

"That's not a great scholar."

"This is a god who was born from the literary world. These poems are unheard of in Daxia."

The other lords suddenly felt a little wary.

Fortunately, Shen Qingqiu was on his own side, otherwise he would have made many lords surrender to him with his magic power.

"Mr. Shen is so skilled, hahahaha!"

Ge Erdan laughed loudly and rushed towards the other sect disciples who were full of deformities.

"Don't talk nonsense, His Majesty is still waiting for us to continue to make progress."

Shen Qingqiu was content and in a happy mood.

He continued to publish dozens of manuscripts of his own insights, and the situation of the hard-fought battle on the battlefield was instantly reversed.

Immortals with great supernatural powers can easily lead to a one-sided massacre if they face off against a grassroots army, except for some special formations and high-level artifacts.

Just for a moment.

The lord's channel is already full of news.

"Boss, I would like to serve Lu Shen as your Ming Gong!"

"Count me in, count me in, the heroes and units under my command are under the command of the boss."

Many lords soon discovered it.

Lu Yun's heroes Wu Qi, Liu Changqing, and Li Zhixuan have extremely high military qualities, and they can control tens of millions of wars without any burden, and even with ease.

Seeing this, Xiao Kun couldn't help but look solemn, "Should I also transfer the command of my own army?"

When I was hesitating.

The losses on the battlefield were constantly reminded, and Xiao Kun soon felt sorry for his own troops, which were suffering meaningless losses on the flank battlefield.

On a war scale that can easily cost tens of millions or billions.

Because the higher the command level, the more places, people, and things are involved. As long as one decision is wrong, it may trigger a series of collapses of the large corps.

Real-time multi-line operation is difficult!

Many level 5 and level 6 iron-blooded lord general-type heroes are somewhat stretched in the face of this situation.

More iron-blooded lords were subconsciously sweating when faced with the occasional strange fairy and magic weapon.

"Boss, please help me."

"The flank battlefield can no longer hold up. Please ask the heroes of God Lu to take command on our behalf."

More and more lords came back to their senses and quickly divided the command rights of their own armies.

Lu Yue naturally enjoyed the success. After accepting the command accurately, he began to micro-manage the entire battlefield.

The micro-management here is not the "I have the advantage" type of micro-management.

Instead, there really is a think tank called Daluo Tianwang that conducts cross-dimensional world command.

Students and teachers from Bailu College and Tiangong Military Academy were excited.

It is rare to have a large-scale battlefield confrontation drill with a social practice nature.

They don't miss a good opportunity.


The local forces in the copy world and the Zhou army also began to subconsciously follow the actions of the aliens around them.

Without him, the war potential of the army of the Shan Nian Humane Camp has once again exploded to 1000% vitality!

"Sure enough, a hero emerges from a young age... In just three years, Lu Yun has grown to where he is now."

When Joad was commanding on the battlefield, he sighed after seeing this scene.

One month later.

With the help of the Tiangong territory, the army of the Iron-Blooded Lords and the Zhou army were overwhelming.

Fight near Chaoge.

"Break Chaoge and kill King Zhou!"

"Kill Daji and take away destiny!"

"Brothers, victory is close at hand. We can defeat Chaoge today!"

"Everyone is ready to gather to fight Boos!"

The group of lords was very excited.

Thanks to the micro-management command of the heroes and officials in the Tiangong territory.

Many lords entered the plane trading hall when they were making money during the war, and spent huge sums of money to purchase new legendary and immortal heroes and units.

At this time, the war between immortals and gods on the battlefield of Taixiao Yunhai behind Nantianmen was coming to an end.

A magnificent heavenly gate, as bright as the sun and stars, slowly appeared.

The evil businessman who has swallowed up hundreds of strange countries on the ground seems to have really reached the end.

At this moment.

The originally clear sky suddenly became dark, as if a layer of darkness had been cast over it.

The huge black beak pierced the sky and came from outside the sky.

“I haven’t died yet, and the world of Dashang has not yet perished—!”

Source: "The Bodyguard" comic, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty. If there is any infringement, please contact the author for deletion.

The hoarse, vast demonic sound spread throughout thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

Under the sound waves, the large and small neighborhoods and buildings in Chaoge City collapsed one side or even turned into powder.

Hard to imagine.

What kind of state does one have to be in, so that the moment he opens his mouth, the sound waves and the aftermath can level Chaoge City!

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