All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 39 Black Light Guangsi Buddha: Now That I See The Tathagata, Why Don’T I Worship Him? !

Under the light of the spiritual fire green lamp and the dim light that filled the entire hall.

Every line on the Buddha statue seems to be coated with a layer of solidified time, exuding a simple and mysterious flavor.

There was no one in the grand and solemn temple.

"Ancient temple?"

"The coordinates are here, what's going on?"

Lu Yun landed here and looked around with doubtful eyes.

Behind him, hundreds of heavenly soldiers and feather guards filed out, filling the empty hall.


The bronze Buddha statue on the lotus platform has kind eyebrows lowered, full of solemnity, peace and compassion, and its voice echoes throughout the hall.

Lu Yun looked up and met the kind brows of the Buddha statue.

In a daze.

The hair on Lu Yun’s head fell in pieces.

At this time, he was wearing monk's robes, holding a razor in his hand, and neatly ordained Lu Yun. Thousands of monks around him were meditating quietly and chanting sutras.

[Zhongtian Ziwei] The destiny takes effect, and you are immune to the distorted cognition projected by the Supreme God of Cthulhu.

Lu Yun's eyes were clear and he looked around with interest.

In his eyes.

The monks around him flickered like frothy phantoms, like a false mosaic.

Pilgrims in small and large groups climbed up the steps.

Women and children, scribes, merchants, and pilgrims with all kinds of colors, holding lit incense sticks, bowed three times with pious faith.

A child laughed and fell down a hundred meters of stairs. He fell to pieces and was bloody and bloody.

The businessman and his wife who were worshiping incense next to him turned a deaf ear and seemed not to notice the child falling at all.

He still knelt down and worshiped the Buddha statue with utmost piety.

"Praise be to the Tathagata Black Light Guangsi."

"Black Light Tathagata bless you."

"Bless us with a child."

The businessman and his wife lit incense sticks, and the smoke drifted into the Buddha statue.

"You did great, kid."

Lu Yun opened his mouth and was about to stand up, but was held down by the abbot.

It is normal for a couple praying devoutly for a child to appear in a temple.

The illusory scene around here and the name of Black Light Guangsi Tathagata.

Lu Yun had some guesses in his heart.

"What happened just now?"

Lu Yun wanted to ask the host directly.

What happened to the child who fell to death just now?


The devout merchant couple hugged their heads in pain, blood spilled from their mouths, noses and eyes, their bodies expanded rapidly, and countless weird limbs were growing.

"Behind the Buddha is not necessarily the Pure Land of the Spiritual Mountain."

"The appearance of the Buddha you pray to also reflects your inner desires."

The host smiled slightly and explained calmly.

Lu Yun felt very calm in his heart.

It all seemed perfectly normal.


Lu Yun was horrified, why did he think everything around him was normal.


This feeling of perception being quietly changed.

So weird!


"The obsession is too deep."

The elderly host shook his head, and his generous palm soothed the throbbing in Lu Yun's heart.

What Master said makes sense.

No wonder he is a famous eminent monk with a radius of hundreds of miles.

All kinds of illusory memories appear like a carousel.

Lu Yun relied on the destiny of [Zhongtian Ziwei] to ignore these false memories.

Because in his eyes.

The host's beard is always squirming.

"May I ask the host, which Buddha is enshrined in the hall?"

"Amitabha, the one worshiped in this temple for many years is the Tathagata Black Light Guangsi."

"It's very effective to pray for a child or to conceive."

over time.

The tonsure ceremony is coming to an end.

Lu Yun stared at the gilded Buddha statue on the lotus platform, his dilated pupils gradually lost consciousness, and his consciousness drifted away.

A strange smile flashed across the elderly host's face.

However, Lu Yun's eyes always remained clear.

The Buddha statue surrounded by incense gradually turned into huge tentacles. The lights of the temple were dim, and it fell into darkness and greenery.

"Enter my Brahma door."

"You should worship my Buddha."

"Praise be to the Tathagata Black Light Guangsi."

The elderly host's gentle voice brought Lu Yun back to reality.

There are still thousands of brothers chanting sutras around him.

The businessman and his wife next to him had already left.

Lu Yun felt a sense of familiarity in his heart, and everything in front of him seemed to have been seen before somewhere.

He tried hard to show that he was beguiled and aware.

"Since you have seen my Buddha, why don't you worship me?"

Sanskrit sounds burst out, sandalwood incense overflows, accompanied by thousands of monks chanting sutras, showing the majesty of the temple.


Lu Yun always felt that everything in front of him was inconsistent.

Just when he was about to pretend to bow down and bow down, something alert and crazy told him in the dark.

If Lu Yun worships.

Something particularly horrifying will happen.

"Since you have seen Tathagata, why don't you worship?!"

The host's voice was filled with annoyance, and the chanting of thousands of monks gradually became chaotic, without any bulge on their faces.

Totally a faceless monk!

The black and tattered shabby monk's robes of the host were covered with strange tentacles, and pairs of scarlet eyes outlined the face of the Buddha that could not be seen clearly.

[Five Emperors Yulong] The destiny takes effect, and you ignore the babbling rules of the Black Goat, one of the three supreme pillars of the Cthulhu pantheon.

Lu Yun raised his head again.

The dim lights of the temple and the dark and green environment are the original appearance of the ruins!

This statue surrounded by clouds is a huge piece of meat like a black cloud, with many tentacles, and a big mouth dripping with mucus.

Those crazy monks and abbots worship such a weird and terrifying existence? !

Lu Yun was horrified.

He stood no more than three meters away from the statue.

If I had just pretended to worship, I would have just walked into the statue's big dark mouth.

Representing the core of [Plane Turbulence], it lies quietly in the mouth of the strange statue.

"The black goat of the forest who gave birth to thousands of descendants - Shub Nicholas."

Lu Yun's distracted eyes refocused.

The name was familiar to him.

He is one of the three supreme gods of the Cthulhu pantheon.

"Ho ho..."

"Is it the Black Light Guangsi Tathagata?"

Lu Yun held the core of [Plane Turbulence] in his hand and spoke in a hoarse voice.

It was like a leaking bellows, making a whooshing sound.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Yun squeezed hard, and the [Plane Core] shattered.

[Congratulations to the respected lord, the two cores of "Plane Turbulence" have been crushed. 】

[The cracks in the plane of the undead will be forcibly closed within one hour. 】

When Lu Yun was not paying attention.

[Five Emperors Yulong] The destiny effect flickered quietly again.


"How could it fail?"

"That is the great Black Light Guangsi World Honored One."

"I personally took action, but I didn't win a little newcomer lord?!"

Carter was beating his head crazily, his eyes flashing through the clip just now, in disbelief.

Everything that happened in the "Temple of Many Sons" copy was reflected in Carter's eyes.

Carter received Wei's guidance and tested the "Triple Crown" winner Lu Yun, asking him to accept the inheritance of the stars.


In Carter's mind, it sounded like a majestic instruction, but it meant something else.

Wei An asked him to use all his strength to distort and erase Lu Yun's existence.

(The murmuring and disorderly supreme knowledge cannot be understood by lower species at all, even if Carter has endless personality.)

"Woke up again."

Carter can no longer remember which personality he was born into.

"What just happened?"

Every time a personality is born, some memories are lost.

It doesn't matter to him.

The supreme existence above the stars will give you new knowledge and life.

Carter just wanted complete obedience.

Around R'lyeh territory.

A huge cloud that keeps rolling and festering. Sometimes the clouds may gather together to form terrifying body organs, infecting the nearby fog everywhere.

Even the misty world seemed a little afraid, and the corrupting clouds broke out over Raleye.


The clouds on the horizon in the distance seemed to be burned by fire, glowing red, and five blurry figures came one after another.

"It turns out that you are the anchor used by the evil gods of the old days to anchor the misty world."

"But if you do something wrong, you have to pay the price."

Five blurry figures looked at each other and sneered.

next moment.

Five huge slap marks came down, one after the other.

"My troops!"

Carter ran frantically towards the place destroyed by the giant hand.

It took him four days and three nights to conceive all the Cthulhu dependents, but all of them turned into powder under this slap.

The development of the territory has returned to its original starting point, and Carter needs to start over.

The five blurry figures looked ugly.

Just now.

They want to wipe out this filthy territory.

did not expect.

There was a group of weak beings that resisted their attack.

"When we return, I hope you will still be here."

The five figures snorted coldly and said harsh words.

They have not really returned from the illusion, and their power has not reached its peak.

Over Carter territory.

Those rolling and festering clouds didn't dare to resist, they just pretended to be dead.

Many small black dots faintly appeared on the distant horizon.

"My lord, my lord, why are you here?"

One of the Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards was breathing heavily.

They ran all over the gap space but could not find Lu Yun.

"Let's go, the core of the plane has been broken."

The broken core fragments at Lu Yun's feet told him that what he had just experienced was not an illusion.

not far away.

It's the temple with the eerie and weird statues.

Hundreds of heavenly soldiers and feather guards turned a blind eye, as if there was no such small temple around.

Before leaving.

Lu Yun looked back thoughtfully.

Others seemed unable to see the squat black temple amid the turbulent flow of seats.

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