All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 36 The Correct Way To Activate The Effect Of Destiny And The Role Of Counselors

"[The Leader] provides an experience catch-up mechanism. The leveling copy will be upgraded faster. Is it normal?!"

There is another very important question before Lu Yun.

"The premise of everything."

"The plane they are exploring belongs to my territory, and they must be my people."

Lu Yun frowned.

[Leader] is a title effect that only takes effect on the people of his own territory.


So, what can we do to make other new lords become our subjects?


Lu Yun found that he had fallen into a misunderstanding.

[Control the stars: The stars in the sky, the rivers and lakes, and the star gods all obey your orders! 】

"Everyone who belongs to the Star God will obey your orders."

Lu Yun stared at his next fate introduction.

He does not need to let other new lords become subjects of his territory.

Lu Yun only needs to find the race of the Star God in other planes that unconditionally obeys his destiny.

Immediately afterwards.

Then send these dependent races to explore and conquer other planes.

"And it seems that it's not just the race to which the Star God belongs."

Lu Yun's eyes flickered.

[Five Emperors Yulong: The Five Elements and Five Virtues always say that the gods of the five directions sit in the center of the four directions. No dragon dares to go against your will. 】

"Other dragon clans also belong to the category of dependent clans."

Lu Yun figured everything out.

The experience catch-up mechanism of the [Leader] title, plus the storage experience of the [Experience Storage Pool].

It can quickly mobilize the army of subordinates to pursue levels, including the Star God's Familia and the Dragon Familia under Lu Yun's command.

A perfect closed-loop framework drives the rapid development of Lu Yun's territory.

The correct way to start the development of lords, turns out to be this!

"Plan it carefully."

Lu Yun left the plane trading hall with a warm smile on his face.

do not know why.

The other representatives of the major planes who were trading felt a chill in their bodies for no apparent reason.

It seemed as if they were being targeted by some evil entity.

after an hour.

Bai Gui walked out of the [Plane Trading Hall] with a tired look on his face.

"grown ups?"

Bai Gui happened to bump into Lu Yun, who had been waiting for a long time.

"Mr. Bai, you are truly my lucky star and god of wealth."

Lu Yun held Bai Gui's hand tightly and wouldn't let go.

Telling about his plans and intentions just now.

Bai Gui frowned and seemed to have a lot to say, hesitating whether he should say it or not.

"Mr. Bai, it's okay to just say it."

Lu Yun's excitement subsided and he saw Bai Gui's concerns and said bluntly.

"Sir, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny."

"Let me ask you a few questions first."

"First of all, when will the new lords of the same term open the [Trading Platform]?"

Bai Gui asked respectfully.

"tenth day."

Lu Yun was confused and explained the changes in the next era of national lords in detail.

"On the tenth day, open the [Trading Platform]."

"On the twentieth day, activate the [Mercenary] mutual aid function."

Bai Gui thought about it for a while, closing his eyes and thinking.

"Your Excellency has a good idea, but he has overlooked several fatal issues."

Bai Gui shook his head and poured cold water on him.

"Please tell me."

Lu Yun listened respectfully, specializing in his art.

Bai Gui, who is known as the ancestor of business, must have unique insights.

"As you wish."

"If you want to sell tickets to other dimensions, you will face the following problems."

First, the new lord does not have the purchasing power at this stage.

Second, how can Jianmu’s [Bridge Building] magical power create a “ticket” for convenient teleportation.

Third, the National Lords Era has not been opened, and the interoperability of other regional channels has created a circle of audiences that is too narrow.

Fourth, a large number of planes are out of control, and the only thing they have in common is entering the [plane trading hall], which is prone to thunderstorms.

Fifth, what is the concept of race to which the Star God belongs?

After speaking, Bai Gui looked at Lu Yun quietly.

When Lu Yun heard this, he calmed down and thought about these five questions carefully.

The first question is that the main task of the new lords at this stage is to survive in the foggy world.

It is necessary to purchase weapons and equipment on a priority basis to facilitate the protection of offensive weapons and equipment.

In other words, the operation of [repairing buildings] and opening a store, buying low and selling high, is feasible.

If there is consumer demand, there will be a consumer market.

The second problem is that Jianmu's [Bridge Building] magical power has not yet developed to the extent that he can open a plane at will.

This requires speeding up Jianmu's growth to see if he can unlock the corresponding attributes.

Don’t think too much about this question.

Jianmu has become a bridge between the divine world and the human world, and the corresponding attributes are indispensable.

This operation is feasible and takes time to accumulate.

The third question.

There is no solution at this stage.

Lu Yun had a headache.

It seems that the National Lords Era has long expected that some people will take advantage of the convenience of the World Channel and the Regional Channel and think of forming a party in advance for personal gain.

more specifically.

The purpose of the era of universal lords is to prevent the second-generation lords and other top-level destiny lords from collectively oppressing the lower-level civilian lords in advance.

The second generation of lords can do:

Drive up the prices of materials that disrupt the market, and harvest the resources of low-level civilian lords.

The result of the non-interoperability of major regional channels has created a relatively fair and just development environment.

The era of national lords has blocked this road in advance.

Want to make trade differences?

Want to sell supplies across regions?

Sorry, this way is blocked.

In this way, Lu Yun has now established a "circle of new lords".

There were nothing more than some lords coveting Lu Yun's resources gathered together.

The circle of new lords who want to create a high-end market, make friends with the princes of Daxia and other geniuses from various countries.

The non-interoperable regional channels prevent Lu Yun from doing anything at this stage.

The fourth [Plane Trading Hall] thunderstorm is best understood.

So many plane worlds.

Because I had conducted transactions in the [Plane Trading Hall], I was invaded and sabotaged.

A discerning person.

Everyone can see that there is something wrong with the [Plane Trading Hall].

If there are a large number of plane worlds connected together, please ask a powerful person to cross plane time and slap them over.

Not to mention that the entire territory was wiped out, most of the losses were certain.

last question.

Confirm the astrology of the universe and the definition of the star gods of the Hehan group of gods.

This is actually the least difficult question.

Lu Yun only needs to walk around the [Plane Trading Hall] a few times every day.

A suitable dependent race will resonate with Lu Yun's destiny of "ruling the stars".


"Thank you sir for your advice."

Lu Yun bowed and bowed deeply.

Bai Gui hid aside without leaving a trace, not daring to accept this great gift.

Lu Yun did not notice this, and then asked: "Sir, what should we do next?"

Lu Yun finally realized why the ancients wanted counselors.

The existence of a think tank.

He just had to ask a question.

The people under my command will constantly analyze the possibilities of implementation.

"My lord, the next important thing is to do."

"First, make every effort to cultivate Jianmu's growth."

"Second, find ways to open up other regional channels and open world channels."

Bai Gui gently shook his feather fan and explained.

"Wait until the new lord opens the [Trading Platform] authority."

"Sir, just focus on collecting prop treasure chests. We have no shortage of ordinary development resources."

Bai Gui chuckled.

Hearing this, Lu Yun couldn't help but laugh.

Our own [Plane Trading Platform] is no more difficult than other new lords to collect basic resources.

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