All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 34: The God Of Wealth In The World, Guest At The Inn, Du Qiuniang.

There is an endless stream of drinkers coming and going.

The interior decoration of Longmen Inn is simple.

Facing the stone wall are twin pines welcoming good luck and nine dragons and auspicious clouds about to fly.

[Kowloon Soaring Wall]: The regional business attributes are increased by 10%. When responsible for trade work, the copper coins required are reduced by 40% and the resources are reduced by 28%.

Lu Yun placed this stone wall inside the Longmen Inn.

There are more than sixty wooden tables, a tall sunken wood counter, and a row of simple wine racks filled with ceramic wine vessels.

Du Qiuniang skillfully filled a glass of fragrant wine.

"Good wine."

Lu Yun drank it in one sip. The taste was refreshing and sweet, and he couldn't help but admire it.

"As long as the officials like it."

"The invitations have been sent out. Please wait a moment, sir. Guests will arrive."

Du Qiuniang lost her initial restraint and lay on the counter, looking lazily towards the street.

"It's hard to imagine that this is what a Level 1 Lord's Mansion will look like."

"A prosperous place that no county lord's mansion can compare to."

Du Qiuniang was of extraordinary origin.

She once followed a female lord and saw the prosperity of other worlds.

It's a pity that the adult died, the entire territory was shattered, and the surrounding borders collapsed.

Lu Yun, a new lord, exudes an aura that is as terrifying as the previous lord.

Especially the sergeants outside the door.

Just now, Du Qiuniang accidentally glanced outside the door.

Li Zhixuan wore a silver helmet and silver armor, holding a spear and riding a sky horse, galloping past.

This situation.

But Du Qiuniang was slightly stunned.

The security in the territory gives people a sense of security.

Lu Yun is really a mysterious high-ranking official, Du Qiuniang thought to herself.

[Leader (Your territory construction evaluation is far ahead of everyone)] The title effect is in effect.

[Gathering talents (the probability of talents appearing among refugees in the territory increases by 40%)] The title effect is taking effect.

It doesn't take a while.

A white light flashed at the door of the inn.

A figure appeared, took two steps to the side for a long time, and then stopped in confusion.

"Shopkeeper, a pot of wine will fill the whole house."

The gentle, reserved and mysterious gentleman shouted.

"Who do I know?"

Du Qiuniang raised her head and smiled.

"It turns out to be Mr. Zhisheng. Your visit has made the shop full of glory."

After saying that, Du Qiuniang got up and went to the inner hall. She personally opened a jar of fine wine and sent it to her husband.

"This official is still waiting nearby."

Qiuniang nodded without any trace, then shook her round fan and slowly returned to the counter, secretly lost in thought.

Bai Gui has been in business for a long time and understands what the latter means.

Looking at the center of the inn, Lord Lu Yun, surrounded by stars.

【Shang Zu】

Name: Bai Gui (growth talent)

Grade: Myth☆

Favorability: 80

Level: 49

Personality: [Shang Ancestor] [God of Wealth in the Northwest of the World] (Seal)

Inheritance: studied under Gui Guzi.


1. Get rich with light taxes: When engaging in trade activities and collecting taxes in the territory at low rates, Bai Gui’s trade profits will be doubled by 240%.

2. Duolu will increase longevity: If you become an official in the court, your official career will be prosperous in the future; your life will be increased by one month every year for all the people in your territory.

3. Hai Bo He Ping: There will be no dam damage accidents caused by river flooding or turbulent tides in the territory.

Magic weapon: [Guigu Golden Book]

Authority: [Money can communicate with gods]

Talent: [Coin] [Get rich with light taxes] [Business cycle] [Build dam] (Seal cannot be checked)

Evaluation: "Bai Gui, the ancestor of the world's most famous scholar, is the wise ancestor of Shang Dynasty."

Bai Gui pioneered business and was a wealthy businessman of the Wei state during the Warring States Period. He was one of the "Top Ten Businessmen" in ancient and modern times, and his name will remain in history forever.

Being good at water conservancy management is Bai Gui's most ordinary achievement.

One of the five great gods of wealth in literature and art.

(Note: Bai Gui is the God of Wealth in Northwest literature and is in charge of a person’s wealth before the age of thirty.)

One of the five great gods of wealth in literature and art.

Lu Yun didn't see anything else, he just felt that the gold was shining in front of his eyes, and the sound of money seemed to be clanging in his ears.

There were only three big words left in his eyes: God of Wealth!

"God of Wealth, no."

"I have met Mr. Bai and have admired his name for a long time."

Lu Yun calmed down and immediately stepped forward to say hello familiarly.

It is estimated that Du Qiuniang only knows the reputation and status of Mr. Bai, the ancestor of Shang.

How do you say that.

He ignores people in front of the Yuelao Temple and cannot kneel before the God of Wealth.

Lu Yun made up his mind to keep this God of Wealth in his own territory no matter what.

Bai Gui observes words and expressions.

His evaluation of Lu Yun was a bit lower in his heart, but his face didn't show any signs of strangeness.

These methods of gaining fame and reputation are the remnants of Bai Gui's old tricks.

But it is not ruled out.

Lu Yun is really a polite corporal.

So Bai Gui chose to wait and see for the time being.

Inside the Lushan Temple.

"A person who has to bow his head whenever Zhao Gongming comes."

"You're really putting on airs."

The Jiutian interviewer watched this scene with great interest, without any intention of reminding him.

Nothing else.

After thousands of years of boring life, it would be nice to have more fun.

Bai Gui took the wine bottle handed over by the waiter.

First, he poured himself a glass, raised his head to drink it, and said, "I see there are 24 waterwheels in your territory, and the placement is not very reasonable."

"It's a huge waste of water resources."

Bai Gui carefully chose his words so as not to offend others.

"For a territory that has been developing for decades, all kinds of good cards are played in a mess."

Bai Gui commented.

He saw that the development of Lu Yun's territory would take decades to achieve this grand scene.

Especially the nine-dragon flying stone wall at the entrance, it looks like it was made by a famous master.

Placing it in this small inn can be considered a big deal.

But I want to keep myself.

Just based on the current construction and capabilities of the territory, it can only show that the lord is too bad.

Lu Yun smiled bitterly and said: "The territory has just been established for four days, and we haven't had time to arrange the layout yet."


Bai Gui's mouth was full of wine, his eyes widened, and he asked tremblingly: "Is this the fourth day of your arrival?"


Lu Yun answered honestly and sincerely.

Bai Gui was stunned.

He originally thought that Lu Yun's territory was at least a great lord who was close to the senior lord's mansion and had been deeply involved in the foggy world for many years.

Otherwise, there is nothing you can do, just call and invite yourself.

Unexpectedly, it was a pure newcomer who had just arrived a few days ago.


Bai Gui used a single finger to use Guigu's unique method of observing luck, and finally found a clue.

Behind Lu Yun.

It seems that there are countless immortals and gods standing in the sky, stars and gods in the sky, and underworld commanders and rampant soldiers, all of them are respectful and standing with their hands down.

Five majestic beings whose figures could not be seen clearly stood on the left and right, silently protecting their path.

The existence of countless big shots cast their gazes at him across endless time and space.

It made Bai Gui's hair stand on end with horror.

His thinking fell into stagnation, and his soul seemed to be controlled by someone.

In the distant temple, a god smiled.

"Mr. Bai, can you join me in my territory?"

Lu Yun warmly invited.

Before Bai Gui could answer.

The Yuan Qi behind Lu Yun rolled violently, and the eyes of the five Heavenly Emperors were reflected, and they overlapped with Lu Yun's eyes.

"He is ignorant, are you also ignorant?"

Lezishen (Nine Heavens Interviewer) was also scolded by the five giants in his mind.

Bai Gui was shocked and looked at Lu Yun with great horror.

Gods from the five directions personally came out to stand.

What is the origin of this lord?

[Zhongtian Ziwei (no one’s destiny is nobler than yours)] The destiny effect is in effect.

[Five Emperors Yulong (Five Gods, sitting in the center of the four directions)] The destiny effect is in effect.

[Rise in fame (the probability of talents choosing to follow your territory increases by 20%)] The achievement is now in effect.

Bai Gui remained calm, drank the warm wine in one gulp, stood up and straightened his clothes slowly.

Lu Yun's heart skipped a beat and he was a little panicked.

Does this mean he wants to leave?

It shouldn't be.

Both the destiny effect and the title have taken effect.

And at this stage, no new lord can compare to him.

"I can serve you."

"It's this little old man who has been honored by his past and present lives."

Bai Gui knelt down smoothly without hesitation.

no way.

The shadows of the five Heavenly Emperor bosses behind Lu Yun were almost coming to reality with their coercion.

Does he dare not agree?

Let alone Bai Gui, a god of literature and wealth.

Even if the forty-eight Gods of Wealth came together, including the leader of the Gods of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, they all had to respectfully serve tea to Lu Yun.

I'd like to say hello to Lu Yun on the way.

Make a lot of money, make a lot of money.

With the God of Wealth here, why should I worry about not being able to make a fortune?

Lu Yun'an couldn't bear the mood of getting rich.

Take Bai Gui directly to the newly built [Plane Trading Hall].

(ps: In mythology, there are many gods in the path of wealth, including the Wen, Wu, Yi, Jun, and Pianwu Gods of Wealth, as well as the Five Sages, the Immortal Officials of Lishi, Emperor Wenchang, Mazu, etc., who all have the status of God of Wealth.)

(Zhao Gongming, who is often seen in Honghuangliu novels, is the first god of wealth.)

(Five Directions God: Not only are there theories about God in foreign countries, there is also a theory about the Five Directions God in China.)

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