All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 17 The Mythical Hero Li Zhixuan, The Legendary Military Force With The Attributes Of Heavenl

Lu Yun looked at it intently.

The attribute panel of the general Li Zhixuan.

【Holy God Personality】

Personality: Belongs to the Thunder God.

Attributes: Below immortal level, immune to all mental pressure.

Introduction: Raibu Masami is very good at the way of thunder, so all attacks are added with 3% natural punishment attribute. (effective in groups)

And all have a range burning effect, each attack will cause an additional 1-20% of real life damage to the evil spirit.

"Hey, this introduction..."

Something that surprised Lu Yun very much.

Li Zhixuan is a mythological hero with the status of "Zhengshen", who belongs to the Lei Department, one of the eight divisions of Heaven.

And relying on Lei Bu's righteousness.

Not only can Li Zhixuan be immune to all mental attribute attacks below the immortal level, but every attack has a heavenly punishment effect.

If Li Zhixuan leads the army to fight monsters and clear the copy.

Lu Yun couldn't even imagine it.

Each time comes with a percentage of the true damage judgment.

How cool it would be to brush a copy.

At that time, all the white real wounds will be floating around the screen, and they will ignore the monster's normal shield and armor effects!

【Yingyuan Guoyun】+1

Attributes: Resurrection of current strength once without consumption.

Introduction: Jiutian interviews Zhenjun who is worried about the abilities given by the fall of [Zhengshen].

Prerequisite: There is a Lushan Peace Officer (a special building exists) within the territory.

"Lushan Taiping Palace."

"After the Lushan myth is given, the building appears automatically, and the prerequisites for unconditional reincarnation are just met."

"Don't worry."

"Li Zhixuan's bloodline talent will no longer take effect."

Lu Yun then checked the entry for [entire army in formation].

The effects attached to this legendary level entry are very special.

A total of six interrelated attributes:

[The whole army forms an array] [The power of heaven] [Thunder and thunder] [Kui Niu of the East China Sea] [Raise drums and wave robes] [The flag is flying and the victory is over].


The first [Full Army Formation] increases the positive morale of armies below the immortal level by 90%.

[The Power of Heaven] is a control skill that can cause mental dizziness.

[Thunder and Everything] has a very long introduction.

To make a long story short.

The soldiers led by Li Zhixuan gained the power of thunder, and each attack was subject to a judgment of heavenly punishment.

The judgment is successful.

Instantly causes 10-20 points of true damage.

[East China Sea Kui Niu] is an attribute that is very late-stage.

It can be activated when Li Zhixuan commands more than 500,000 soldiers.

The army is blessed by the military soul of the East China Sea mythical beast and can ignore the terrain range.

Use magical powers to change the weather.

Just imagine.

Thunderstorms are completely the home of Leibu's natural punishment attack.

"First complete the exploration of the surrounding foggy areas."

"Wait until it reaches a later stage of development."

"Li Zhixuan's talents can be maximized."

Lu Yun pondered.

The last two properties.

[Raise the drum and wave the robe] Li Zhixuan leads the army and can get the blessing of turning back from adversity.

[Victory]: Under the Immortal level, no matter how many troops you command, you can activate the [Raise drums and wave robes] effect.

See here.

After sorting out his thoughts for a moment, Lu Yun said:

"Six of you, go and occupy a resource point each."

"Fight the dungeon monster every day!"

"Try to get the level up as soon as possible."

"You will still be needed for cleaning tasks around the territory."


Li Zhixuan and others quickly responded.

Here's your chance to make amends!

They did not dare to be careless in the face of the lord who was suspected to be the reincarnation of Emperor Ziwei.

"By the way, the wild monsters are not refreshed enough."

"Put these hats on their heads."

Lu Yun handed over a green hat with an extremely high top.

Li Zhixuan looked strange and responded in a muffled voice.

Lu Yun waved his hand.

He signaled to them that they could go and level up monsters.

Territory militia shares Li Zhixuan's [Heavenly Thunder Violence] attribute.

Every attack comes with a natural punishment attack.

It's completely a qualitative reminder.

Wait until Lu Yun sends away the six people.

Lu Yun continued to check and found the attributes of a few remaining heavenly soldiers.

Opponent's troops and heroes.

With a comprehensive understanding, there will be no command errors.

This is the syllabus clearly written in the Lord's textbook!

【Gunxin Ruyi】

Attributes: The spearmen in the world are lucky enough to have eight fights. Zhao Yun has one stone, but the spearmen in the world are lucky to have two fights.

Introduction: The powerful military strategist of heaven grasps the proverbs and refines them.

【Heaven is good at weapons】

Attributes: Any weapon, self-taught without a teacher, reaching perfect proficiency, except magic weapons.

Introduction: Knowledge from the Heavenly Armory.

【Speeding through the sky】

Attributes: The ability to fly in the clouds at the highest level; in the sky, the speed of marching is increased by 80%.

Introduction: As a young man, no one can resist the temptation of flying in the clouds.

【Royal Envoy Tianma】

Attributes: Any unruly horse will become as docile as a sheep with this talent.

Introduction: The insignificant little magical power of the Royal Horse Superintendent.

"This can be called a luxurious property panel!"

"He is truly a mythical hero and a legendary soldier!"

Lu Yun felt secretly happy.

Except for Li Zhixuan, a bug-level mythical (5-star) general.

There are five SS legendary level heavenly soldiers left, and their talents and abilities are not bad either.

[Heavenly Weapon Proficiency] and [Speeding through the Sky] plus the [Royal Pegasus] talent.

Sky combat.

The Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards are not inferior to any military type.

Lu Yun gave an order.

Even if the opponent is an angel in Western mythology, he can still capture it.

"By the way, what is the bloodline of human immortals?"

Lu Yun hurriedly checked.

The last attribute of Tianbing Yuwei.


Attribute: The separation between immortals and mortals (ignores any negative effects below immortals)

Introduction: One of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, a heavenly soldier from the Celestial Path, whose background is different from the monks who ascended into the heaven.

"Is it probably the difference between the natives of the heavenly realm and the ascended monks?"

"No wonder the Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards can follow the Nine Heavens Interview Envoy and meet the gods and earth everywhere."

"They themselves are part of the cycle of blessings for good people."

Lu Yun shook his head and sighed slightly, but said nothing and walked straight towards the lord's mansion.

Along the way.

Lu Yun was thinking about a question.

The traditional way of cultivating immortality.

They all emphasize the accumulation of meritorious deeds and the granting of imperial edicts, in order to achieve the goal of ascending to immortality.

A person who does good deeds.

Later, in the reincarnation of the underworld, they usually go to the path of gods.

Reborn as a native of the heavenly realm.

In the lord's mansion.

"Brother, you...are back?!"

Wang Xiaopang bit the big chicken leg in his mouth and said vaguely.

There are bones forming a mountain peak next to it.

It’s almost as high as the roof of the house.

"Brother, give it to you."

Wang Xiaopang chewed half of the chicken drumstick in his mouth and handed it to Lu Yun with anticipation.

Lu Yun looked at Harazi above, shook his head and waved his hands:

"Brother, you're not hungry. Are you full?"

"Three points full, ah no, eight points full."

Wang Xiaopang said worriedly.

Lu Yun sighed and said helplessly:

"Go ahead and eat. Uncle Wang will send you another batch of food later."


Wang Xiaopang narrowed his eyes and jumped up happily.

after an hour.

Lu Yun and Mr. Wang faced each other with melancholy expressions.

"Lord Lord..."

"The 29th batch of meals has been delivered."

"The territory's warehouse is almost exhausted."

Uncle Wang wanted to cry but had no tears.

He worked hard to manage the food of thousands of people up and down.

All of a sudden, an ancestor came out of the territory.

"It's okay, keep delivering."

"New food will be delivered tomorrow."

Let's say yesterday.

Lu Yun might be too worried to close his eyes.

Now that he is sitting on the Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards, he no longer cares much about these basic food consumption.

Lu Yunshun took this opportunity.

Revealed the information about the Nine Heavens Interviewer and the Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards to Mr. Wang.

Let the latter feel confident.

Now that the territory is impregnable, any plans can be released as soon as possible.


Li Zhixuan and five heavenly soldiers led hundreds of barely armored militiamen.

Kill 6 low-level wild monster resource points without taking any damage.

The 1,000 soldiers newly summoned from the [Recruitment Card] carry the inferior stone swords dropped from here and there to assist in the battle.

The new recruits served as auxiliary soldiers responsible for the baggage.

Help hundreds of militiamen who can barely be regarded as "regular troops" to carry fallen props and food back and forth.

over time.

Li Zhixuan, five heavenly soldiers and feather guards, and hundreds of militiamen successively broke out some stone armor and stone swords.

The new recruits who served as auxiliary soldiers were re-armed.

Led by heavenly generals and heavenly soldiers.

In just one day.

Thousands of new recruits completed the operation of replacing shotguns with cannons, and basically replaced them with inferior stone armor and inferior stone swords.

Although not as good as the Mingguang Armor and Mo Dao worn by Liu Changqing and others.

There is some progress after all.

Think about it.

Lu Yunshun closed the [territory information panel].

The hints for reward harvesting are so noisy!

The next day time.

Quietly leading the team of Heavenly Generals and Heavenly Soldiers to level up.

Passed by quickly.

(Note: Lei Tian Puhua Tianzun is the main god of the Lei tribe among the eight divisions of heaven. He is also one of the nine gods in the sky.)

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