All-Heavens Strongest Simulator Chapter 261

Take back the power...

I'm afraid it will take away both the body and the soul.

This system is not perfect now, and it is still imperfect even after it becomes Liu Xie, which means that it can only be perfected by taking Ling Tian's body.

Under this circumstance, there is no possibility for system and Ling Tian to get along peacefully.

Ling Tian fell silent as he watched the black smoke whose face was constantly changing in front of him.

There are countless faces, including everyone that Ling Tian knows, and even everyone he has seen.

Although this system is controlled by Ling Tian in some places, it has the strength of Ling Tian unable to compare in more places.

Furthermore, as Ling Tian fell silent, an invisible force spread violently, and on the ground, Nie Xiaoqian, Lu Bu and the others could all twitch.

This is not the force acting directly on the body, but the damage that is fiercely acting from the soul.

Ling Tian looked at the system coldly and didn't seem to see the pain of everyone on the ground.

"I just need to evolve. With my evolution, you are also getting stronger. You see, now you have the strength to compete with me, why do you stubbornly refuse This power..."

The roar sounded, and the black smoke in front of Ling Tian became Ling Tian's own face.

Immediately, starting from the head, the black smoke slowly turned into a person.

Ling Tian with the emotions of depression, sadness, anger, despair, gloom and so on.

It can be seen that Ling Tian's face is covered with purple scars.

"Remember this face, then, if it wasn't for me, you would have been killed by those bastards..."

system's voice continued, it would be this face Ling Tian was initially bullied by Bluestone City hooligan.

With this face system looked at Ling Tian, at this time, the system's voice was a bit more human.

"So, what are you worrying about? Without me, you'd be dead early, what else do you have to worry about..."

It was like a question from the soul spit out from the system's mouth.

With this questioning, Ling Tian's complexion began to change slightly.

Indeed, without the system, Ling Tian is already a dead person, and for a dead person, any conspiracy is ridiculous.

Even if the system wants body possession, but if it's not the system, people are already dead, so what's the point of the body.

Under this circumstance, it doesn't matter what the system has in mind, and how can it be said to be a conspiracy against it.

"Perhaps I really shouldn't be afraid of you, after all, without you. I wouldn't be alive today, but what you did to my brothers and Nie Xiaoqian made me wary... ”

Ling Tian faintly sighed, at this time Ling Tian seems to have completely believed in the system.

And say why you want to fight against the system, it's more because the system is pushing too hard.

"I really didn't think well, after all. It's not too long for me to have your human emotions..."

Hearing Ling Tian's words, the system's tone relaxed.

The next second, everyone on the ground opened their eyes blindly and woke up with a daze.

"Ling Tian..."

The daze was only a moment, and soon, Lu Bu and the others put on a fighting stance.

Nie Xiaoqian also glanced around indifferently.

However, Ling Tian and system were already above the clouds in mid-air at this time.

"This world actually doesn't exist what I need anymore. The Dragon Qi you collected is enough to defy the heavens and change the fate to the following people, so that the great man in this world can last for thousands of years and become The Millennium Empire..."

Above the clouds, the voice of system sounded indifferently.

With the power of the system. Ling Tian has no doubt that the system can see the millennium.

With a hint of joy on his face, Ling Tian looked at the grateful nodded of the system.

"In this way, I can rest assured even if I go to other dungeons with you, by the way, can I come back to see them later..."

Ling Tian first nodded at the system with a grateful expression, then opened the mouth and said.

Nie Xiaoqian and others can have good results, and the big man can have good results, Ling Tian is naturally happy.

However, people don't like parting, so Ling Tian still cared and asked if he could come back.

For Ling Tian to make this inquiry, the system not only was not impatient, but was extremely happy.

"Of course, when I evolve again, I will be able to completely control the Time and Space Rule. When the time comes, you can go to which dungeon you want. You can even go back to Fengyun, Demigods and Tathagata. Let's go..."

The words of relief were spit out from the mouth of the system, and the joy on Ling Tian's face suddenly became stronger.

Walk through dungeons at will. The sight is exciting.

"Then how can I become one with you again..."

With an excited look, Ling Tian opened the mouth and said.

At this time, it seems that Ling Tian is more concerned about how to have the system again than the system.

"Let go of your mind, I just need to find what's left in your body to become your soul's companion again..."

system's tone was slightly excited. .

The system twirled rapidly between the words and turned into smoke again.

It seems that he can't wait to get back into Ling Tian's body.

And when the system turned into smoke, the breath on Ling Tian began to calm down.

All the fluctuations in the whole person began to be silent.

Without a doubt. Ling Tian has entered a state of extreme relaxation.

I feel the situation of Ling Tian. The smoke turned by the system circled around Ling Tian, as if to confirm whether Ling Tian was really relieved.

After one lap, the system roughly judged that Ling Tian should really let go of his mind, and immediately moved towards Ling Tian and wrapped around it.

Smoke surrounds, and then gradually penetrates from the body surface.

Slowly seemed to be integrated into Ling Tian's body.

Ling Tian's eyes suddenly opened in this brief moment.

A terrifying breath rose at this moment.

The powerful aura is associated with the soul, and one can clearly feel that Ling Tian is exuding some kind of terrifying fluctuation from the inside out at this time.

"Ling Tian. You're here again..."

The voice of the system suddenly sounded in Ling Tian's body.

As for Ling Tian's fluctuations at this time, the system still has a deep memory, and that's how Ling Tian world Ling Tian exploded it.

If it hadn't been blasted once by Ling Tian, how could it be so fragile.

If you want to re-possess Ling Tian, you have to use many methods, and even used spiritual hints for Ling Tian just now.

"Ling Tian. It's my fault to use spiritual suggestion, but we cooperate. It's absolutely true that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Why do you have to give up so much..."

system panicked sounded.

Don't look at the world of Liaozhai, it can be so strong after being blown up once, in fact, it is already extremely weak now.

If Ling Tian explodes it once again, even if he can't kill it, he can definitely make it fall into an almost eternal sleep.


However, Ling Tian ignored System's shouting.

In fact, Ling Tian has been analyzing all the behaviors of the system since its appearance.

Ling Tian is not a wise and almost demonic being.

However, Ling Tian knows too much about the system.

Ling Tian was completely sure that the system didn't like to be verbose and cumbersome because of the domineering displayed by the world and system in deduction and simulating any Martial Arts in the past.

If it can easily occupy his body, the system will definitely shoot directly.

And since it cannot be directly occupied, there is a weak spot in the system.

So. At first Ling Tian is waiting, waiting for the system to reveal a weak spot.

Before, he ran the energy in his body. Not only to deter the system, but also to take the opportunity to investigate the situation in the body.

He wanted to find out what was left in his body that could make System so humbling.

And this investigation was also effective, Ling Tian clearly felt some kind of hidden power in his body.

His strength suddenly skyrocketed because of this hidden power.

After feeling this power, Ling Tian immediately thought of a way to deal with the system.

The system is strong, however, the system also has weaknesses, and this weakness is the best chance for Ling Tian to clean up the system.

At this moment, the power in the body of the system and Ling Tian is already very close, and it feels that the system can be integrated with that power even if the system shakes a little.

But this little distance has become a moat, and Ling Tian controlled that power and turned it into a kind of nothingness that was completely different from the system.

At the same time, most of the power in Ling Tian's body surrounds the system.

Breaking down the system, this kind of thing is very tense and frightening when you do it for the first time, but it will be much easier when you do it the second time.

Controlling the power of the wrapping system, Ling Tian chose to explode without any hesitation.

The terrifying power exploded, instantly turning the system into nothingness.

However. Just when the system turned into nothingness, Ling Tian's body also turned into powder.

A Space Crack appeared, and Ling Tian's smashed body immediately swallowed up a large space.

This trip, the body dissipated and was swallowed by space again. Ling Tian was not in a coma.

His sanity is still there. And very awake.

And, no worries.

System told a lie before, to control time and space, maybe System can't do it, but opening any copy portal is not difficult for System.

Actually, Ling Tian had this power at the time of the Three Kingdoms world, but it was because the power was never recovered, and it was impossible to determine which copy was opened, and there was no way to locate it, so he didn't want to open the door.

But now that the system was destroyed again, Ling Tian not only found out, but also completely mastered the spills of war obtained when the system was destroyed before, and even more obtained by this time. the spills of war.

The current Ling Tian is completely able to locate any world he has been to in the past.

So, as long as his body is reshaped, he can go back to the Three Kingdoms world immediately.

And this time, nothing will threaten his peaceful life in the world of the Three Kingdoms.

There is no trace of time in the space, and Ling Tian is not in a hurry.

Nie Xiaoqian is special, but Lu Bu and others have reached the limit of the human body, and they will not change for hundreds of years.

Floating in the gap of time and space, Ling Tian simply began to experience the profound mystery of time and space in a leisurely manner.

With Ling Tian's experience, he also comprehends more about the proven mystery of time and space.

His body also began to have more power belonging to time and space.

With the integration of the power of time and space, Ling Tian has more feelings about being able to lock the dungeon world at will.

The feeling of being like a fish back in water and going with the flow, as if Ling Tian should have such power.

In this case, Ling Tian is one step closer to returning to the Three Kingdoms world.

In this way, Ling Tian reckoned that not a short time should have passed, he finally fully recovered his human form again, and at the same time completely locked the Three Kingdoms world.

The power of time and space moved suddenly with Ling Tian's thoughts, and Ling Tian disappeared directly into the Space-Time Crack in the next second.

Originally, Ling Tian would return to the Three Kingdoms at the moment of disappearance.

However, just as he was about to enter the Three Kingdoms world, Ling Tian suddenly felt a slight unease.

In the realm of Ling Tian, although he still can't come back to life, with the blessing of time and space, he is no different from the legendary Divine Immortal.

With his realm of power at this time, it is an illusion to feel uneasy and impossible.

At the moment, Ling Tian silhouette stopped outside the Three Kingdoms world.

He carefully felt his surroundings again.

Space Crack has no fluctuations, and the power left by the system is also perfectly mastered by him.

If there is any problem, probably only his control of time and space is too perfect, so that the space barrier of the Three Kingdoms world will be too useless when he returns.

Just, is this the problem?

Ling Tian smiled and went back to the Three Kingdoms without thinking too much.

The footsteps only moved, and suddenly Ling Tian stopped again.

The time and space barriers of the Three Kingdoms world are too useless.

The words that had just occurred to him scattered in his mind.

The power of time and space exploded violently, moving towards the surrounding area.

The problem is not here, nor is it with him.

At this moment, Ling Tian finally realized where his unease came from.

If the problem is not him and the Three Kingdoms world, but the Space-Time Crack.

Then, when Space-Time Crack spreads here, the Three Kingdoms world will not be spared, and he will naturally feel it.

Under the overlying nest, there are finished eggs.

In this case, he will naturally have a feeling, but naturally he can also feel that there is a problem, because the problem is not here at all.

Perception diffusion, in this Space-Time Crack, Ling Tian's perception is stronger than in any world, and soon Ling Tian has caught the problem of Space-Time Crack.

Desolate, barren, vast, majestic, and extremely strong, even with the current Ling Tian's power to perceive it, it is only extremely strong.

Even, he has a feeling that he must never touch that world, otherwise he will die without a burial site immediately.

That world has some terrifying external guards.

If he really wanted to know what was going on there, he had to go through it.

The strongest place left by the system, no matter what world, as long as it travels through it, it can invade and resist the world consciousness of that world.

Ling Tian can't help but hesitate now.

That world is so powerful, so what if he goes.

However, if the expert of the world itself does not solve the problem, then the three worlds are in danger of being annihilated at any time.

In addition, the annihilation of the collapse of time and space, even if he now has a time and space power that can be called terrifying, he will definitely not be able to stop it.

struggling on whilst at death's door, or fighting in the past instead of putting hope on someone else.

Ling Tian looked towards Three Kingdoms, You Prefecture, Nie Xiaoqian was sitting next to the farmland.

On the grassland, Lv Bu was riding a horse, a little girl was following him, in the northwest, Cao Cao held his sword and looked from afar...

Ling Tian watched this quietly, Ling Tian couldn't help it faintly sighed, then step out

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