
Suddenly, there was only a crisp sound.

Followingly, the severe pain rose from the palm of the Purple Gold Dragon, and it spread quickly throughout Du Hao's body.

"Damn you!"

Feeling the break of his right hand, Du Hao burst into an angry roar.

The blood glow in his eyes was thick, and he ignored the damage of the right hand, gathered all his skills on his left arm, and suddenly moved towards the Purple Gold Dragon's front door and smashed past.

The fierce energy and blood-red punch contained his unparalleled skill in a desperate blow.

"It’s useless to shout loudly, look at the dragon's feet!"

Purple Gold Dragon let go of Du Hao’s already soft right arm, a long whistle in his mouth.

After that, he suddenly raised a foot and kicked Du Hao's handsome face with great precision before Du Hao hit him.

Although Purple Gold Dragon only used a part of its strength, how is the power of Shenlong really ordinary?

The strength contained in this foot is strong enough to forcibly kick a million catties of boulders into powder.

Suddenly, but after hearing Du Hao's scream, it was like a meteor moved towards the senior celebrities above the high platform and flew away.

In the middle of the air, he was shocked by the tremendous force and passed out into a coma.

An old man from the Du family caught Du Hao's body. After checking it slightly, the complexion greatly changed.

Not only because Du Hao's handsome face was directly kicked out of the picture, the Du family's face was lost.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the Purple Gold Dragon actually forcibly smashed Du Hao's whole body meridian, abolished all his lifelong cultivation base, and he was half dead.

You must know that this Du Hao is the younger generation number one expert of the Du family, and the new generation of hope star of the Du family has been destroyed in this way. This is worth it.

At the moment, the three elders of the Du family are staring at the Purple Gold Dragon with stern gazes.

One of the old men couldn’t help but said solemnly with a gloomy expression: "Boy, you are doing very well, very well..."

Although these three The face of the old man in the Du family was already calm, but from their gloomy eyes that could almost kill people, they could know clearly.

At this moment, how angry their hearts are. Obviously, these three people have developed a strong killing intent against the Purple Gold Dragon.

"It's too much! Uncle Long is a coquettish dragon, it has always been like this!"

However, the Purple Gold Dragon has no scruples and only listens to the carefree said with a smile.

Hearing this in my ears, everyone who watched the battle couldn't help being stunned, even Zhou Chen laughed wryly.

The stinky mouth of Purple Gold Dragon, no matter where he goes, can definitely cause trouble.

Sure enough, at the next moment, the three elders of the Du family were all furious.

"Okay, okay, okay, the old man hasn’t seen such an arrogant youngster for a long time.

Today, the old man wants to see if you have the strength to say so mad If you want!"

An old man of the Du family blurted out loudly shouted, and the energy of the whole person has also been pushed to the top.

When he raised his hands, he saw two fingers pointing out, a dazzling sword qi of several ten zhang lengths.

When even cutting through the sky, carrying an unimaginable sharp edge, he moved towards Purple Gold and cut it straight.

The intangible vigor that the sword qi exudes directly draws a chasm as long as several ten zhangs on the ground.

With a sword strike, under the surging of huge energy, suddenly flying sand running stone, the great coercion surging everywhere.

"sixth rank powerhouse?!"

Seeing this, many spectators around could not help but turn pale with fright.

Peerless experts of the fifth rank may still be common, but the Saint Level powerhouse above the sixth rank is not so easy to see.

For the overwhelming majority cultivator, this level of existence is not exaggerated to say that it is like an Immortal God.

While speaking, in addition to Zhou Chen, a few experts who hide in the crowd, many people are very wise to withdraw from far away.

After all, the battle of the sixth rank powerhouse is not like the battle of the young emperor. The mighty sword qi spread out vertically and horizontally. Even if the distance is not close, it is enough to crush them easily.

And the many senior celebrities on the stands can't help but be dumbfounded at this moment.

Among the people who didn't expect to compete, there are people who dare to challenge the mysterious Du family from the seniors.

Seeing that the senior celebrities from Li Family didn't mean to come forward to mediate, they didn't want to be the first bird, so they could only watch the changes.

After all, the rumors of the Li and Du family uniting are not groundless. The two Cultivation Families are so powerful that no one is willing to provoke them easily.

"xiu! xiu! xiu!"

The continuous, sharp splitting the air sound resounded all around, the sword qi containing the huge might, shining bright silver Mang, moved towards Purple Gold like a lightning dragon.

In the awe-inspiring eyes of the three old Du's, the Purple Gold Dragon at this moment seems to have become a dead person.

"Oh! What a sharp sword qi, but compared to Uncle Long, it's still too far behind. I will kick Uncle Long, ah!"

Purple Gold At the same time the dragon made a strange scream, it spun around and kicked, directly kicking and attacking the sword qi.

After that, in the eyes of everyone who couldn't react, it directly kicked the old man of the Nadu family on the side of the face.

At this moment, the old man of the Du family was shocked and unknown. He didn't even see the movement of the Purple Gold Dragon at all, and felt a sharp pain on his face.

After that, the line of sight began to blur, and the whole person was kicked into the air by an unimaginable force, and rolled towards the side and fell.


Under the domineering kick of the Purple Gold Dragon, I saw the old man of the Du family being kicked out and hit like a fallen star. On a hill in the distance.

Suddenly, the whole hill completely broke apart, and among the rocks flying around, it collapsed.

Forcibly after the Purple Gold Dragon's violent kick, the exclusive old man's aura immediately became extremely weak, and he was obviously dying.

Looking at the embarrassed silhouette of his brother flying upside down, the other two Du family elders standing beside Du Hao couldn't help but froze in place, never reacting at all.

"Raccoon, don't play anymore, let's end it!"

At the same time, Zhou Chen, who was standing under the ring, suddenly said, it was indifferent. In his tone, he didn't take these Du Clan people seriously.

"Boss, wait a minute!"

I heard Zhou Chen's words in my ears. While everyone in the field was surprised, I saw the Purple Gold Dragon on the ring with a grin and said. with a smile.

Purple Gold Dragon's previous strength was enough to shock everyone, but no one thought that he was just a little brother.

For a while, everyone in the field couldn't help being shocked. If the younger brother is like this, then how terrifying existence the boss should be.

"It's your two's turn to witness the stalwart of Uncle Long!"

Before everyone came back to his senses from the horror, I saw a strange smile in the mouth of the Purple Gold Dragon Looked towards the two remaining Du family elders.

At this moment, the strange laughter of the Purple Gold Dragon is like the deadly sound from the hell, and it has been transmitted to the ears of the other two Du family elders

With the example of the old man from the Du family earlier, the expressions of the remaining two old men from the Du family changed drastically.


They didn't even dare to make any resistance, they all let out a scream.

After that, he turned around and fled quickly in both directions moved towards.

"ao wu! Want to run? Have you asked Uncle Long?"

When the Purple Gold Dragon saw this, a loud scream came out.

Immediately, he raised his leg and kicked Du Hao on the ground directly.

But seeing Du Hao in a coma, like a meteor piercing the sky, with an incomparable power.

Draw an arc in the air, hitting the back of one of the elders, and blasting his life out of several hundred zhang far away.

After the successful blow, the Purple Gold Dragon once again drew a bottle gourd in the same way, kicking the old man of the Du family who had previously suppressed it.

I saw a meteor passing by, and went straight to pursue the remaining Du family old man.

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