Although it is dusk, there is still a trace of twilight between Heaven and Earth, shining on the world.

The sky is all red, like weeping blood.

The sound of the wind roared, and the Purple Gold dragon traversed Yunyue Ridge. Following the guidance given by Zhou Chen on his back, he quickly approached a faintly discernible mountain.

With the eyesight of Zhou Chen and Purple Gold Dragon, one can clearly see from a long distance that it is a tall magic mountain and the band-shaped magic clouds that circulate around the mountain.

"Boss, this...this is not the legendary Danger Land, right?!"

The distance to the magic mountain is getting closer and closer, and the face of the Purple Gold dragon His expression became more and more restless, and his mouth even let out a low growl.

After all, Purple Gold Dragon has also been cultivation for thousands of years. He has crossed the six worlds of Heaven and Earth. He naturally knows the terrifying reputation of Danger Land.

"Why? You this ruffian has also heard of Danger Land?"

Glancing at the Purple Gold Dragon with a look of horror, Zhou Chen is very interesting. 'S inquired

"How could I have never heard of the tomb of the legendary generation of Demon Lord!

However, it is a forbidden place that Immortal God dare not set foot on!"

Purple Gold Shenlong's words are full of awe.

After a while, he was even more spineless and suggested: "Boss, there must be a big omen ahead, why don't we leave here soon!"

"Boom! "

However, seeing Zhou Chen flicked his fingers vertically and violently broke through the air, fiercely flicked a loud brain collapse on the head of the Purple Gold Dragon.

"Why? Didn't you say that this seat will let you fly east, don't you go west?"

Immediately, just listen to Zhou Chen hate iron for not becoming steel Reprimanded: "believing or not I will take you for a tooth sacrifice?"

"No, I will go!"

I can hear Zhou Chen's threat, Purple Gold Shenlong shook his head again and again, and then murmured and complained: "Hey! Didn't expect Uncle Long just came out of the seal, but fell into the clutches of the clutches. It's really ill-fated!"

"What the hell, don't you fly!"

This complaint drew Zhou Chen's rebuke again.

Purple Gold Dragon still couldn't hold the pressure of Zhou Chen after all, so he quickly squeezed his strength and carried Zhou Chen straight to the place where the magic mountain was in front of him and flew over.

Although the speed of Shenlong is not as fast as Zhou Chen, it is also called fast as lightning.

After only a few breaths of time, Zhou Chen and Purple Gold Dragon came to the front of the magic mountain.

At the foot of the mountain in front of which is surrounded by thick magic clouds, there is an extremely huge valley, from which billowing demonic energy is constantly rising, and the terrifying sight makes my heart tremble.

"Boss, why don't we retreat!

This ghost place looks weird!"

Looking at the scene in front of you, Purple Gold Dragon I couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said: "The most important thing is that there is also a terrifying matchless Demon Lord buried in it!"

"What nonsense, do you still want the pure World's Essence Qi? "

Looking at such a cowardly Purple Gold Dragon, Zhou Chen couldn't help saying with a smile.

Recalling the World's Essence Qi that I had integrated into my dragon body before, a look of yearning flashed across the face of the Purple Gold Dragon, and even his expression firmly said: "For that pure and incomparable World's Essence Qi, Uncle Long!"

The World's Essence Qi of Zhou Chen's own world is by no means comparable to the Spiritual Qi of Human World.

Although Purple Gold Shenlong is a bit stubborn, he still attaches great importance to his own strength and naturally cannot withstand the temptation of this extremely pure World's Essence Qi.

Apart from anything else, the Purple Gold Dragon trembled, and immediately carried Zhou Chen into the air.

Not long afterwards, a faint fragrance suddenly floated in front of me, refreshing like orchids like musk.

This made Purple Gold Shenlong's eyes lit up suddenly, and he seemed to have forgotten his fear.

Licking his mouth, his face was full of excitement.

Flying to Danger Land, but seeing the mountains within the valley demonic energy surging, it's pitch black.

The light shining through the billowing demonic energy above is very dim, barely able to make people see the scene inside.

Within the valley is a tragic picture. The ground is covered with bones, the phosphorous fire is faint, and there is a thick Death Aura.

The faint fragrance is the only tinge of anger within the valley. Zhou Chen's foot on Purple Gold Dragon follows this fragrance to the source of the fragrance.

Along the way, even though the demonic energy around him kept surging, it couldn't affect him at all.

And Purple Gold Dragon has body protection, coupled with Zhou Chen's help, naturally there is no obstacle.

The valley is very vast, and the Purple Gold Dragon has flown out of several li, but it has not reached the source of fragrance.

In this vast mountain within the valley, every inch of the ground is covered with bones. Not only are there many unseen remains of huge rare beasts, there are also many giant skulls and giant dragon bones.

I have to say, this is really a terrifying picture, a terrifying scene.

The skulls of giants are mostly piled together, and each skull is bigger than a house. A dozen giant skulls are piled together like a hill.

Along the way, Zhou Chen has seen at least dozens of such human skull mountains.

Apart from this, there are many Dragon Bone Mountains piled up from the dead bones of giant dragons. This is really a place of great evil and great evil.

Go on several li, on the ground A little bit of rays of light came from the thousands of dead bones, which were the remains of several Immortal Gods.

The demolished pieces are scattered among the bone piles, revealing faint rays of light, which makes this Land of Death seem extraordinarily weird.

Purple Gold Dragon, who has never been afraid of the sky and the earth, completely shrank his head now, because he sensed great fear.

In this ghost place, there are not only the skulls of ferocious giants, the keels of powerful giant dragons, but also the remains of Immortal God.

If you can choose, Purple Gold Dragon will never step into this place.

The source of the fragrance is on a mountain of white bones not far in front. There is a strange blood-red flower, which is rooting on the bone meal of fluorescent light.

The scarlet flower stems, scarlet leaves, and scarlet flowers are very strange on the mountain of bones.

This is definitely not an Immortal Treasure gem, but a kind of evil in the legend: the flower of death

Legend, this rare evil is born in thousands of people In the pit, specialize in inhaling the spirit of the undead, and use it as nourishment to supply its own growth.

Although it exudes a strong aroma after maturity, it is the most evil thing in the world. No matter people, animals, grass, or wood, they will die when touched, and the end is extremely evil.

Zhou Chen is not surprised at all that the flower of death can appear here.

The endless bones, the thick Death Aura, what place is better for it to grow?

It’s just that the look of the Purple Gold dragon showed a little unwillingness. He originally thought that there would be a Heaven and Earth Treasure that was so cherished, but didn’t expect to encounter such evil things in the world. .

"Go on!"

Zhou Chen urged the Purple Gold Dragon to continue toward the depths of the valley. Although the Purple Gold Dragon showed fear, it still followed Zhou Chen. The instructions flew forward.

The more you move forward, the more bones you have.

Furthermore, it can be distinguished from the residual aura on the bones of the gods, and their strength during their lifetimes has also become more and more formidable.

Unfortunately, these divine bones were broken apart and scattered, until the two preserved and complete remains of Divine King appeared before the eyes, clearly showing the reason for their fall.

There are five horrible to see finger holes on the skull of a scorpion. It was shocked to be killed by someone’s brain.

The sternum of another scorpion There is a fist sized hole. It is conceivable that this Divine King was taken out of his heart by his life.

"gu lu!"

Purple Gold dragon subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of the dragon's saliva, feeling from the dragon's head to the dragon tail, a chill rose from the bottom of his heart.

Two Divine Kings of similar strength to his deaths were so miserable, it seemed that they were not at the same level as their opponents, and he immediately felt like a thorn in his back.

Zhou Chen knew that the Purple Gold dragon was frightened, and he quickly jumped off the dragon's back.

Immediately, but Zhou Chen raised his hand and turned it over, directly turning the Purple Gold Dragon into a foot long and wrapping it around his wrist.

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