The city of freedom is located on the largest plain among the mountains.

Although it is called a city, there is no city wall here.

Only one river is surrounded by the shape of'Tian' and intersects the Freedom City. This river is the most important transportation route in the city.

It is sandwiched between the east and west continents, Heavenly-Origin Continent, the seven great powers, but no country can conquer this free city.

Since ancient times, with the passage of time, countless Heaven's Chosen Child has set off a chapter of the times.

Although this free city not only does not have any city wall, there is not even a soldier guarding the city.

But even so, there are still no robbers who dared to appear near here.

Because this is Evil City, the capital of freedom, and it is also the residence of the most famous divine wind Academy on Heavenly-Origin Continent.

Heavenly-Origin Continent, one of the four major academies, divine wind Academy, where experts such as crossing river carp, there is never a lack of cultivator.

Walking on the streets of Liberty City, it is possible that an old vegetable farmer you meet will be a great cultivator.

Here is a gathering of notorious cultivators from the East and the West, as well as senior experts whose cultivation base has reached the level of transformation.

There is a legend circulating on the continent: Some cultivators who have committed serious crimes in their respective countries will often escape to the Free City.

So accumulated over a long period of time, there are countless sinners gathered here, so this city, which was previously named "Free City", has a new name of "Evil City" .

The seven powers in the East and the West, no country has the power to dare to reach out and touch here.

Not only because it is located in a strategically important place, but also in the Central Zone at the junction of the east and west continents.

Because of the cultivator fish and dragons mixed in together, there are countless cultivation experts.

Even, looking at the seven powerhouses in the east and west, no country can stand alone against the powerhouse here.

In the rumors, there are hidden experts and secrets in the Divine Wind Academy.

After leaving the tomb of the gods, Zhou Chen moved towards the city of freedom and rushed over.

Among this huge Human World Heavenly-Origin Continent, there are few places worth visiting by Zhou Chen, and this Free City is one of them.

I saw Zhou Chen wandering freely on the street, looking around all around, it was a bustling scene.

The people are busy with their lives, the merchants are busy with their shops, and from time to time, there are many mercenaries in the Freedom City slowly walking past.

All the various things in the world are presented here, which is full of human touch.

At this moment, Zhou Chen also seemed to be completely involved in it, enjoying the ordinary life.

Actually, no matter how tyrannical Zhou Chen’s cultivation base is, even if it is enough to slay the gods and demons and be invincible, what about it?

In the final analysis, Zhou Chen is just an ordinary person, just a lot more powerful.

Zhou Chen is not on the path of extinction, he also has his own emotions, but he will not be influenced by these emotions.

With his hands behind him, Zhou Chen strolled leisurely on the street.

Intentionally or unconsciously, he also heard a lot of rumors about Heavenly-Origin Continent everywhere.

The wonderful Heavenly-Origin Continent, Legendary is constantly emerging all the time.

In the last two months, nothing is more commendable than the situation in Chu Capital.

Two months ago, Chu State Great Princess Chu Yue brought a young man back to the capital of Chu State. On the 3rd day, the Emperor Chu made him a young man conferred as Chu State.

The young man was named Chen Nan, who accidentally rescued Zhou Chen.

1 month later, Chennan shines, fought against the three ambassadors of Anping Country, bent the bow and shot the giant dragon, showing an extraordinary power.

Until this moment, everyone didn't understand why he was conferred as a stranger so easily by the Chu State emperor.

Because he was able to pull away, the legendary Chu State town's treasure-Hou Yi bow was sealed.

This is definitely a shocking news, which makes many senior experts who live in seclusion on the continent have a great curiosity about this rising star.

Since then, Chen Nan's actions have greatly shocked everyone's eyes and ears.

He was in the capital of Chu State. He made a big fuss at the wedding of Sima Changfeng, the son of the Minister of Military and Aircraft, and eventually rebelled against Chu State. Not to mention, he even hijacked the Chu State emperor’s favorite little Her Highness the Princess. Missing.

In this regard, Zhou Chen did not feel the slightest surprise.

Although he has never seen Chen Nan with his own eyes, he also knows that Chen Nan is definitely not the kind of person who is willing to subdue to others.

So in Zhou Chen's view, Chen Nan's defection from Chu State was definitely not accidental, but an inevitable result.

After all, it is the Child of Destiny of this world, who must have a proud heart and strong self-confidence.

Suddenly, when Zhou Chen's thoughts were flying wildly, a burst of noise came directly into his ears.

With a sudden movement of thoughts, the huge and incomparable thoughts of divine soul fluctuate slowly, and in an instant they filled the void around him.

After Zhou Chen followed the prestige, he saw one silhouette fleeing hurriedly.

Not far behind him, a large group of people shouted and chased him.

"Hurry up, the thief is about to run away, dare to sneak into the female dormitory of our divine Wind Academy?!"

"This time, must kill this thief!"

"This shameless thief must not die and let him go!"

"Catch him! Catch him! Don't let him go!"


Seeing such a situation in his eyes, Zhou Chen couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Although he has never seen that person, but according to the Fiendgod Aura that he has contaminated.

In just a moment of meeting, Zhou Chen recognized the man who was fleeing.

Not Chen Nan who buried him in the Mausoleum of Gods and Demons, but who is it?

Perhaps, it is for this reason that Chennan's reputation can spread throughout the Divine Wind Academy.

Speaking of which, Zhou Chen also has a little interest in divine wind Academy.

After all, the divine wind Academy in this free city involves many events of Heavenly-Origin Continent, among which many secrets are hidden.

In the Divine Wind Academy, they even master this to refine the blood of Immortal God to create the ability of Immortal God.

This makes the entire Heavenly-Origin Continent big and small forces coveted.

Even if the strength is as powerful as Zhou Chen, it is full of curiosity.

With those huge noises gradually becoming clear and audible, occasionally there is a trace of formidable power long-range magic and hidden weapon passing through Zhou Chen’s eyes, moving towards the fleeing Chen Nan greeting Past.

Fortunately, Chen Nan's strength is not bad, none of these attacks can hurt him, but it is inevitably battered and exhausted.

Seeing that Zhen Chennan has gradually approached, Zhou Chen's steps under his feet made a slight mistake, and he retreated directly to the side.

At this time, he didn't have the slightest plan to get acquainted with Chen Nan. After all, at this moment, Chen Nan, who had committed the anger, was still trying to escape.

Although Chen Nan is gracious to Zhou Chen, he does not want to get a notoriety associated with the "prostitute".

Immediately, but seeing Zhou Chen slowly transforming his figure, he moved straight towards an Inn not far in front and walked in.

Perhaps it was a fate. When Zhou Chen stayed at the Inn, Chen Nan walked into the Inn with a little girl.

Looking at the appearance of the two of them, it seems that they are also preparing to stay at this Inn.

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