Stepping slowly through the light wall, Zhou Chen went straight into a brand new Small World.

As far as I can see, the endless vegetation is full of divine light, exotic flowers and rare herbs are everywhere.

Divine Tree The fairy vine shines brightly, the petals of the sky are dancing in the sky, and the endless Qi of Life is circulating.

Not only the flat land and the mountains are covered with mysterious vegetation everywhere, but also the endless flowers and plants grow in the sky.

Without soil and moisture, the flowers are still deep purples and brilliant reds, and the green trees are still verdant.

This is simply a garden of gods, everything is so incredible!

"Endless Qi of Life? There will not be a Life Origin Spring here, right?!"

Feel the rich vitality between Heaven and Earth, Zhou Chen’s He couldn't help but let out a soft sigh.

As the so-called ultimate self-derived life of death, this Life Origin Spring can only derive from the bottom of chance coincidence after the tyrannical cultivator body of the cultivation base falls.

Life Origin Spring, derived from the essence of the corpse of a tyrannical cultivator, is naturally extremely rare, life and death, flesh and bones are nothing difficult.

Looking around all around, what you can see is a sea of ​​spirit roots.

All kinds of unheard of, unseen spirit roots are all over this pure land, and they grow extremely vigorously.

There is not even any mortal grass, nor any mortal tree. All spirit roots are all miraculous varieties, revealing divine light and permeating Spiritual Qi.

Compared with the number of spirit roots grown in the Small World, the number of spirit roots grown in the world opened by Zhou Chen is not too much.

Rao was experienced and knowledgeable by Zhou Chen, and he was shocked at this time.

What kind of place is this? Is it really a gathering place for Life Origin Spring, as he guessed it? That was really amazing.


I picked a crystal clear and near-transparent fruit and took a bite in his mouth. Zhou Chen's eyes suddenly appeared A touch of polish.

The fruit melts in the mouth, sweet and refreshing, making Zhou Chen's lips and teeth full of rich fruity fragrance, and at the same time, there is a Spiritual Qi that rushes into the limbs and veins from his abdomen.

In terms of Zhou Chen's current cultivation base strength, the ordinary fairy fruit has no effect on him for a long time.

However, this fruit can show extraordinary, which is enough to illustrate its mystical place.

Even if it can't be compared with the top spirit root fairy fruits such as Innate Flat Peach and Ginseng Fruit in Great Desolate, it doesn't seem to be much different.

And this fruit seems to be nothing more than a common fruit in this endless forest garden.

It can be imagined from this that Small World is really unusual.

Zhou Chen, who was full of curiosity in his heart, immediately rose into the sky, and moved towards the depths of the Small World and rushed past.

At the same time, his majestic divine sense, with him as the center, spread towards all around, and began to explore this mysterious and incomparable Small World.

Not long after, the powerful divine sense is like hiding the sky and covering the earth, covering the entire Small World in it.

In Zhou Chen's perception, this area is about hundreds of thousands of miles in size, and it turned out to be a completely enclosed space, as if it were completely isolated from the outside world.

For a while, Zhou Chen's face couldn't help showing a thoughtful look.

The small wooden token needed to enter this Small World at the beginning seems to be the product of a long time ago.

Could it be said that this strange Small World might have existed before the opening of Heaven and Earth in this era?

I have to say that this speculation made Zhou Chen both surprised and looking forward to it.

Unfortunately, in this Small World, apart from the countless spirit roots, no other creatures exist.

So Zhou Chen couldn't confirm his guess, only to explore it on his own.

In this way, Zhou Chen continued to walk forward slowly with a heart of curiosity.

Passing through the dense forest of Divine Tree and stepping across the sea of ​​fairy flowers, Zhou Chen came to the Central Zone of this strange foreign world.

Immediately, an extremely shocking scene came into Zhou Chen's eyes, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

But see Zhou Chen standing in front of an old tree, a towering old tree connecting the sky and the earth.

The huge main trunk has several thousand zhangs in diameter. The stretched branches have disappeared at the end of the sky, which is really huge and unbelievable.

Although there are many magical trees growing in the world opened by Zhou Chen.

But compared with the towering old tree in front of me, there is a worlds apart between the two.

So far, this towering ancient tree is the largest tree Zhou Chen has ever seen. It is really the first Divine Tree since ancient times.

However, it is a pity that not only is there no half of life on this old tree, but there is also no leaf.

Although the huge branches spread out with countless branches, they are bare, and there is no slightest anger.

The vicissitudes of ancient atmosphere are permeating, this giant tree seems to have existed here since ancient times!

“It’s really strange. In this Small World, other places are full of vitality, full of endless Spiritual Qi.

Why is it only a giant tree here that loses its vitality? Silk is angry?!"

There was a surprise in his mouth, and Zhou Chen shrouded the divine sense on this old tree.

Keep in mind, he discovered the root of the loss of vitality of the ancient tree.

It turned out that for some reason, the core of this ancient tree was hollowed out, which made the ancient tree lifeless.

"Ai, such a Divine Tree, it was a pity that someone took away the heart of the tree and almost died here!"

Zhou Chen couldn't help but sigh. : "Well, this seat will give you a glimmer of survival. As for whether you can be reborn by this resurrection, it depends on your good fortune!"

Following Zhou Chen's thoughts suddenly moved, But seeing the world he opened up, suddenly the projection is in this Small World.

A huge and unmatched suction suddenly appeared, completely peeling off the Small World and swallowing it into the world.

The towering ancient tree was moved by Zhou Chen to a Feng Shui Treasure Land where Spiritual Qi is extremely vibrant.

At the same time, because the mysterious Small World was swallowed by Zhou Chen, he also reappeared in the desolate world.

Looking at the grass under my feet, it is full of black and red, as if washed through the barren land by blood.

I saw Zhou Chen's body suddenly move, and he once again embarked on a journey of exploring the world.


As Zhou Chen continuously penetrated into the barren world, a huge howl suddenly sounded from his ears.

Zhou Chen looked in the direction of the sound source, and saw a huge giant beast moved towards him.

The giant beast is the size of a hill, resembling a lion, but it is not a lion. It is covered with earth-yellow scales.

Its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl is dripping with smelly saliva continuously, which makes Zhou Chen's brow frown.

The color of disgust in his eyes was fleeting, and with the flick of his fingers, I saw an extremely bright star shoot out from Zhou Chen’s fingertips, moving towards that giant beast, penetrating through it. .

"Pu chi!"

Along with a muffled noise, the starburst suddenly penetrated the body of the giant beast, bursting into bursts of red blood.

It's a pity that the life force of the giant beast is so tenacious that it didn't die directly under the stars.

Although the starburst is nothing but Zhou Chen's condemnation, the formidable power contained in it is definitely not to be underestimated.

In today's barren world, Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi is so thin that it can't even provide for the existence of cultivation on the Great Firmament Golden Immortal Realm.

However, it is precisely because of the harsh environment of this world that the giant beasts living in it all possess extremely tough bodies.

The survival of this giant beast is enough to see that this barren world is not as simple as it seems.


After being injured by Zhou Chen, the giant beast not only did not have the slightest look of fear on his face, but moved towards Zhou Chen regardless of life and death broke out again A more fierce attack.

Seeing such a situation, the sharp cold light in Zhou Chen's eyes suddenly appeared, and a sword pointed out on the right hand.

In an instant, he swung a brilliant star sword, bursting with dazzling stars, moved towards that giant beast and cut it off.

The next moment passed, the blood light exploded, and the smell was pungent. The giant beast fell to the ground in a sudden, and was split into two by the sword glow that Zhou Chen waved.

Although the body of this giant beast is extremely tough, it has never been seen by Zhou Chen.

For him, it was just a small episode.

Now that this giant beast is completely dead, Zhou Chen can't prepare to delay it any more.

But seeing him suddenly rise into the sky, he once again embarked on a journey to explore this barren world.

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