Whenever a cultivator who has reached a certain level of status, how could he fail to recognize the fairy sword on top of the head of Section Cult dísciple such as Daoist Abundant Treasures?

This sword is called Qingping Sword, which is the Supreme Treasure of Heavenly Dao Saint Heavenspan Cult Lord.

Now that the Qingping sword is not sent, it is obviously to shock Haotian, the Heavenly Emperor.

If Haotian dared to really cause any injuries to Daoist Abundant Treasures and other Section Cult dísciples, then Qingping Sword will inevitably show a thunder-like power of terror.

Celestial Court held a flat peach event, which made such a grand event in Great Desolate between Heaven and Earth.

Although All Saints did not personally attend the scene, they only paid attention to the developments in Yaochi Immortal Realm, and took a look at the spirit pill and marvelous medicine sold in Haotian bottle gourd.

When he learned that Haotian was to recruit Great Desolate numerous cultivators, the saints either disagreed or laughed secretly.

When Daoist Abundant Treasures stood up and spoiled the situation, the hearts of All Saints became more and more disdainful of Haotian, quietly preparing to watch Haotian's jokes.

However, when Haotian showed the power of Quasi-Saint and began to suppress all Saint dísciples, the faces of all the saints were not very good-looking.

What does Haotian's move mean? He really thinks he is the Heavenly Emperor, so he wants to press on top of Saint Sect's head?

Seeing that the western teaching dísciple was battered and exhausted one by one, Zhunti Saint’s eyes flashed an angry look immediately.

Even Saint, who has always ignored the affairs of the world, looked serious.

Fortunately, Haotian did not target the dísciple of Western teaching in the future, so the introduction of Saint and Zhunti Saint did not take any other actions.

In comparison, the Supreme Purity Saint and the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning are much more indifferent.

The two of them are very clear in their hearts that with Zhou Chen's presence, it is absolutely impossible for people to explain what the dísciple of the two religions is being bullied.

Sure enough, Zhou Chen broke Haotian's power with a wave of his hand.

As for Empress Nuwa, she simply didn't send anyone to participate in the flat peach event, so naturally just watch the excitement on the sidelines.

No matter what happens, Empress Nuwa is not involved.

The other Saints all chose to watch quietly, but Heavenspan Cult Lord couldn't sit still.

Because the main goal of Hao Heavenly Eye is the Direct Disciple in his Section Cult.

So Heavenspan Cult Lord looked cold, and dropped the Qingping sword directly without saying a word.

If Haotian dared to hurt Daoist Abundant Treasures and other Section Cult dísciple, then Heavenspan Cult Lord will definitely teach Haotian a profound lesson.

After seeing Qingpingjian, Haotian clearly understood this.

I saw that the expression on Haotian's face continued to change, and his gloomy face finally fell into his hands.

"You wait and leave by yourself!"

Under Qing Pingjian's deterrence, Haotian sat down silently, and he waved his hand weakly and said.

Yao Chi, who is accompanying Haotian, also has a very ugly face.

Hearing this in my ears, Daoist Abundant Treasures couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Daoist Abundant Treasures knows very well that if the Qingping sword of his Master hadn't appeared today, he would have to pay for his recklessness.

Experiencing the Daoist Abundant Treasures of Quasi-Saint's mighty power, he did not continue to clamor.

Waving silently, Daoist Abundant Treasures left Celestial Court with a group of Section Cult dísciple directly.

A good flat peach event ended in a farce-like ending.

Seeing such a situation, Zhou Chen knows that he and the others are not fit to stay there anymore.

Immediately, Zhou Chen stood up slowly, he moved towards Haotian slightly cupped the hands, smiled and said: "Heavenly Emperor, we also left, many thanks Heavenly Emperor Hospitality."

I heard Zhou Chen's voice in my ears, and the other dísciple and Xuandu archmage also stood up together.

Although Haotian feels very uncomfortable now, facing Zhou Chen, he still forcibly supports a smile.

"Heavenly Venerable leaves on its own, I won't give it more."

Zhou Chen slightly nodded, he said hello to Zhen Yuanzi who was sitting with him, and then he went Leaving Yaochi Immortal Realm with a group of interpreters and dísciple.

For Zhen Yuanzi, Zhou Chen still has great respect.

In the past, when Human Race experienced blood catastrophe, Zhen Yuanzi was not afraid of the terrifying power of Monster Race and blessed the human race near Wanshou Mountain.

This kindness, Zhou Chen has always been in his heart.

In the face of Zhou Chen, the famous Great Desolate World's Heavenly Venerable, Zhen Yuanzi was also very polite, and he also responded with a smile.

With Zhou Chen leading the dísciple to leave, Zhen Yuanzi and the Western congregation dísciple also left for Haotian.

In the end, even the loose cultivator guests gradually dispersed.

The flat peach event that was originally enthusiastic, fell silent for a short time, and only the members of the Celestial Court continued to stay in the Immortal Realm of Yaochi.

At this moment, Haotian has no intention of continuing to maintain this flat peach event.

With a flick of his gloomy face, he immediately returned to his bedroom, does not pay attention to anything.

I think he dignified Heavenly Emperor, the ruler of the Celestial Court, was first offended by the Daoist Abundant Treasures and other Section Cult dísciple, and then he was deterred by the Heavenspan Cult Lord with the Qingping sword.

And this thing happened in front of that many Great Desolate loose cultivator.

In this way, Haotian will not say that he is to recruit those Great Desolate loose cultivators, his face is probably lost in the entire Great Desolate between Heaven and Earth.

This is different from the previous beatings by Zhou Chen, only those Great Experts know about it.

All of the ambitions in Haotian's heart were extinguished for a while, and he received a very heavy blow.

When Yaochi finished cooking the things of the flat peach event and came to search for Haotian, Haotian drank the dull wine alone.

Alcohol is not intoxicating, and everyone is drunk. Haotian, the dignified Quasi-Saint, looks drunk right now.

Since being enchanted by Way Ancestor Hongjun, Haotian and Yaochi have been companions for each other.

Seeing that Haotian is so lonely, Yaochi's heart is also very uncomfortable.

She slowly nestled next to Haotian, comforted in a soft voice: "Heavenly Emperor, Senior ancestor, senior appointed us to stay in Celestial Court.

That way is now Does this little setback make you feel uncomfortable?"

Haotian each minding their own business drank a glass of wine, muttering with his eyes blankly: "Heavenly Emperor? Lord of the Celestial? Court? Where is the Lord of the Celestial Court like me?

Before I was defeated by Chensu Heavenly Venerable, because my skills are not as good as others, I have nothing to complain about.

But what about today?"

While speaking, Haotian’s expression became more and more excited, and he even roared directly: "a trifling Great Firmament Golden Immortal Realm Daoist Abundant Treasures, why does he dare to be so disrespectful to the Heavenly Emperor?

Because he is the dísciple of the Third Senior Brother, is he born in Saint sect?"

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