Although Taibai Jinxing is the cultivation base strength of Great Firmament Golden Immortal, he is well aware of the arrogant temperament of these Saint sect dísciple.

In order not to cause trouble for himself, Taibai Jinxing, who has always been very sleek, puts his posture very low even when facing the boy Baihe.

"Are you in the Celestial Court?!"

Baihetong asked knowingly, he raised his eyes and looked at Taibai Jinxing, a look of disdain flashed faintly in the depths of his eyes .

Who is Taibai Jinxing? Even Haotian, whose mind is getting deeper and deeper, is perfectly cleared by Taibai Jinxing.

This Baihe boy is just an innocent waiter next to Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning. How can his mood swings be hidden from Taibai Jinxing's perception?

However, Taibai Jinxing did not take Baihe Boy’s disdain seriously. He was able to climb high in the Celestial Court and eventually became the confidant of the Heavenly Emperor, relying on an exquisite face. heart of.

The strength of the cultivation base of the Baihe boy in front of him may not be worth mentioning, but his identity as the boy of Void Jade Palace is enough to make Taibai Jinxing take seriously.

This emotional change of trifling will simply not affect Taibai Jinxing at all.

"Xiantong Mingjian, the little old man is from Celestial Court."

Taibai Jinxing smiled and said kindly.

"en! You are waiting here, I will report to the lord!"

The Baihe boy curl one's lip, he didn't take a look at Taibai Jinxing, and he went straight back. Go to the Void Jade Palace great hall on Qilin Cliff.

Even though Baihe Boy was treated like this, Taibai Jinxing still stood still laughed, and his expression did not show the slightest bit of resentment and impatience.

"Master tells you to go and see you!"

It didn't take long for the white crane boy's silhouette to reappear on the top of Qilin Cliff. He didn't come down, he was right there. Moved towards Taibai Jinxing on the cliff beckoned and said arrogantly.

Taibai Jinxing was still not angry, he laughed cupped the hands, and then set up a cloud on his own and flew up Qilin Cliff.

Across the quaint and thick tall portal, Taibai Jinxing finally saw Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning sitting on the cloud bed.

"little old man Taibai Jinxing, pay homage to Yuqing Saint, and wish Saint a holy life!"

Taibai Jinxing knelt down on the ground respectfully, and the chief prostrated himself.

"You don't need to be polite!"

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning raised his hand to help, and then directly asked aloud: "You came to see me, why?! "

Taibai Jinxing bowed slightly, he took out a jade book from his arms, and said respectfully: "Ten years later, it is the birthday of Empress, Heavenly Emperor wants to hold it for Empress." A flat peach event.

Saint is the Heavenly Emperor and the Senior Brother of the Queen, so the Heavenly Emperor ordered little old man to come and present the invitation, and Celestial Court welcomes the Saint’s frame."

"I see, you can withdraw!"

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning raised his hand to take the jade book, and said without expression.

"The little old man won't disturb Saint closed-door cultivation, so I will retire!"

Taibai Jinxing respectfully retreats until he leaves the Void Jade Palace great hall Later, when he turned and left, he could be said to have achieved the utmost respectful attitude.

"Yaochi's birthday?! That girl is worthy of letting me go and congratulate myself?!"

Glancing at the jade book in his hand, the corners of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning's mouth appeared. A touch of disdainful arc.

He didn't even look at the content, so he turned the jade book into fly ash.

In the eyes of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, the so-called Lord of the Celestial Court identities of Haotian and Yaochi, simply have never been in his sight.

If it is replaced by someone else, as the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning of Heavenly Dao Saint, you can completely dismiss it with one thought.

The place that Haotian and Yaochi are worthy of the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning is the identity of Daozu boy.

It is precisely because of this love that Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning will reluctantly give Haotian and Yaochi a thin face.

But Yaochi also have what skills and abilities. Let Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, the Heavenly Dao Deity, go to celebrate his birthday in person?

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning simply dismissed the invitation from Haotian.

If it's just as simple as celebrating the birthday of Yaochi, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning will probably only send Baihe Boys to go there.

Only Taibai Jinxing mentioned Pantao just now, which made Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning a little bit of interest.

Although he doesn't like the flat peach that has degenerated into an ordinary spirit root, this thing has a good effect on dísciples such as Antarctica Xianweng and Guangchengzi.

Immediately, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning faintly muttered to oneself, he spoke to the Baihe boy and said: "Tong'er, ring the golden bell, and then go and invite the teacher Ruchen. !"

Since we are planning to send a group of dísciples to Celestial Court to participate in the flat peach event, the leader is naturally Zhou Chen, the chief interpretation and education chief.

"Tong'er obey!"

Baihe Boy didn't dare to hesitate and neglect at all, so he hurriedly bowed in response.

Compared with the jealous appearance when facing Taibai Jinxing just now, the Baihe boy now can be said to be extremely docile.

Just when the dísciple was assembled, the other Saint sects also made almost the same actions.

Since Haotian ordered Taibai Jinxing to send invitations to the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, he would naturally not miss a few other Saints.

Like the response of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, Supreme Purity Saint is also preparing to let his only dísciple archmage, instead of him go to Celestial Court to celebrate the longevity of Yaochi.

And Heavenspan Cult Lord’s Section Cult is known as Wanxianlai Dynasty. He has countless Direct Disciples. Naturally, it is impossible to send all dísciples to Celestial Court to participate in the flat peach event.

Only Direct Disciple such as Daoist Abundant Treasures and the outer sect Head Disciple of Zhao Gongming are eligible to go to the Celestial Court.

As for the West Spirit Mountain, Zhunti Saint doesn't care about face as much as Heavenspan Cult Lord.

For the West, which has always been barren, this flat peach is a rare good thing.

Zhunti Saint wished to send all the dísciple of his Western teachings to Celestial Court, and he did exactly that.

Whether it is Direct Disciple or registered dísciple.

Except for Yang Tianyou and Yang Jiao's father and son who had just been plotting against Celestial Court not long ago, Zhunti Saint gave up directly to the Head Disciple pharmacist, and led all other dísciples to Celestial Court.

This means that there are not three generations of dísciples in Western religion. If not, Saint would like to send these juniors to Celestial Court to take advantage of them.

Among all the saints, only the seat of Empress Nuwa withered.

Except for Huang Nu Jin Ning, who is a close attendant, there is only a little boy, and Yang Chan, who has just adopted her.

Empress Nuwa is not going to go to Celestial Court to celebrate her birthday in person, and Jinning needs to take care of the two little babies, so Empress Nuwa is not going to mix things with Celestial Court.

As for whether Haotian and Yaochi's psychological aspects are uncomfortable, how does Empress Nuwa care about this?

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