On the top of the Kunlun Mountains, in front of the Void Jade Palace, Zhou Chen stood bowed and said respectfully, "dísciple Zhou Chen, see the Master!"

As soon as Zhou Chen's voice fell, the thick and simple portal of the Void Jade Palace's main hall suddenly opened slowly.


Among them, endless Dao Rhythm is pouring out, and there are blossoming golden lotus terraces in full bloom, immeasurable light shines on the sky, and the vast Purple Qi Diffuse Heaven and Earth.

Zhou Chen walked slowly to the hall. At first glance, he saw the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning sitting on the cloud bed deep in the great hall, his eyes full of admiration and joy.

"dísciple wishes Master a holy life!"

I haven't seen Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning for thousands of years. When we met today, Zhou Chen immediately gave a great gift.

But before Zhou Chen bowed down, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning on the cloud bed raised his hand and flicked it, directly supporting Zhou Chen.

At the same time, I saw Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning with a gentle smile and said: "Between you and your teacher, there is no need for such a big gift!"

"I haven't come to see you in a long time. Master, it’s really not for the discipline."

Zhou Chen stood up, cupped the hands with a smile, and continued: "The discipline took advantage of the power of the Master and got a great gift, which happened to be dedicated to the Master. ”

While speaking, Zhou Chen took out the jade box containing nine Innate flat peaches and sent it to the front of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning.

"You are humble."

Seeing such a scene, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning slightly smiled, he shook the head and said: "You can make Haotian and Yaochi bow their heads Acknowledgement, this is not relying on the power of being a teacher, but the strength of your own cultivation base."

Speaking of this, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning can’t help but look up at the place where the moved towards Celestial Court is located. At a glance, he coldly snorted said: "Haotian and Yaochi boasted that they have served by your Sect Founder for a long time, and thought that they could get along with our Heavenly Dao Saint. It's a bit arrogant.

trifling two The boy, he dare to make irresponsible remarks to me, they are also worthy?!"

This coldly snorted, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning is naturally not aimed at Zhou Chen's proud dísciple, he just looks down on Haotian and Haotian. That's it for Yaochi.

As the most arrogant person among Heavenly Dao Saint, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning even Western Two Sages and Empress Nuwa can't even look down upon him.

As for the existence under Heavenly Dao Saint, he might only be so pleasant to Zhou Chen, his lover.

When Haotian targeted the jade cauldron daoist earlier, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning immediately noticed it, and this immediately caused a trace of anger in his heart.

If Zhou Chen hadn't stood up and taught Haotian fiercely, I am afraid Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning would personally punish him.

In the eyes of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, Haotian is nothing but a boy next to Way Ancestor Hongjun in the past.

The following guilty condemnation of the honor of Saint, I really don’t know the immensity of heaven and earth.

His eyes fell back to Zhou Chen's body, and the corners of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning's mouth once again appeared with a very bright smile.

For my lover, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning is full of pride and pride.

Looking at the nine Innate flat peaches in the box that are extremely rich in Renshui origin, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning said with a smile: "Yao Chi that girl this time really paid a big price.

This Innate flat peach, as a teacher, only followed your Sect Founder's cultivation and tasted it a few times.

As a teacher, remember that Sect Founder bestowed this Innate Peach of Immortality Tree on Yaochi. At the time, the tree's fruit was less than twenty.

Yao Chi that girl reckless waste of natural resources, turned this Innate Peach of Immortality Tree into a flat peach forest, and planted it. In Celestial Court."

Speaking of this, a sneer flashed deep in the eyes of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning.

In the view of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, even if the flat peach forest of Celestial Court is more lush, how can it be worthy of the Innate flat peach to be more precious?

"Since then, this Innate flat peach has become Great Desolate."

Immediately afterwards, I saw Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning shaking his head laughed, and he continued to say: "You can force Yaochi to give out a whole nine Innate flat peaches. This will definitely make her and Haotian feel very distressed!"

"Master likes it!"

Zhou Chen nodded with a smile, said aloud with his hands.

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning hearing this, he shook his head again and said with a smile: "This Innate flat peach is good, but as a teacher, it is just to satisfy some cravings.

Take three of them for your teacher and taste them with your Eldest Uncle-Master and Three Martial Uncles.

As for the remaining flat peaches, take them back yourself!"

I have to say that Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning still attaches great importance to the brotherhood between Three Purities.

Now I got the rare Spirit Fruit of the past, and I don't forget to think of my brother and Third Brother.

Immediately, I saw Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning raises his hand, he directly took away the three Innate flat peaches in the jade box, and left all the remaining six Innate flat peaches to Zhou Chen.

Looking at the jade box back in front of him, Zhou Chen didn't say anything. He bowed and gave a salute, and then put the jade box away.

This Innate flat peach is precious, but for Heavenly Dao Saint such as Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, it is just a memory of the past, and it doesn't actually have any effect.

So when Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning explained this, Zhou Chen was not polite, and directly put all the remaining flat peaches into his pocket.

Seeing this scene, the smile on Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning's face became more and more cheerful.

Zhou Chen didn't have anything to do with him. This is the most important thing in the eyes of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning.

Immediately, I saw Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning wave his hand slightly, he said with a smile: "You rarely return to the mountain gate, and you will live in this Void Jade Palace for a while.

If there is any difficulty in the cultivation, you can come to the teacher to ask.

The teacher is now ready to find the Eldest Uncle-Master and the three Martial Uncle for retelling the past, go on your own! "

"Dísciple retire!"

Zhou Chen bowed and bowed, then exited the Void Jade Palace great hall.

When the gate of the Void Jade Palace was closed, the silhouette of the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning also disappeared on the cloud bed.

When Zhou Chen returned to the Kunlun Mountains to meet his teacher Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, Haotian and Yaochi also returned to the Celestial Court.

In the depths of Celestial Court, in the Jade Lake Holy Land, Haotian leaned on the throne with a sad face, no longer the majesty of the Heavenly Emperor who holds the power of the four extremes.

Remember that when Haotian was appointed Lord of the Celestial Court by Way Ancestor Hongjun, how high-spirited and vigorous he was, and wanted to achieve a great achievement in Great Desolate between Heaven and Earth. Fan Weiye.

But as a result, Haotian was first hit fiercely by the dilapidated Celestial Court left by Monster Race.

After finally perfecting Celestial Court, Haotian was hit by Xingtian again.

After a hundred generations, Haotian, full of ambitions, was once again plotted against his biological younger sister by Western teachers, and then violently beaten by Zhou Chen with the Heaven Turning Seal.

In front of the Great Expert of the Great Desolate World, the face of his Heavenly Emperor can be described as dropped a thousand zhang in one fall.

This makes Haotian feel deeply exhausted physically and mentally, and his confidence is damaged again and again.

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