Although Haotian's cultivation base strength, coupled with the protection of Clear Sky Mirror, he did not suffer a heavy and tragic accident.

However, Haotian's appearance looks extremely battered and exhausted, ragged clothes, dischevelled hair, where there is even the slightest majesty of the Heavenly Emperor.

Under flustered and exasperated, Haotian Dang even exploded the power of Clear Sky Mirror, the Top Grade Innate Spirit Treasure to the extreme.

"weng weng weng!"

Along with the emergence of a terrifying Dao Accumulation Qi machine, Clear Sky Mirror trembled violently, and instantly lifted into the void and disappeared .

In the next moment, a ripple of invisible and textureless space slowly rippled out, and during the period, it seemed to have a big horrible reward.

Seeing such a scene, Zhou Chen's brows were slightly clustered. He could feel the horror of Haotian's attack, which was enough to instantly suppress the ordinary Quasi-Saint Great Expert.

But Zhou Chen, especially the ordinary Quasi-Saint can compare? If he had all his cards out, he could even compete with Hunyuan Great Firmament Golden Immortal.

At present, there is only a Haotian, which is not enough to make Zhou Chen feel tricky.

But I saw Zhou Chen and pointed out that a magnificent and luxurious palace suddenly appeared on top of his head. It was the Top Grade Innate Spirit Treasure Star Imperial Palace.

In the all around of the Star Emperor Palace, these countless mysterious star charts are inscribed, as if all the changes of the vast starry sky are branded on it.

Apart from this, there are countless Heavenly Dao admonitions surrounding it, and all kinds of divine symbol talisman looming in it.

The starlight fell down and directly protected Zhou Chen safely.

No matter how terrifying the spatial ripples erupted by Clear Sky Mirror, in the end, there is no way to get Zhou Chen at all.

Looking at the palace above Zhou Chen's head, a look of jealousy flashed in the depths of Haotian's eyes.

Haotian is no stranger to the origin of this palace, he is the Peak Lingbao born on the Purple Tenuity Emperor Star in the past.

In the beginning, Haotian planned to compete with Zhou Chen for this treasure.

As a result, this Lingbao had just appeared in the world, and he took the initiative to recognize Zhou Chen as the master, which made Haotian give up the thoughts in his heart.

In the old days, Haotian knew that this palace Spirit Treasure's Might was extraordinary, but now it is only with this treasure with no difficulty that the space ripples of Clear Sky Mirror have been blocked. Judging from this treasure, this treasure is at least Top Grade. The realm of Innate Spirit Treasure.

In this way, Supreme Treasure directly recognized Zhou Chen as the master, which made Haotian's heart feel extremely jealous.

Know that Haotian, Celestial Court Great Heavenly Venerate, has only the Clear Sky Mirror in his hands, such as the Top Grade Innate Spirit Treasure.

But what about Zhou Chen on the opposite side? The Heaven Turning Seal and the Star Palace are revealed in a single eye, both of which belong to the level of Supreme Treasure.

Apart from this, Zhou Chen once held Great Desolate World’s Wuji Xing Huang Qi, Hongmeng Heaven Measuring Ruler, and Zhutian Qingyun, but none of them were displayed.

There are so many Peak Grade Supreme Treasures that Haotian could not help but think of the Head Disciple Daoist Abundant Treasures under the seat of Heavenspan Cult Lord.

In comparison, Zhou Chen should be more suitable for Daoist Abundant Treasures.

While Haotian hated him, Zhou Chen's movements were not idle.

Although the Star Palace is not a Top Grade Innate Spirit Treasure that specializes in defense, the defensive power of Innate for this palace type is much better than that of the same realm.

With this star imperial palace standing above his head, Zhou Chen is almost equivalent to being invaded by all laws and invincible.

At least with Haotian’s current cultivation base strength, he cannot break the terrifying defensive power of the Star Imperial Palace at all.

As a result, Zhou Chen Innate will be invincible.

Since there is no need to worry about protection, Zhou Chen simply devotes himself to the attack.

But seeing his sleeve robe flicked, his strong and pure mana was continuously blessed on the Heaven Turning Seal, and suddenly moved towards Haotian again.

"hong long long!"

In the next moment, centered on the location of Haotian, there simply won't be any more intact space.

In the void within thousands of miles, Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind are constantly emerging, like a horrible scene of chaos repeating itself.

Because the Heaven Turning Seal contains the existence of Pangu coercion, Haotian cannot escape the offensive of the Heaven Turning Seal at all. He can only forcibly withstand the terrifying prestige that resembles the overthrow of Heaven and Earth. can.

Once or twice, Haotian may not be a big problem, but if there are too many attacks, then Haotian may fall and reincarnate again.

The Great Heavenly Venerate of Celestial Court was forcibly beaten to reincarnate and recultivate one after another.

At that time, I am afraid that Way Ancestor Hongjun will appear in person, and he will directly dismiss Haotian's Heavenly Emperor.

After all, Celestial Court is the main place to sort out the order of Great Desolate. Way Ancestor Hongjun impossible makes Celestial Court's position in the minds of Great Desolate beings damaged again and again.

"Chensu, do you have to be irreconcilable?!"

As Haotian is getting worse and worse, the corners of his mouth can't help but see a splash of red blood, I can only see him He roared fiercely.

Haotian really did not expect that he would be restrained by Zhou Chen.

The power of Clear Sky Mirror can't help the opponent, but he can't resist the terrorist offensive of the Heaven Turning Seal at all.

At this moment, Haotian's heart couldn't help but give birth to endless fear and palpitations again, and he was also afraid that he would die again.

Not to mention the consequences of the Heavenly Emperor's death again, what Haotian is most worried about is that he doesn't even have the chance to reincarnate and recultivate.

After all, the Netherworld, who was reborn and reborn, was controlled by the Great Emperor, the incarnation of Zhou Chen.

Once Zhou Chen really has a murderous intent and does some tricks in Six Paths of Samsara, then killing a person is not much different from trampling an ant to death.

At the moment when Haotian's situation became more and more critical, a big banner suddenly fell from the sky.

The flag flags fluttered in the wind and hovered quietly above Haotian's head. The radiant light fell down, helping Haotian block the Heaven Turning Seal's offensive.

Haotian, who got the chance to breathe, quickly raised the Clear Sky Mirror with all his strength, and together with the banner set up the Heaven Turning Seal.

Seeing such a scene, Zhou Chen's mouth couldn't help but an arc, he smiled and said: "Since the queen is here, why not show up?!"

The prestige of that banner is also extraordinary. It is the Top Grade Innate Spirit Treasure, which is the same as Zhou Chen's Wuji Apricot and Yellow Banner. It is one of the five Innate flags and is called the Plain Cloud Boundary Banner.

In the past, Way Ancestor Hongjun designated the golden boys and jade maidens around him to enter the Celestial Court. Haotian was named Heavenly Emperor by the emperor, and Yaochi was named Queen of Heaven by the emperor.

This plain cloud border flag is the Top Grade Innate Spirit Treasure given together with Clear Sky Mirror and is under the control of Tianhou Yaochi.

Now that the plain-colored Yunjie Flag appears, the silhouette of Tianhou Yaochi is naturally not far away.

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