Celestial Court Princess Zhang Yao Ji, following the sound of the beautiful flute across Yushui River, came to a bamboo forest.

"What a Pianjia Young Master, what a refined in manner scholar, who can play such a beautiful flute with an ordinary bamboo flute!"

As soon as she saw Yang Tianyou playing the flute in the bamboo house yard, Yao Ji became very curious about him.

Yao Ji has traveled to the Human Race for several years, she has seen all kinds of people in the world, and she has never seen someone like Yang Tianyou who is proficient in rhythm. pass.

In the sound of this beautiful flute, Yao Ji felt a different kind of feeling.

Pursue freedom, yearn for freedom, and like a free and unconstrained life. Isn't that what she thinks in her heart?

Although Yao Ji is Haotian’s biological younger sister, she is extremely distinguished in Celestial Court.

However, in Celestial Court, she was not happy, so she longed for the world, so she secretly went down to earth.

Hearing the flute sound played by Yang Tianyou in her ears, Yao Ji seemed to see herself.

This bank of Chongqing water is picturesque and elegant. It is really a hidden land of peace and prosperity.

The person in front of you can live in seclusion here, playing such a flute sound, which is definitely different from other secular people.

At the same time, Yang Tianyou naturally noticed Yao Ji's arrival, and his purpose was to get close to Yao Ji.

Now that Yao Ji has been attracted by the sound of his flute, his plan is considered to be the 1st Step success.

Next, all you need to do is to make Yao Ji fall in love with him, and that will be considered as a successful accomplishment.

Yang Tianyou’s cultivation base was originally higher than that of Yao Ji, and the flute he played was mixed with the secret technique of Western religion that confuses people.

In addition to his deliberate plot against, Yao Ji naturally has a good impression of him.

Yao Ji, who had a loud liking for Yang Tianyou in her heart, also forgot her original plan to return to Celestial Court.

Instead, he hides in the bamboo forest, listening to the flute played by Yang Tianyou all day long.

Yang Tianyou, who is feigning ignorance, also plays different styles of flute all day long.

The only thing in common is that all the flutes he plays are mixed with the secret technique that confuses people.

With the passing of time, Yao Ji finally fell in love with Yang Tianyou and married with him for more than ten years.

In the meantime, Yao Ji has two sons and a daughter for Yang Tianyou.

To this day, their eldest son is more than nine years old and is named Yang Jiao.

The second son is two years old and his name is Yang Jian.

A family of five, life is becoming more and more happy and carefree.

However, this happiness is very short-lived, and it has reached its end in just over ten years.

After dealing with the backlog of affairs in his hands, Haotian finally noticed the change of his biological younger sister Yao Ji.

Not only did he go down privately for more than 20 years, he also married mortals and gave birth to heirs.

Be aware that Hao today has just re-ascended the position of Heavenly Emperor.

Now is the time to establish the majesty of Celestial Court, so as to reduce the negative impact of his death by Xingtian.

However, at this moment, Haotian’s biological younger sister Yao Ji actually violated the Tian Tiao with her body, which naturally made Haotian furious.

So Haotian ordered the celestial troops and generals to go down, preparing to take Yao Ji's family back to Celestial Court for disposal.

In any case, Yao Ji also has the realm of Heavenly Immortal, and naturally has a unique feeling for her own comfort, so she is ready to lead her family of five to escape.

Unfortunately, the speed at which the celestial troops and generals arrived was too fast.

Yao Ji only had time to send her young girl Yang Chan and her second son Yang Jian away. She, her husband Yang Tianyou, and eldest son Yang Jiao were surrounded by celestial troops and generals.

"Princess Zhang, now you have violated the Celestial Court's heavenly rules. The Heavenly Emperor special goddess waits for the lower realm to come here. You should return to the Celestial Court with the little gods and ask the Heavenly Emperor for sin! It won’t be difficult for the little god!"

After the celestial troops and generals from Celestial Court surround the Yang Family, the leading Giant Spirit God will shout loudly.

This Giant Spirit God will be a loose cultivator in the Golden Immortal Realm world under the Heavenly Emperor Haotian. He is a strong as an ox with a proficient approach.

"Giant Spirit God, I don’t want to return to Celestial Court, please let us go!"

I know my strength is inferior to the Giant Spirit God and cannot lead the whole family Yao Ji who had escaped couldn't help begging again and again.

"My Princess Zhang, hey, you have to think about it. The Heavenly Emperor has just ascended to the Heavenly Emperor's throne. Soon, you went to the Celestial Court privately, and even married mortals.

Celestial Court Princess Zhang has violated the heavenly rules and rules, where will this place the face of the Heavenly Emperor! You should go back to Celestial Court with the little god soon!"

Celestial Court Princess Zhang Yao Ji, the Haotian courtier who came with celestial troops and generals, Taibai Jinxing could not help being persuaded.

At this time, the field is almost the same as the Taibai Jinxing cultivation base, but Yang Tianyou, who has the Supreme Unity Golden Immortal Realm world, is silent, standing by quietly watching the development of the field.

Seeing no matter how Taibai Jinxing persuaded, Yao Ji still just stood there weeping, but the Giant Spirit God on the side was a little tired of waiting.

"Stop talking nonsense, let me take it all down and talk about it!"

I heard that the Giant Spirit God would say coldly snorted, and immediately turned to Celestial behind him indifferently. troops and generals ordered.

When a group of celestial troops and generals got the order, they immediately swarmed up, preparing to capture Yao Ji, Yang Tianyou, and Yang Jiao.

Just as Yaoji, Yang Tianyou and Yang Jiao were trapped, Yang Tianyou, who had been silent, finally took action.

Although Yang Tianyou came to plot against Celestial Court, but Yang Jiao is his bloodline after all, how could he sit back and watch his child be arrested in Celestial Court?

I saw that Yang Tianyou didn't care about the exposure of the cultivation base. After waving his sleeves to roll up the eldest son Yang Jiao, he turned into a golden light moved towards the west and fled away.

The sudden change in the field caused everyone to lose their senses. Yao Ji stopped the tears in her eyes and stared blankly at the golden light that was fading away.

"act recklessly!"

Just as Yang Tianyou was about to escape with his eldest son Yang Jiao, there was an extremely severe coldly snorted sound on Nine Heavens. .

Although this incident has caused Taibai Jinxing and Giant Spirit God to wait for celestial troops and generals completely unprepared, but in the Celestial Court, Heavenly Emperor Haotian, who has been paying attention to his biological younger sister, reacted instantly. Come here.

Originally, Yang Tianyou had a secret technique to cover up the secrets arranged by Saint Saint himself. Haotian naturally couldn't see his details, and only regarded him as an ordinary mortal.

However, when Yang Tianyou took the initiative to reveal the cultivation base, Haotian still didn't understand that he and his younger sister had suffered a plot against Western religion.

The furious Haotian, when even from Approaching Heaven Treasure Temple, moved towards the golden light that Yang Tianyou transformed, he took a palm print in the sky.

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