Just when the Human Race messenger was about to say something, Ao Guang cupped the hands and said in advance: "Human Race Fellow Daoist, the old dragon still needs my Dragon Clan’s ancestors went to meet Torch Dragon Old Ancestor, so I don’t want to stay with Fellow Daoist."

Human Race is now the largest race in the Great Desolate World after all, and its strength is terrifying.

So Ao Guang directly brought out the Quasi-Saint power behind his Dragon Clan, so that the Human Race messenger could be afraid of one or two, and dare not continue to pester.

I heard this in my ears, the Human Race messenger knew that with his own cultivation base strength, it is absolutely impossible to say Eastern Sea Dragon King Ao Guang today.

If you want Dragon Clan to stop the Great Desolate rainstorm, I am afraid that only the true powerhouse from Human Race can come.

Immediately, the Human Race messenger didn't entangle too much, he just bowed his hand and returned to the Human Race Holy Land.

After the messenger brought to Human Race and reported Ao Guang's remarks to the sages of Human Race, the sages of Human Race could not help but frowned.

They naturally knew that this was Ao Guang's evasion, but they couldn't refute it either.

After all, now that Dragon Clan is attached to Celestial Court, it is an indisputable fact.

But since Xingtian rebelled against Celestial Court that year, the Heavenly Emperor Haotian reincarnation was reborn, and it has not yet returned. Celestial Court has long ignored Great Desolate.

How can Human Race at this time go to Celestial Court to get the summons? This is clearly the Eastern Sea Dragon King Ao Guang deliberately embarrassing Human Race.

But let the sages of Human Race just sit and watch the clansman's prolonged flooding, how can they be at ease in their hearts?

At this moment, an idea appeared in the hearts of all the sages.

That is to force Dragon Clan to stop the Great Desolate rainstorm even if Dragon Clan is forced.

With the power possessed in Human Race Holy Land, this is enough.

"Let me meet the Torch Dragon of Dragon Clan!"

Immediately, Xuanyuan, the strongest cultivation base, stood up and said: "I want to Take a look, why does his Dragon Clan dare to make things difficult for my Human Race!"

As the Human Sovereign among the Heaven, Earth and Human three emperors, who is dominated by military warfare, Xuanyuan is naturally the strongest figure advocating toughness. .

Furthermore, with the strength of the cultivation base of the Saint Realm world of Taya, it is completely capable of suppressing the entire Dragon Clan forcibly.

Just when all the sages were nodded and prepared to approve of Xuanyuan's move, a different voice came in from outside the door.

"Strike up the army, then kill the hand, and then kill the army!

This time you can suppress Dragon Clan forcibly, so next time you will have to rely on this Dragon Clan to spread the clouds. Is it raining?"

Everyone followed the prestige, and when they saw the people coming, a touch of splendor appeared in their eyes.

And Xuanyuan bowed slightly, paying respect respectfully and said: "Xuanyuan has seen the Master."

The visitor is not someone else, it is the Holy Master Zhou Chen of Human Race. .

Zhou Chen is also very concerned about the catastrophe that Human Race has suffered through heavy rains.

He came to Human Race Holy Land this time specifically to solve this matter.

Zhou Chen first moved towards Xuanyuan nodded, and then cupped his hands and said to the others in the field with a smile: "You are polite!"

"I have seen Holy Master!"

Fuxi, Shennong, Human Race and the others, also smiled and bowed their hands in return.

After the greeting, Suirenshi asked eagerly: "At the moment, my Human Race is suffering from a torrential rain, but Dragon Clan is going to make things difficult for my Human Race. I don’t know. What's the idea of ​​Holy Master?!"

"My Human Race wants to make the weather smooth, and we must not rely on outsiders for this matter of cloud and rain."

I came here specially for this matter. Zhou Chen immediately said with confidence: "I have already thought about this matter, so let me deal with it if the rain stops and the clouds are scattered!"

"If this is the case, it's up to the Holy Master! "

Hearing this, the sages immediately felt happy, and they immediately bowed their hands.

Faced with the Holy Master who had repeatedly shot in the process of the Human Race catastrophe, they naturally trusted it very much.

"Don't worry, I will solve this!"

Zhou Chen smiled back and then he left Human Race Holy Land and went straight to Great In Desolate, the Yellow River Basin is the most severely flooded.

Hovering above the surface of the Yellow River, Zhou Chen couldn't help but smile at the corners of Zhou Chen's mouth as he watched the koi fish leaping up in the turbulent river.

These koi fish can only rely on their instincts to spit out Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi and Star Power. Their cultivation base strength is extremely low, and they can't even transform themselves.

But even so, they have a peculiar place.

That is the koi fish, more or less possessing some Dragon Clan bloodline, which is why Zhou Chen came here.

Even if the Dragon Clan Bloodline in these koi fishes is very thin, Zhou Chen has his own means to bring them back to their ancestors.

If Zhou Chen is able to cultivate his own Dragon Clan in Human Race, then Human Race will no longer be subject to the four Sea Dragon Clan in the future. It is entirely possible for the Dragon Clan that these carps to transform to come. Spread the clouds and rain for the Human Race.

But seeing Zhou Chen picking up a boulder from the bank of the Yellow River casually, he pointed his finger lightly, and the appearance of the boulder changed suddenly, forming a peculiar portal with a pool on top.

That daoist sect household is just an ordinary portal, the only characteristic is that it is extremely tall, with hundreds of zhang high.

The pool on the top of the tall portal is extremely extraordinary, with a radius of about thousands and zhang, and many primitive patterns are carved in it, which seems to be a piece of primitive and mysterious formation diagrams.

In the four corners of the pond, there are four protruding dragon heads, which seem to be alive.

With thin scales and long beards, the dragon's mouth is slightly open, and there is a golden light dragon ball in the mouth.

Carved at the bottom of the pond is a picture of Kowloon playing in the water, flying or curling up, raining or playing, making people feel the endless majesty of Dragon Clan.

The chaotic-colored pool water that almost overflows from the pool is extremely precious, and it is full of Innate vitality and the way of good fortune that Zhou Chen felt.

Mediation of good fortune, although this is not the magic method of divine ability that Zhou Chen majored in, but he also has some uniqueness in the way of good fortune.

Through the means arranged by Zhou Chen, all aquariums with Dragon Clan Bloodline can jump over the tall gate and enter the water of Guanghao.

Then you can go back to your ancestors and become a True Dragon.

This one pool is the Dragon Sect and Dragon Transformation Pond specially refined by Zhou Chen in order to train the Dragon Clan for Human Race.

With the condensed formation of Dragon Sect and Dragon Transformation Pond, all the koi fish in the Yellow River went crazy immediately.

Although they have not yet been transformed, they have already opened up spiritual wisdom.

The infinite temptation of Dragon Transformation Pond to them, simply does not need to be said too much.

Only relying on bloodline induction, those koi fish can know that this Dragon Transformation Pond is definitely their great opportunity.

However, on top of this Dragon Sect, it contains the test existence arranged by Zhou Chen.

After all, Zhou Chen is to help Human Race cultivate koi fish that can help the human race. He is naturally impossible to pick some mediocrities.

Under the oppression of Formation, those koi fish can't use mana at all, they can only use their own power to get past the Dragon Sect.

In this way, although the difficulty of Dragon Transformation has increased countless times, it can select even better koi fish for Human Race.

As soon as Zhou Chen placed Dragon Sect and Dragon Transformation Pond on the Yellow River pot mouth, countless koi fish flocked to Dragon Sect frantically, and then jumped up in an attempt to cross Dragon Sect.

However, they all failed. After all, Dragon Sect is not so good.

However, the school of carp that came forward and succeeded has formed a beautiful landscape, which is truly magnificent.

Countless koi fish flocked, and finally one koi fish successfully crossed the Dragon Sect and fell into the Dragon Transformation Pond.

With a burst of Dragon's roar resounding everywhere, but seeing a Golden Dragon soaring from the Dragon Transformation Pond, finally turned into a blond man and appeared in the eyes of Zhou Chen.

"Great Immortal's grace, small dragon unforgettable, I hope that Great Immortal can allow small dragons to serve you around!"

The golden dragon in shape quickly flew to Zhou Chen's body. Before, the volley knelt down and repeatedly knocked on his head.

This Golden Dragon can be regarded as extraordinary spiritual wisdom and talented. Although he has benefited from the Dragon Transformation Pond and has returned to his ancestors to become True Dragon, his cultivation base is merely a trifling. Heavenly Immortal only.

You must know that Dragon Clan is full of treasures, if other cultivator knows that there is such a Golden Dragon that does not belong to Dragon Clan.

So if he is not the cultivation base of Heavenly Immortal, I am afraid it will not take long. Either he was captured as a mount by others, or he was killed to refine magic weapons.

Although this Golden Dragon does not know Zhou Chen, from the perspective of Zhou Chen's ability to bring him back to his ancestors, True Dragon, he naturally knows that Zhou Chen is definitely the Peak Great Expert in Great Desolate. .

So as soon as this Golden Dragon emerged, it was ready to be attached to Zhou Chen's command, in order to get a chance of survival for the Dragon Clan transformed by these koi fish.

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