In the past, the saints set the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors to educate the Human Race. Among them, the Earth Sovereign Shennong division fell into the hands of Section Cult.

There is no doubt that Daoist Abundant Treasures, the Section Cult Eldest Senior Brother, naturally became the Master of Shennong.

However, although Daoist Abundant Treasures' cultivation base is powerful, he is not proficient in political affairs.

If not, how can the entire Section Cult be a smoky situation.

So Shennong's handling of Human Race affairs is basically his own groping.

In contrast, Xuanyuan's situation is completely different. Under the careful guidance of Zhou Chen, he has mastered many knowledge concepts derived from later generations.

Some of these contents are in line with the current status of Human Race, and some of them have given Xuanyuan a lot of inspiration in the future.

Xuanyuan’s aptitude was originally extraordinary. He combined these knowledge concepts and experimented with bear tribes, which allowed him to sum up his own experience.

Now, between the question and answer with Shennong, even Shennong is deeply moved.

Unconsciously, the sky has completely dimmed, but Shennong and Xuanyuan still didn't mean to stop at all.

Until the middle of the moon, the waiter couldn't help but came to remind Shennong and Xuanyuan to have a meal, which made the two of them stop unsatisfied.

"Xuanyuan, you are worthy of being a master of the ancestors of the Holy Master."

During the dinner, Shennong still couldn't help but praise Xuanyuan and said: "A lot of things you mentioned. , I never thought about it.

It seems that I have chosen you as the successor of the co-host of Human Race. I really have chosen the right person."

"The co-host is too good."

Xuanyuan quickly resigned.

"I am not exaggerating, you are indeed a rare talent in my Human Race!"

Shen Nong put down the bamboo chopsticks in his hand, he straightened his expression and said aloud:" I am calling you here today, in fact, I mainly want to test your school."

Speaking of this, Shennong could not help but pause for a while, and then continued somewhat self-deprecatingly: "But now it seems Compared with the philosophy of world governance that you are familiar with, this is just like playing with children."

Shen Nong's most proficient is agricultural pharmacology, and he is not proficient in these principles of world governance.

Shen Nong has no hesitation when it comes to mentioning his own shortcomings.

"The co-leader, you are too humble, Xuanyuan still has a lot to learn from you."

Shennong be that as it may, but Xuanyuan dare not neglect any , He hurriedly bowed his hands and said.

"It’s okay, I know what my shortcomings are."

Shen Nong waved his hand. He stared at Xuanyuan incomparably, saying solemnly: "Xuanyuan, I want to be the master. The position is surrendered to you.

I wonder if you have the confidence to take on the responsibility of my Human Race?!"

"Xuanyuan is obliged to do so!!"

Be a Human Race co-owner, this is Xuanyuan's ambition, he naturally will not lack confidence.

"Okay, I believe in you, and I believe in the ancestors of the Holy Master even more."

Shen Nong patted Xuanyuan's shoulders, and said cheerfully, "Since you are the ancestors of the Holy Master. Direct Disciple, then I believe that you will not let the entire Human Race down!"

On the 2nd day, Shennong announced that the entire Human Race will surrender the position of co-lord to Xuanyuan.

Suddenly, the entire Human Race was plunged into celebration.

The leaders of the major Human Race Tribe moved towards Chen Du and rushed over.

Although Xuanyuan is young, his deeds have already spread throughout the entire Human Race.

From the perspective of overwhelming majority Human Race, Xuanyuan's succession to the co-host of Human Race is a matter of course.

Leave aside, Xuanyuan alone is the dísciple of Zhou Chen, the ancestor of the Holy Master, enough to make countless Human Races support him.

On the day of the Zen throne, Shennong rarely put on a luxurious dress. He brought Xuanyuan and a group of Human Race Tribe leaders to a tall stone platform.

This stone platform was built by Fuxi Heavenly Sovereign in the past.

When Heavenly Sovereign Fuxi Zen was located in Shennong, it was a ceremony held on this stone platform.

Now that hundreds of years have passed, Shennong, like the Heavenly Sovereign Fuxi at the beginning, is preparing to hand over the position of co-lord of Human Race to a better Xuanyuan.

Looking at the massive clansman gathered under the stone platform, Shennong's eyes couldn't help showing a lot of emotion.

Although Shennong is not good in political affairs, he is absolutely unmatched in agricultural pharmacology.

After hundreds of years of education in Shennong, Human Race clear comprehension pharmacology and knowledge of grains have greatly improved the survival rate.

This has forcibly increased the number of the entire Human Race several times.

Today, looking at the entire Great Desolate between Heaven and Earth, Human Race is deservedly the largest race.

During this process, Shennong’s contribution to the entire Human Race is not high.

The perfection of such great sages, even the Heavenly Dao Saints of aloof and remote, personally came to the scene and sent congratulations.

Along with the auspicious visions such as the Golden Lotus and Empress Nuwa, the Three Purities Saint and Empress Nuwa came together to the sky above the high platform.

Immediately afterwards, the sages of Human Race, led by Heavenly Sovereign, Fuxi and Human Race, also came to the field together.

Apart from this, as well as Shennong’s Master Daoist Abundant Treasures.

But among the many Sage powers, Daoist Abundant Treasures seems very unremarkable.

After the sacrifice to Heaven and Earth, Shennong stood on the high platform and announced: "I am Shennong, I am trusted by Heavenly Sovereign Fuxi, and succeeded to the throne of Human Race for more than 900 years.

During the period, I tasted herbs, made lei, planted millet, and consciously worked hard to live up to the clansman's high hopes.

Today, in my Human Race, the great Xuanyuan clan was born, so we can go far. He defeated my Shennong a hundred times and gave up the position of co-lord here.

From then on, Xuanyuan was the co-lord of my Human Race."

The voice of Shennong fell. From now on, the Human Race under the high platform shouted the names of Shennong and Xuanyuan, while chanting together: "May my patriarch prosper forever!"

In this way, the important task of the co-host of Human Race is , Finally fell completely on Xuanyuan's body.

Earth Sovereign Shennong Perfection, Heavenly Dao naturally has unscrupulous Power of Achievements and Virtue came to show Shennong’s merits for Human Race and Great Desolate World.

But seeing above the sky, the boundless profound and yellow merits converge, swaying infinite merit golden light.

This contribution is auspicious, and finally it is divided into three, of which about 80% of the Power of Achievements and Virtue descended on the body of Shennong.

Among the remaining 20%, 10% moved towards Heavenly Sovereign where Fuxi was located, and was collected by Heavenly Sovereign Fuxi with the Human Race Supreme Treasure Kongtong Seal.

Another 10% is the moved towards Daoist Abundant Treasures that covers the past. This is Heavenly Dao's reward for the teachers of Earth Sovereign.

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