In the eyes of the witches of the Jiuli tribe, their strength is stronger than the orthodox Human Race, so Human Race should respect their witches.

As the leader of the Jiuli tribe, Chi You is the most powerhouse among humans and witches, and he should naturally inherit the position of co-owner of the next Human Race.

Chi You is also very dissatisfied with Shennong's plan to cede the position of co-lord of Human Race to Xuanyuan.

He stared at the 81 brothers around him with a pair of huge eyes, and finally said in a deep voice: "We are also part of the Human Race, and the co-owner of the Human Race is naturally qualified to succeed. .

Since Mr. Shennong is going to pass on the co-lord of Human Race to that Xuanyuan child, then we will directly raise our troops and take the co-lord of Human Race.

I am here. Let the old man Shennong take a good look at what a wrong decision he was against Wu Jiuli tribe’s succession as the co-owner of the Human Race!"

I can hear Chi You’s words in my ears, and 81 others. On the face of the witch, there was a look of excitement.

"Yes, I and the others witch, why bother to look at the face of Mr. Shennong!"

"This Human Race is the co-host, and it should be our powerful people Witches will take the post."

"Since the other tribes of Human Race are opposed, the Wu Jiuli tribe will defeat them all!"

81 strong and powerful people and witches have one after another Standing up, he enthusiastically supported Chi You's decision.

"Okay, in that case, then Wu Jiuli tribe will raise troops to fight for the co-master of the Human Race!"

Chi You also stood up slowly, loudly Made the final decision.

Immediately, the 81 witches left Chi You’s house one after another to arrange for the Jiuli tribe to raise troops.

The body of the human witch is far more powerful than the orthodox Human Race, so the entire Jiuli tribe, whether it is men, women or children, can be said to be a soldier.

The Jiuli tribe, which has a population of less than one million people, has drawn out a team of nine hundred thousand people.

The most terrifying thing is that among these 900,000 witches, the one with the lowest cultivation base strength is the Heavenly Immortal Realm world.

The entire Jiuli tribe is assembled under the command of the 81 Golden Immortal Realm world witches. Only after Chi You gives an order, they can rise up to fight for the co-master of the Human Race.

However, Chi You did not directly lead the Jiuli tribe to send troops. Instead, he left the Jiuli tribe alone and rushed towards the site of Buzhou Mountain.

At the beginning, after Zhou Chen moved the lower half of Buzhou Mountain, under the urging of the Great Desolate, the site of Buzhou Mountain has formed an endless mountain range.

Because Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi is very scarce there, it shows a desolate and desolate scene, so few Great Desolate creatures set foot in it.

However, this kind of environment fits the witches who have already withdrawn from the Great Desolate World stage.

In the past Witch Monster Art battle, Witch and Demon Races can be said to be perish together.

Originally, there were more than a dozen Witch and Demon Races in Quasi-Saint powers, but in the end, one or two Quasi-Saint powers survived.

Among the witches, the survivor of the equivalent to Quasi-Saint Da Neng realm is the Gonggong ancestor witch, and breakthrough to the ancestral witch realm's Xing Tian.

Gonggong was suppressed in the depths of the Northern Sea, while Xing Tian led the remnants of the Witch tribe and lived in seclusion at the site of Buzhou Mountain.

Now Chi You goes to the site of Buzhou Mountain to find the remnants of the Wu clan.

Although Chi You is preparing to fight for the co-master of the Human Race, he is not a reckless person.

Human Race has become the Great Desolate World Protagonist, and the strength of its clan is definitely not as weak as it was almost annihilated by Monster Race in the past.

Chiyou is now the realm of Supreme Unity Golden Immortal, he can't suppress the entire Human Race at all.

So before starting the army, Chi You naturally needs to find a strong support to establish his possibility of competing for the co-ownership of the Human Race.

And having an ancestral witch and the remnants of the Wu clan with several great witches is naturally Chi You's best choice.

As the most powerhouse among the human witches, Chi You will naturally not be disconnected from the witches.

After going deep into the site of Buzhou Mountain for a day, Chi You returned to the Jiuli tribe with confidence, led an army of 900,000 to attack the nearby Human Race Tribe.

In the entire Human Race, no one would have thought that the Jiuli tribe would have the courage to rebel against Human Race.

These witches madly attacked other Human Race Tribes, and all tribes suppressed and conquered by them were eventually reduced to slaves of the Jiuli tribe.

For a while, the entire Human Race was furious, and countless tribes united to resist the Jiuli tribe.

However, the strength of the Jiuli tribe is too strong. All those who can fight are at least the cultivation base strength of the Heavenly Immortal Realm world.

Especially the 81 human witches headed by them have a terrifying power that rivals Golden Immortal.

Together with the equivalent to Supreme Unity Golden Immortal Realm, Chi You, the normal Human Race Tribe simply is not the enemy of one.

Be aware that even among the large tribes, the leader basically only has the strength of the Golden Immortal Realm world's cultivation base.

The cultivator in the Heavenly Immortal Realm world is already an expert in the Human Race Tribe.

The Jiuli tribe is equivalent to 81 large-scale Human Race Tribe united together.

The horror of these forces, unless it is the origin of Human Race, such as the existence of the third ancestor of Human Race.

If not, no matter how many Human Race Tribes are united together, they will not be able to stop the attack of the Jiuli tribe.

In just three months, the Jiuli tribe has suppressed more than a dozen large tribes, and there are countless small and medium tribes.

Hundreds of millions of Human Races have become slaves of the Jiuli tribe.

At the same time, the offensive of the Jiuli tribe has intensified. Unconsciously, it has already approached the Jishui area.

On the bank of Jishui, there are dozens of large and small Human Race Tribes, among which bear tribes are the most powerful ones.

In the face of the menacing Jiuli tribe, the bear tribe united all the leaders of the Human Race Tribe around and gathered together to discuss the matter of fighting the Jiuli tribe.

As the leader of the bear tribe, Shao Dian naturally sat in the top position. He looked around at the other dozens tribe leaders below, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, those people and witches of the Jiuli tribe There are tigers and wolves.

I have to say that in terms of personal strength, our orthodox Human Race is much weaker than those people.

Now Jiuli The tribe is approaching Jishui area, I don’t know how you can deal with it?!" The voice of Shao Dian fell, and the leader of the small tribe below stood up immediately, cupped the hands, beast Said: "The leader of Shaodian, since we are gathered in your bear tribe, it is natural that the leader of Shaodian is the leader.

If there is any countermeasure in the heart of Shaodian leader, it is Please be frank, we should follow it!"

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