When Shao Dian heard about his reputation, his joy in his heart became more and more obvious when he saw the people coming.

I saw this young man in front of me, dressed in a crimson and purple robe, and his whole body was full of dignity.

Especially his bright eyes, which seem to reflect World's All Living Things.

Just one face-to-face, Shaodian knows that the other party must be a Great Expert.

"Dare to ask Immortal Master's surname?!"

Shao Dian did not dare to have the slightest negligence and hesitation, he immediately stepped forward and gave a salute respectfully. .

"Pan ancient jade lineage, Chensu Heavenly Venerable!"

The man was slightly nodded, with a gentle smile, and replied in response.

This person is not someone else. It is Zhou Chen who returned to Great Desolate World. His trip was specifically for the reincarnation of Xuangui.

I heard Zhou Chen's honorific name, and the look on Shao Dian's face suddenly became a side.

In the next moment, Shao Dian directly led everyone in the house to kneel to the ground, and repeatedly bowed his head and said, "We don’t know if it’s the Holy Master ancestor in person, excuse me for not going out to meet you, please punish your ancestors!"

So far, the Human Race has reproduced. I don’t know how many generations of descendants. I have personally seen Zhou Chen, the Holy Master’s Human Race, which can be said to be rare. It's less.

But because Zhou Chen created the text for Human Race, Human Race has the means of inheritance record early.

So the record of Holy Master in Human Race, from start to finish, has never been cut off.

It's just that before Heavenly Sovereign Fuxi taught Human Race, there was no painting skills in Human Race, so there was no portrait of Zhou Chen, the Human Race Holy Master.

Now that Zhou Chen has announced his name, Shao Dian and his family naturally immediately recognized Zhou Chen, the Human Race Holy Master.

As for whether anyone among them dared to act as an imposter, Shao Dian never thought about this.

Human Race Holy Master Zhou Chen, is the Chief Disciple of Interpretation, is the Celestial Court and the Arctic Crape Myrtle Emperor, is the Great Emperor, the Great Desolate between Heaven and Earth, and is one of the rare powers of Great Desolate between Heaven and Earth generation.

As the leader of the large tribe of Human Race, Shao Dian naturally has this information.

Dare to pretend to be such a powerful name, that is undoubtedly bringing about one's own destruction, so Shao Dian never doubted the identity of the person in front of him.

Human Race Holy Master, the ancestor personally came to accept his child as a disciple, which made Shao Dian excited, and even more excited to the point where he couldn't be more excited.

"You don’t need to be polite, just get up!"

Looking at the Young Dian’s family who looked very excited in front of them, Zhou Chen gave a chuckle, and he raised his hand and waved directly. The gentle force helped everyone up.

Immediately, Zhou Chen turned his attention to the child who was still in his infancy. He slowly said, "Shaodian, your son is the next co-owner of the Human Race, so I will go ahead. Come and teach him, what other opinions do you have?!"

"Holy Master, you are willing to accept my son as a disciple. It is an honor for my son."

Shao Dian Lianlian Shaking his head, he said with excitement and excitement: "I am too grateful, how can I have any other opinions.

Holy Master, you decide everything by yourself."

At this moment, Shao Dian's heart is completely happy.

Although Zhou Chen has not appeared in the Human Race for countless years, he still carried the kindness of Monster Race for Human Race, and has created the merits of writing, but he has never been recognized by Human Race. forget.

In today's Human Race, Zhou Chen, the Human Race Holy Master, is definitely not inferior to the Human Race tribe.

Even compared to the status of Human Race Holy Mother Empress Nuwa, it is not too much to give up. After all, Zhou Chen really fought hard for Human Race.

Shaodian's child can visit Zhou Chen's family. From the perspective of Shaodian's family, it is a great opportunity and honor.

Zhou Chen took the clever and wise child from the attached treasure. He smiled and asked aloud: "This child has a name?!"

You can hear Zhou Chen's questioning. Shao Dian hasn't spoken yet, and his wife Fubao responded with a soft smile: "Reporting to Holy Master ancestor, the child has not been named yet."

Attached Bao is also very sensitive. After answering Zhou Chen's question, she immediately leaned to give a salute.

Immediately afterwards, I only listened to Fubao and continued to say with a faint smile softly: "With the courage of Fubao, please give the ancestor of Holy Master one for the child."

"Yes, yes Yes!"

At this time, Shaodian also reacted. He bowed quickly and begged: "Please also the ancestor of Holy Master to give the child one."

Zhou Chen hesitated a little, but he did not refuse.

Just listen to him slowly say: "Then call Xuanyuan!"

Since Heavenly Sovereign and Earth Sovereign are named Fuxi and Shennong, Zhou Chen has no plans to change Named Human Sovereign.

His dísciple is destined to prove the position of Human Sovereign in the future, so naturally he will be named Xuanyuan.

"Xuanyuan...Xuanyuan...good name! Good name!"

Shao Dian carefully reads the name of Xuanyuan, and he thanked Zhou Chen with a look of joy: "Shaodian thanked the Holy Master for giving the name to the child."

At the same time, I saw Xuanyuan among the infants, turning his black and bright eyes, and said in a naive but very crisp voice: "dísciple Xuanyuan, I have seen the Master!"

Zhou Chen was slightly nodded, he turned his head and looked towards Shaodian, and said with a smile: "I have nothing to do recently, and I am going to bring Xuanyuan to teach by myself. I will trouble you to prepare a quiet place for me."

Since Xuanyuan has been included in the door, Zhou Chen naturally has to carefully teach himself this dísciple.

Before Xuanyuan was ever grown up, Zhou Chen planned to keep him by his side.

As soon as Shao Dian heard, the ancestor of Holy Master was planning to live in his bear tribe temporarily, which made the color of joy on his face more and more bright and obvious.

For the entire Human Race, what is the status of Zhou Chen, the ancestor of the Holy Master.

Even now Shennong, the co-owner of Human Race, if he knows the news of Zhou Chen, the ancestor of the Holy Master, he will definitely come to see him immediately.

The bear tribe is now honored to entertain the ancestors of the Holy Master. This is an incomparable honor for Shao Dian and the bear tribe.

"Please rest assured, Holy Master, my ancestors, I will prepare a place to live for my ancestors, and I will definitely not disturb your ancestors' clean repairs."

Shao Dian looked excitedly. After bowing, he personally prepared a place to live for Zhou Chen.

At the same time, Shaodian even notified Zhou Chen, the ancestor of the Holy Master, to the bear tribe, to everyone in the tribe, which made the entire bear tribe boil completely. stand up.

The ancestors of the Holy Master personally accepted the child of the tribal leader Shaodian as a disciple. This convinced some bear tribes that the small leader of their tribe would surely become the next co-master of the Human Race.

For a while, everyone in the bear tribe began to look forward to Xuanyuan's growth.

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