After hearing the words of the Lord of Universe next to him in his ears, the movement in the hands of the Lord of the Blood Forbidden stopped immediately.

The Lord of Blood Forbidden knows that the Lord of Sinking, the Lord of Qingkun and the others are all first-class Peak Experts in the Lord of Universe.

In addition, they are so many and powerful, even if they are as powerful as him, there is no certainty of winning.

Now that I suddenly heard of these powerhouses, it is very likely that they were all planted under the hands of Zhou Chen. How did this keep his heart calm?

Suddenly, a look of dreading flashed through the eyes of the Lord of Blood Forbidden, and he hesitated not to continue to act rashly.

"hong long long!"

Just as the Lord of Blood Forbidden was hesitating, in the endless waters, within the Stars Great Array on Sunday, Heaven-shaking suddenly spread, The loud sound of Earth-shattering cry.

But seeing the infinitely bright and dazzling starlight flowing around, the Formation shrouded in endless waters was completely triggered in an instant.

The meteors across the sky and the endless nebula are brilliant to the extreme, but they are full of murderous aura machines.

"Human Race Chensu, what kind of ability do you rely on Formation? Have the ability to fight us head-on!"

A roar full of anger and arrogance. It came out, the sound of rolling waves, set off sea waves suddenly, layer upon layer of turbulent waves, it is possible to swallow Exterminating All Living Things.

"This is... is the Lord of the Divine Eyes clan?!"

I can hear the shouting in my ears, and the already hesitant Blood Forbidden Lord cannot help but get eyes shined.

"It seems that the Formation arranged by the Lord of Chensu may not be unbreakable!"

The heart of the Lord of Blood Forbidden is turning again and again. Out of the shouting loudly: "Everyone, join me into the big formation.

Although this weird big formation is strong, it will eventually have its limits.

I don’t believe it, Trifling is a large formation, able to withstand the combined assault of all of us."


I heard the words of the Lord of Blood Forbidden in my ears, standing behind him The twelve Lord of Universe immediately responded in unison.

Whether you are afraid of the power of the Lord of Blood Forbidden, or you want to seize the selfishness of the top Supreme Treasure.

At this moment, together with the Lord of Blood Forbidden, a total of 13 powerful Lord of Universe rushed towards Zhou Chen immediately.

"Good come!"

Seeing such a scene, Zhou Chen's mouth also has a chuckle.

His body shape shook suddenly, and he moved towards the bottom and fell sharply.

In a blink of an eye, Zhou Chen has been hidden inside the Zhoutian Stars Great Array.

If it is other Formation, there is indeed the possibility that it cannot withstand the impact of manpower.

Once the attack power exceeds the upper limit of Formation, it will completely collapse the big formation!

However, this large formation arranged by Zhou Chen is one of the Peak Killing Formation of Great Desolate World.

The formidable power of its formidable power is definitely not low in the level of Hunyuan Great Firmament Golden Immortal.

Even if the most powerhouse in the universe is coming, Zhou Chen is sure to use this array to contend with it.

To suppress some Lord of Universe at the moment, it is completely nothing difficult.

Seeing the Lord of the Blood Forbidden and the others chasing into the Stars Great Array of Zhou Tian, ​​Zhou Chen formed a seal art in his hands, and directly turned the array into full operation.

In the next moment, the stars will flow and time and space will change.

One by one, separate different degrees of voids are condensed and formed, separating the Lord of Universe trapped in the formation one by one.

In a short period of time, the entire Formation changed twice continuously, which made the Master Qingkun who was developing the method of breaking the formation suddenly surprisedly said: "This... this How could it be possible?!"

The Lord of Qingkun looked around all around, there were countless Star Power, he could not feel the breath of any fellow Lord of Universe at all.

For a while, the Lord of Qingkun seemed to feel that he was trapped in a world with completely different rules.

This made him immediately derived out an endless sense of crisis.

The Lord of Qingkun doesn't know what his companion is doing right now.

But his heart is very clear that even he who is good at Dao of Array knows the truth, let alone other people? I am afraid that the situation is not much better than myself.

"No, I must speed up breaking the formation!"

Knowing that the situation is critical, the Lord of Qingkun murmured.

Immediately, he quickly let go of his Divine Consciousness, covering Heaven and Earth in general, and permeating along the path of Formation, wanting to analyze the profound mystery of Formation.

However, how mysterious is the Stars Great Array on Sunday? It is the Top Grade Innate Spirit Treasure of the Star Imperial Palace that affects the power of the stars. How can it be so easy to be peeked at?

Rao is an Array Grandmaster like the Master of Qingkun, although he can explore the trajectory of some Formation.

It's just that if you want to completely crack it, it is definitely not something that can be done in a short time.

And most importantly, how could Zhou Chen watch these Lord of Universes to destroy Zhou Tian's Stars Great Array?

After turning the array into operation, he immediately started to take care of the Lord of Universe who were trapped in the within array.

The immeasurable starlight is full of vertical and horizontal, plus those Hong Sha who was subdued by Zhou Chen before and the others shot.

Those Lord of Universes whose cultivation base strength was below the fourth rank were completely suppressed in a very short time.

These Lord of Universes were directly imprisoned in the Star Imperial Palace, waiting for Zhou Chen to be free, and then using the Great Purdu technique to save and conquer their souls.

More than 60 Lords of Universe broke into the Stars Great Array on Sunday, and now only a few of the Lord of Universes whose strength is above the fourth rank in the cultivation base are still barely maintained. free.

For example, the Lord of Sinking, the Lord of Qingkun, the Lord of Blood Forbidden, etc., they also have certain strengths, and they are fighting against the Stars Great Array in the same week.

However, even so, facing the continuously rays of light within the Stars Great Array of Sunday, as well as the Hongcha and the others who hide in the dark waiting for the sneak attack.

The Lord of Sinking, the Lord of Qingkun, the Lord of Blood Forbidden, and the others will certainly not last long.

In order to suppress all these Lord of Universe as soon as possible, Zhou Chen also participated in it himself.

The Peak Lord of Universe, who was targeted by Zhou Chen, was sent by the Divine Eyes to investigate his fallen Lord.

The Divine Eyes clan sent a total of three Lords of Universe to come. Among them, the Lord of Sinning is the leader, and the Lord of Fallen Eyes and the Lord of Suihu are assisted.

At present, the three Lord of Universes of the Divine Eyes clan, luckily, they are not completely separated by the Zhoutian Stars Great Array.

However, in the face of this terrifying and terrifying Formation, even if their three people are from the same race, the divine force complements each other to form a void of forbidden territory.

But in the end, he could barely hold the line of defense and try his best to resist it.

If you want to escape from the formation, it is basically impossible.

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