With a lightly flick of the sleeve gown, a strong wind swayed from Zhou Chen's hand, as soon as the dust from the shattered bookshelves and books was blown away.

At the same time, the wall that was originally blocked by the bookshelves also showed densely packed inscriptions on it.

These inscriptions are the Heavenly Book First Volume that Zhou Chen is looking for in this trip, which is the general outline of the five-volume Heavenly Book.

Husband Good Fortune of Heaven and Earth, when it is called chaos, ignorance is undivided, the sun and the moon have its brilliance, Heaven and Earth are mixed, the outline has changed, and the turbidity is Chen.

Heaven and Earth can be long and long, because it is not self-reliant, so it can be long. However, World's All Living Things all have their appearances. All beings are addicted to self-images, human-images, Painting of All Living Things, and longevity. They think that there are three poisons, three fears and three horrors in their hearts.

Celestial Phenomenon has no punishment, and the Tao is without name, so it is said that there is no self, no one, no sentient beings, and no life, that is, the light is achieved. Hold the right way, the inner body is self-nature, Heaven and Earth also takes the original as the heart.

So in the moving place, it is Heaven and Earth Heart.

Therefore, there is no reality and nothingness.

Therefore, Heaven and Earth is natural, and nothing is done without creation.

The old thing does not exist, it is not enough to prepare!

Zhou Chen stared at the volume of Heavenly Book engraved on the stone wall. At first, his expression was very flat.

But soon after, the look on his face became more and more solemn.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Chen's whole person seemed to be trapped in a sudden enlightenment, standing in place, completely motionless.

Tao, naturally!

Dao can be Tao, very Tao, a word Dao', contains everything in this world!

Everything has its own way, and each does its own way.

This Dao Rhyme's full text and mysterious commentary made Zhou Chen so intoxicated and almost unable to extricate himself.

Although the Heavenly Book is divided into five volumes, the volume in front of us is the most fundamental existence among the five volumes of the Heavenly Book.

Because this volume is the general outline of the Heavenly Book, the more than tens of thousands of words in the entire text are all expounding the author’s perceptions of Heaven and Earth, the insights of the Dao.

The content described in these texts is either right or wrong, neither right nor wrong, nor right and evil. It is the truest operating principle of Heaven and Earth, that is, the way of Heaven and Earth!

At this moment, Zhou Chen observes this volume of Heavenly Book, just like facing Heaven and Earth's truth, which has made great progress in the promotion of his cultivation realm.

Seven days in a row, Zhou Chen just woke up from the state of sudden enlightenment. A tyrannical imposing manner suddenly erupted around his body, making this secret room seem to tremble. Like that.

After the interest rate time passed, this tyrannical and terrifying imposing manner gradually calmed down.

Slowly spits out one mouthful of impure air, Zhou Chen's face couldn't help but a very bright smile appeared.

Although his own cultivation realm does not have a big breakthrough, he can feel that the Golden Core in the Upper Dantian is more solid and round.

This makes Zhou Chen distance to breakthrough to spirit refinement's realm undoubtedly closer.

This time the trip to find Heavenly Book First Volume, the harvest is completely rich and huge.

After the excitement, a thoughtful expression appeared in the depths of Zhou Chen's eyes.

According to the content of this Heavenly Book First Volume, Zhou Chen is absolutely certain that this Heavenly Book is by no means a natural formation of Heaven and Earth, but is made by the extremely profound senior of the cultivation realm. Legacy.

It's just that who can have such a huge handwriting, Zhou Chen has no way of knowing this.

The most incredible thing is that there is no news and legend about the author of the Heavenly Book in this world.

Be aware that in the last world, there are also War-God Records similar to the five-volume Heavenly Book, but that War-God Records can at least have a relationship with Heavenly God.

Don't worry about true or false for now, at least this War-God Records has a source.

However, the situation of the five Heavenly Book is completely different, it seems to appear out of thin air in this world, which has to make Zhou Chen feel puzzled and shocked.

Gazed deeply at the text on the stone wall again, Zhou Chen finally turned and left the secret room in silence.

Now that all the good things in the Bleeding Hole have fallen into Zhou Chen's bag, he naturally has no intention of staying in this damp underground.

Returning along the original road, Zhou Chen swiftly swept through the tortuous passage when he came, left the dripping hole, and returned to the shore of the Ruthless Sea.

After re-sealing the bleeding hole, Zhou Chen flew towards the sky above the Necropolis, while secretly thinking about the next path.

For Zhou Chen, it is natural to collect five volumes of the Heavenly Book.

However, speaking of which is easy, but it is extremely difficult to do it.

Among these five heavenly books, the Heavenly Book First Volume, which was just memorized by Zhou Chen, is undoubtedly the easiest to get.

But even so, Zhou Chen still encountered the powerful Tie Hanhan of Black Water Profound Snake.

If Zhou Chen hadn't been able to restrain the Black Water Profound Snake, then he would have been swallowed by the Black Water Profound Snake long ago.

The remaining four volumes of the Heavenly Book, the difficulty of collecting is all higher than this First Volume Heavenly Book, and some even increase by several times.

The Third Volume Heavenly Book among them can be said to be the least difficult volume to collect.

It’s just that the volume of the Heavenly Book is stored in the land of the waters in the southwest, in the Heavenly Emperor treasure house deep in the death swamp. It is at least more than ten years before the Heavenly Emperor treasure house emerges. Woolen cloth.

The timing is immature, even if Zhou Chen is impatient, it is useless.

The Heavenly Book that is slightly less difficult to collect is the Fourth Volume Heavenly Book located on the mountainside of Tianyin Temple. The contents of that volume of Heavenly Book are hidden in the Supreme Treasure of Tianyin Temple. Inside Yubi.

If you want to get this volume of Heavenly Book, you must first break through the barrier of Tianyin Temple and enter its mountainside forbidden area.

According to Zhou Chen's current cultivation base strength, if one-on-one, he is also a rare opponent in this world.

But if by the strength of oneself go to Shangtianyin Temple, Peak sect, which is one of the three leaders of the Xiazheng Dao today, it is undoubtedly a foolish dream.

If those monks in Tianyin Temple know that Zhou Chen is hitting their Supreme Treasure wordless jade bib, pay attention, those monks promise not to be merciful, they must tear Zhou Chen alive. .

Not to mention that not long ago, Zhou Chen also suppressed and killed the Pufang monk of Tianyin Temple, and took away the golden bowl of the Peak magic treasure from their Tianyin Temple.

Although Zhou Chen did not know whether the news of his beheading the Pu Fang monk had leaked out.

However, before there is no foolproof cultivation base strength, Zhou Chen is absolutely impossible to send Tianyin Temple by himself.

If Tianyin Temple has learned about the death of Pufang monk, I am afraid that before Zhou Chen approached the wordless jade bi of Tianyin Temple, the monks in the temple would have gathered to besiege Zhou Chen. In order to avenge the Pu Fang monk.

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