While tens of thousands of people went to check on their little chi and Baguio’s mother and daughter, Vermilion Bird had also noticed the injuries on Baguio’s grandmother.

She didn't dare to neglect and delay the slightest bit, so she hurriedly approached the ears of thousands of people and explained the situation of Baguio's grandmother.

"My lord, the old man was injured by the true essence of the authentic Buddhist school. The situation is very troublesome. The subordinates took the old man to heal first."

In the ears Hearing this, the killing intent in the hearts of thousands of people became more and more intense, but he resisted and did not attack on the spot.

He took a deep breath deeply, his face was gloomy and nodded and said: "Thank you, Yu Ji."

Yu Ji is the name of the envoy of Vermilion Bird , She didn't respond, so she picked up Baguio's grandma and turned and flew back to the main hall of Ghost King Sect, where she healed Baguio's grandma.

After setting up Baguio’s grandmother, thousands of people hurriedly looked towards Xiaochi and Baguio’s mother and daughter with great concern.

Immediately, he forced a smile and asked: "Madam, is the bald donkey from Tianyin Temple doing it to you?!"

This world Although there are many Buddhist forces among them, they have the courage and strength to stroke the sect of the Ghost King Sect. I am afraid that there is only Tianyin Temple, one of the three main sects of the right way.

As for other Buddhist forces, they are just loose cultivators or a poor, humble sect.

Even if they borrowed their ambitions, they definitely don't dare provoke Ghost King Sect, these demonic path giants.

Looking at the anxious look on his Husband’s face, Xiaoqi smiled and relieved the tens of thousands of people and said: "Husband, don’t worry, isn’t the concubine coming back safely?"

While speaking, Xiao Chi will attack the three of them by the monk Pufang of Tianyin Temple, and use Zhou Chen to kill the monk Pufang and save them, and inform the people in detail.

At the same time, Xiao Chi also exchanged a refining method for Zhou Chen to escort the three of them back to Ghost King Sect.

I heard a little idiot in my ears that the look on the face of the tens of thousands of people finally could no longer be calm, and they were all replaced by endless fear and happiness.

As one of the Four Great Divine Monks of Tianyin Temple, the Pufang monk is the mainstay of the righteous camp. Ten thousand people are naturally very aware of the strength of the Pufang monk’s cultivation base.

The most important thing is that Monk Pu Fang also holds the golden bowl of Buddha statue, one of the peak magic weapons of Tianyin Temple.

Even if tens of thousands of people go to Shangpufang monk in person, he will feel a little tricky.

The cultivation base of Xiaochi and the three of them is very shallow. Except for Baguio’s grandmother who can persist, Xiaochi and Baguio and their mother and daughter are simply not the monks of Pu Fang The enemy of one.

If Monk Pu Fang didn't provoke a strong enemy, I am afraid he will become a lonely man.

Thinking about this, 10,000 people couldn't help but cast a grateful look at Zhou Chen on the opposite side. He moved towards Zhou Chen with a solemn expression and bowed his hands to give a salute.

Just listen to his voice saying sincerely: "Your great kindness and virtue in this Wan's family, this Wan is deeply impressed in his heart.

If you don’t dislike it, then Please go to the city below for a comment."

Although Wan Xiang is a demonic path giant, he is also a man of temperament. He still understands the principles of grateful and seeking to repay the kindness. .

So he should invite Zhou Chen to the Ghost King Sect as a guest, ready to repay Zhou Chen with all his heart.

However, Zhou Chen did not have this thought. He was only planning to meet with thousands of people during this trip, leaving a trace of incense.

As for how deep friendships he really builds with thousands of people, Zhou Chen has simply never considered it now.

After all, where is the position of Wanxiang and Ghost King Sect in the demonic path? As long as it is not a cultivator from the demonic path camp, anyone is impossible to follow Wanxiang after the first meeting. Go inside Ghost King Sect.

If not, this kind of person either has another plan or has a brain problem.

Even though Zhou Chen is indeed planning the Heavenly Book inherited from Ghost King Sect, how could he hope that there will be some guarding in the hearts of all people.

So Zhou Chen didn't have any hesitation or hesitation, he directly refused the invitation of thousands of people.

Shook the head slowly, Zhou Chen said indifferently, "Myriad Beast Sect Master’s kindness is understood in the heart, but there are still some mundane things in the body, so I don’t want to disturb Myriad Beast too much. Sect Master is here.

And I am sending the family members of Myriad Beast Sect Master here, but it’s just a deal with Mrs. Zun. It’s not kind or unkind.

As long as Myriad Beast Sect Master pays the corresponding reward, the cause and effect between you and me will naturally disappear."

After quietly listening to Zhou Chen's voice, thousands of people often shook the head in response. Said: "Your words are different. How can the life and death of this Wan's family members be as simple as a transaction?" In Ghost King Sect, so he didn't force it.

Immediately after that, when ten thousand people turned their wrists, he directly flipped his palms and took out a primitive earth leather scroll, waved it to Zhou Chen's body.

"It's just that since you have something to do, this Wan will naturally not embarrass you. This is what this Wan has learned about refining. Now I will give it to you. I hope I can show you something. Mind."

Speaking of this, ten thousand people couldn't help but once again moved towards Zhou Chen and gave a salute.

He continued with an extremely sincere expression: "Your Excellency, if you need it in the future, this Wan will never refuse, and you will definitely repay your kindness for saving this Wan's family today."

Thousands of people have gone to the bottom of their blood. What is recorded in the leather scroll is his own feelings about Refiner Dao.

It not only records that Ghost King Sect is the refining method circulated by demonic path lineage, but also contains the unique Blood Refinement Art of demonic path lineage.

There is no doubt that 10,000 people have valued Zhou Chen's tyrannical cultivation base strength, which is not inferior to his, and that's why it cost such a huge price to make good friends.

For this, Zhou Chen's heart is also very happy.

Firstly, it is because the more obvious the goodwill that tens of thousands of people have shown so far, the more beneficial it will be for his later plan to exchange for the Heavenly Book.

Secondly, this is the benefit of giving it to your door for nothing. Don’t do it for nothing. If you can get the profound Artifact Refining Technique inherited in Ghost King Sect, how could Zhou Chen be willing to use those superficial methods? ?

After taking advantage of others, Zhou Chen's attitude is naturally more kind.

He bowed his hand back to the tens of thousands of people, and said with a chuckle, "many thanks Myriad Beast Sect Master."

Immediately, waiting for the tens of thousands to respond, Zhou Chen directly swung his sleeves to put away the leather scroll, and then made the Buddha Golden Bowl moved towards the southern Central Plains and galloped away.

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