Song Zhi hurriedly rushed to the Modaotang with the secret letter. For this reason, he even directly used the light cultivation technique to speed up his speed.

Walking to the front of Modaotang, looking at the thick wooden door that is tightly closed and closed together.

Song Zhi walked forward quickly, raising his hand to knock on the wooden door.

But before Song Zhi’s palm fell, a sonorous voice came from the door: "Come in!"

Then, the two wooden doors It creaked open by itself.

Song Zhi looked into the Modaotang, and saw that in the depths of the huge Modaotang, one person stood in the middle of the hall with his back facing the door.

He doesn’t see any weapons on his body. He is upright and straight like a strong pine. He is wearing a blue and drooping robe. His black hair is tied into a bun with red on the top of his head, with both hands on his back. , Standing majestic as a mountain.

Although it is the outline of the facial features of the person who has never been seen, it has never affected the indomitable and powerful spirit that radiates around his body.

This person is no one else. It is Song Que who is known as the Heavenly Blade today, Blade Dao Number One Person.

Song Zhi respectfully walked three steps behind Song Que, bowed and said: "Brother, Young Master Zhou has sent a letter to go home."

With this, Song Que couldn't help but slowly turned around.

At this moment, a touch of emotion flashed through his deep and bright eyes.

He sighed and said: "Didn't expect that boy at the time, now he has become the most peak existence in the martial arts of the rivers and lakes.

Even Martial Dao Great Grandmaster, in The difference in front of him is as huge as the fireflies and Haoyue, this Song is also willing to go down!"

Song Que can also kill Martial Dao Great Grandmaster, but he is absolutely unable to be like Zhou Chen. So clean and neat.

Especially the shocking news that came from Daxing City recently, even more so that pride is like Song Que, and they have to give Zhou Chen a word.

The two alien races, Martial Dao Great Grandmaster, joined forces to besiege, but they were suppressed one after another. In the end they fell to the Daxing city gate and became the iconic landscape of Daxing City today. How tyrannical it is cultivation base strength.

After sighing, Song Que slowly extended the hand. The secret letter sent by Zhou Chen flew out of Song Zhi's hand, and finally fell in front of him.

Opening the envelope slowly, Song Queyue flipped through the contents, and his heart was shocked.

"War-God Records?! To kill the dragon?!"

After reading the secret letter, a flash of surprise flashed in Song Que's eyes, and his mouth murmured Said to himself.

"Brother, in this heart..."

Song Zhi, who was very curious about the content of Zhou Chen's secret letter, started to say something but stopped.

"Look at it for yourself!"

With a light wave, the secret letter floated back into Song Zhi’s hand quietly, and Song Que closed his eyes. Thoughtful.

"War God Temple is coming out soon?!"

"To Yutian, the old monster of Demon Sect, is still alive?!

"We will also call powerhouse To slay the dragon? ! "


After reading a few lines, Song Zhi’s mouth will think of several exclamations.

At the end, Song Zhi’s face The look on Shang was already shocked to the point of indescribable.

After a long time, Song Zhi just turned around, both of his hands slightly shuddered holding the secret letter, looking solemnly Song Que asked with a trembling voice, "Brother, what do you mean? ! "

"My brother will be sharpening the knife in this sharpening hall for 20 years, now is the time to get out of the sheath..."

Although Song Que did not answer directly , But the meaning in his words is a very clear expression of his attitude.

At the same time, the dozen or so swords with different shapes hung on the walls on both sides of the sharpening hall. It was also unable to stop the earthquake trembling and contending, as if being rendered by the terrifying Blade Intent on Song Que's body.

In a blink of an eye, half a year passed by, participating in the dragon slaying. Everyone from Daye also gathered together.

Under the leadership of Xiang Yutian, Zhou Chen, Song Que, Zhu Yuyan, Shi Zhixuan and five people moved straight towards the Northwest of Da Sui.

It is worth mentioning that when Song Que and Shi Zhixuan, the two old rivals of the past, just collided, even though they didn’t really start their hands, they all wanted to give each other. One to get off the horse.

Song Quenai is the Blade Dao Great Grandmaster of the first under the heavens, and Shi Zhixuan has also broken through Martial Dao Great by absorbing the essence and vitality of the evil emperor Relic in the past six months. The shackles of the Grandmaster realm.

It’s just that after all, Song lacks a better skill. That fiercely terrifying Blade Qi directly smashed Shi Zhixuan’s Illusion Technique.

these two people It is also quite reasonable. After the competition is divided, they will not be too entangled, and all have chosen to stop the war.

After all, for everyone on this trip, slay the dragon and enter the War God Temple. , Is now the most important purpose.

Other personal grievances and the like, temporarily put aside for the time being, absolutely cannot affect the main purpose of this trip.

And the most important thing is that Xiang Yutian and Zhou Chen will not be allowed to obtain War-God Records to be affected.

Northwest Desert, the setting sun is like blood, Huangsha Wanli .

Although it is approaching evening dusk, after a whole day of high temperature exposure, the temperature in the desert has not yet dropped.

The air waves rolled freely from the desert.

Fortunately, Zhou Chen and Xiang Yutian are all the cultivation base and powerful powerhouse. , Has already reached the realm that is not invaded by cold and heat.

So the temperature in this desert is indeed very hot, but for the entire group of Zhou Chen and Xiang Yutian, it is simply can't be considered what kind of trouble.

Among the five of them, any one of them can ignore the heat, and even the sweat drops along the way.

Under the guidance of Yutian, Zhou Chen and the others gradually reached the deepest part of the desert.

When the five of them climbed over a small sand dune, a shocking scene came into their eyes.

Except for Xiang Yutian, Zhou Chen and the four of them all gasped.

As far as I can see, there is a vast expanse of yellow sand. However, in the center of the originally flat desert, at this moment, there is a towering and protruding land.

Although the above is also covered with sand and mud, everyone can see at a glance that this raised terrain is incompatible with the surrounding desert.

"This is the War God Temple?!"

Zhu Yuyan gazed at the towering mountain with blank eyes and muttered to herself.

There is no doubt that this is where the War God Temple emerged from the world, and that sharp and high mountain-like object is the tip of the War God Temple.

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