The reason why Zhou Chen was interested in the Evil Emperor Relic before was because Evil Emperor Relic contained the lifelong Essence, Qi, and Spirit of Demon Sect.

At that time, he had not opened up the Tianxin Ancestral Aperture, and the spirit strength had not been condensed into a divine sense.

So Zhou Chen wanted to absorb the energy contained in the evil emperor Relic, so as to strengthen his own spirit strength.

With the Stars Visualization Technique for decontamination, Zhou Chen will not be affected by the distracting thoughts of the Demon Sect of the Demon Sect among the Evil Emperor Relic.

However, when Zhou Chen absorbed the magical energy stored in He's Bi, he completely looked down on the mixed vitality in the evil emperor Relic.

The Tianxin Ancestral Aperture has been opened, and the Visualization Technique has been initial understanding. Compared with Zhou Chen's pure and strong divine sense, the vitality contained in Evil Emperor Relic is no different from an utterly inadequate measure.

Even if this evil emperor Relic is swallowed and absorbed by Zhou Chen, it won't have any useful effect at all in the end.

For Zhou Chen, the evil emperor Relic is like a piece of chicken ribs. The food is tasteless, but it is a pity to discard it.

But if you change to Zhu Yuyan, the situation is completely different.

The burned Zhou Chen looks down on this evil emperor Relic now, but it is the Supreme Treasure of Zhu Yuyan's yearn for something even in dreams.

As long as he can obtain such Evil Emperor Relic, Zhu Yuyan can justly sit down in the position of Demon Sect, instead of the current Demon Sect number one expert. In fact, there are still many people below. Very unconvinced.

Apart from this, Zhu Yuyan was able to use the secret technique of Demon Sect lineage to completely absorb and swallow the essence and vitality of the sages of the Evil Emperor Relic, thus breaking through the shackles of the Grandmaster realm and becoming a martial arts forest. Among them, the Peak Martial Dao giant.

The inheritance of Yin Sunflower faction is of course very precious, but Zhu Yuyan undoubtedly values ​​the breakthrough of her own cultivation base strength.

Therefore, the evil emperor Relic was used in exchange for the heavenly demon secret of the sect secret. This is a very cost-effective transaction for Zhu Yuyan herself, not to mention the wealth of Yang Gong’s treasure house. .

The most important thing is that Zhu Yuyan is ready to give the heavenly demon secretly to Zhou Chen.

Now that I can get news of the evil emperor Relic from Zhou Chen, this is completely unexpected for Zhu Yuyan, and her heart is naturally extremely happy.

Looking at Zhou Chen expectantly, Zhu Yuyan said in an eager voice: "Young Master Zhou Mingjian, this evil emperor Relic is too important to Yuyan, please Young The Master can give Yuyan one or two.

For this, Yuyan originally intended to pay any price."

In addition to Demon Sect’s Heavenly Demon Scheme, Zhou Chen is also right now. War-God Records, the first of the strange books, is interested, but how did Zhu Yuyan get to see this War-God Records?

Don't say that Zhu Yuyan is just a grandmaster now. Even if she has already broken through to the realm of Great Grandmaster, she is still impossible to help Zhou Chen in this regard.

So for Zhou Chen, eliminating the inheritance Secret Art Heavenly Demon Scheme of Demon Sect, Zhu Yuyan really has nothing in his hands that interests him.

This Yang Gong treasure house and evil emperor Relic, the right is regarded as Zhu Yuyan's original intention to give the reward of the Heavenly Demon Scheme.

Shook the head slowly, Zhou Chen chuckled and said, "As long as this seat is Heavenly Demon Scheme, as long as the Queen of Yin can send Heavenly Demon Scheme, then the evil emperor Relic connects to Yang Gong’s treasure house. It’s yours after the yin."

I heard Zhou Chen only had the condition of Heavenly Demon Scheme, and Zhu Yuyan's heart couldn't help but sighed in relief secretly.

Although Zhu Yuyan just said it nicely, it was just a scene of her attitude.

In fact, Zhu Yuyan is also worried about Zhou Chen's other conditions.

Whether it is in terms of the strength of the cultivation base, or in terms of status, Zhou Chen and Zhu Yuyan are simply not equal.

Some things seem to Zhou Chen very simple, but for Zhu Yuyan, it may be extremely difficult.

So Zhou Chen did not put forward any other additional conditions, which naturally made Zhu Yuyan's heart relaxed a lot.

Immediately, I saw Zhu Yuyan solemnly promised: "Young Master's kindness, Yuyan must be remembered in her heart, and later Yuyan will return to the door to collect ten volumes of heavenly demon."

Speaking of this, the look on Zhu Yuyan's face suddenly changed, as if she was thinking of something.

After hesitating for a while, Zhu Yuyan just looked a little ugly and continued to Zhou Chen and said: "But there is something I hope Young Master will forgive me.

My Holy Sect lineage Due to wars, natural disasters and other reasons, Heavenly Demon Scheme of Heavenly Demon Scheme has been scattered and lost.

Almost all of them have been completely lost.

In addition, the Holy Sect is divided into two Six Paths and eight vein branches, so the matter of Heavenly Demon Scheme is scattered accordingly.

For example, the Great Demon Seeding Dao Heart Method held by Extreme Evil Sect lineage, Since the disappearance of the evil emperor Xiang Yutian, this cultivation technique has been scattered into the hands of his four Head Disciples, and all of them are fragments.

Yuyan can only be said to be Young Master making an all- To collect these ten volumes of Heavenly Demon Scheme with out effort, Yuyan did not dare to assure you of Young Master whether these ten volumes of Heavenly Demon Scheme could be gathered in the end."

At this time, Zhu Yuyan also remembered. There are so many Heavenly Demon Schemes inherited by my own Demon Sect. I won’t say that there are ten volumes in total, and the detailed division can be as many as dozens of volumes.

If you want to collect all the ten volumes of Heavenly Demon Scheme, it is almost impossible to do.

Fortunately, Zhou Chen also knows the situation of Heavenly Demon Scheme. He waved his hand and said: "You can collect it after the Yin Queen. As much as you can collect, you can give it to this seat.

Of course, all of this still requires a bit more thought in the aftermath."

The implied meaning of Zhou Chen’s sentence is that if you don’t make an all-out effort If you do something, don't blame me for being rude.

Obviously, Zhu Yuyan is also very aware of this. She immediately said: "Please rest assured, Young Master Zhou, Yuyan will do her best to collect these ten volumes of Heavenly Demon Scheme."


slightly nodded, after Zhou Chen pondered for a few breaths, he smiled lightly and said to Zhu Yuyan: "Since the yin queen is a refreshing person, then this seat is not hidden.

The Treasury of Yang Gong is under the Great Leaping Horse Bridge. It is divided into two treasury, true and false. The evil emperor Relic is hidden in the true treasury, and you can open it yourself after Yin."

Although Zhou Chen informed Zhu Yuyan of the news about Yang Gong’s treasure house and the evil emperor Relic in advance, but he was not at all worried that Zhu Yuyan would take things and not do anything.

If Zhu Yuyan really dared to prevaricate Zhou Chen on the Heavenly Demon Scheme, Zhou Chen would not mind going to the Yin Sunflower faction to put on a pure positive seal.

Ning Daoqi's miserable end is still vivid, and I want to Zhu Yuyan and I don't have the guts to perfuse Zhou Chen.

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