When Zhu Yuyan led a group of Demon Sect experts to besieged the monks and nuns in the field, Zhou Chen turned around and moved towards Emperor Taifeng and walked over. .

Now Ning Daoqi and Fan Qinghui are dead, and there are only four Great Saint monks in the Buddhist lineage who are struggling to support them.

Although the four Great Saint monks are all the superb powerhouses of Grandmasters, there are more than a dozen Grandmasters of Demon Sect lineage on the peak at this moment.

Together with Zhu Yuyan, the supreme Grandmaster's command, it is enough to steadily suppress the four Great Saint monks of the Buddhist sect.

Moreover, the strength of Demon Sect lineage is not just as simple as the surface of the field.

Under the cover of divine sense, Zhou Chen can clearly see a middle-aged man standing in the shadow of the wall of Cihang Jingzhai.

It's just that because the middle-aged man's breath is extremely restrained, and he also used secret technique to hide in the shadow environment, so the Buddha and Demon two sects in the field did not find him.

But under the sweep of Zhou Chen's divine sense in all directions without dead ends, his traces are revealed obviously at a glance.

Zhou Chen can perceive that the middle-aged man’s cultivation base strength is not low. It is no different than Zhu Yuyan and the four Great Saint monks and others. It is also a grandmaster powerhouse.

Looking at the whole arena of martial arts, these powerhouses can be counted on one's fingers.

This person is now the master of the Flower School of the two Six Paths of Demon Sect lineage. Another Grandmaster of Demon Sect, the powerhouse of the realm, has the Shizhixuan known as the Evil King.

Only Shi Zhixuan’s self-developed Immortal Seal Method and Illusory Demon Movement Technique can hide the traces of his body in front of so many Grandmaster powerhouses with two veins of Buddha and Demon.

Although everyone in the martial arts of the rivers and lakes knows that Shi Zhixuan and Zhu Yuyan can't deal with it, but in the current life and death battle of Buddha and demons, Shi Zhixuan, the evil king, is naturally impossible to be absent.

In Zhou Chen's view, there are two great Grandmasters, Shi Zhixuan and Zhu Yuyan, who are both in the dark, plus more than a dozen Grandmaster powerhouses in the field. Victory, then it deserves to be their Demon Sect lineage never turning over.

After returning to the Inn where he was staying, Zhou Chen hung a sign saying no to disturb directly outside the door, and then immersed himself in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

The first reason why Zhou Chen would leave the Emperor Taifeng ahead of time was that after suppressing and killing Ning Daoqi, the Great Grandmaster, he had no intention to bully those even Great. Grandmaster realm has not reached the monks and nuns anymore.

The second reason is that when Ning Daoqi died and fell under the pure sun seal in his hands, the vast star chart in his Sea of ​​Consciousness finally came from this world. The first feedback of the change.

This volume of star chart Supreme Treasure is all about Zhou Chen's foundation. Even if there is any slight change on it, Zhou Chen dare not be negligent.

So Zhou Chen, after confirming that the victory of Demon Sect lineage was determined, he left Di Tak Peak on his own and went back to the Inn to check the changes in the star chart.

Divine sense came to the vast star chart, Zhou Chen immediately noticed the different changes in the star chart Supreme Treasure.

At this moment, not only the outer stars that have been lit up before are shining again, but also several larger stars are faintly flashing rays of light inside. .

Know that every star that exists on this star chart Supreme Treasure represents a completely different world.

And the closer it is to the formation of the core, the world it represents becomes more advanced.

This world is worthy of being a world of superior strength and imperial power. Zhou Chen just killed a Martial Dao Great Grandmaster like Ning Daoqi, and even made this volume of star chart Supreme Treasure brighter. High-level world stars.

The situation that made Zhou Chen feel overjoyed the most was that Ning Daoqi's life directly weighed the newly appeared stars by nearly half.

Originally, Zhou Chen planned to play the trick of choosing the emperor on behalf of the sky like Cihang Jingzhai, so as to gather the needed luck.

As a result, I did not expect that the life of Martial Dao Great Grandmaster Ning Daoqi was so valuable.

According to Zhou Chen's estimation, there are about two or three Ning Daoqi, which can completely light up these new stars that represent the high-level world.

In other words, as long as Zhou Chen is beheading two or three Martial Dao giants of Great Grandmaster realm, he will be able to gather enough luck.

Even though the Martial Dao giants of Great Grandmaster realm are very rare, except for Ning Dao, who has died, there are not none in the martial arts.

Fu Cailin, the master of the sword of Goguryeo, is one, the East Turkic Martial Venerable Bi Xuan is one, and the heavenly blade Song Que of Lingnan is also one.

Of course, Heavenly Blade Song Que was first excluded from the suppress and kill list by Zhou Chen.

When Zhou Chen first came to this world, Song Que and Song Clan treated Zhou Chen not badly. He couldn't do the kind of killing friends for luck.

Don’t look at Zhou Chen. He is very ruthless in normal times. He is even more ruthless to the nuns and monks such as Ci Hang Jing Zhai and Jing Nian Zen Sect, but he has his own bottom line.

Zhou Chen would never do a killing that touched his bottom line.

If not, what is the difference between it and a wild beast who only knows how to kill.

Although Zhou Chen will not attack Heavenly Blade Song Que, if it is replaced by Yijian Master Fu Cailin and Martial Venerable Bi Xuan, then Zhou Chen will not have any hesitation or hesitation when he starts. NS.

Let’s not say that the Goguryeo Yijian lineage is already in conflict with Zhou Chen. Zhou Chen has already set the goal of destroying the Yijian lineage.

At the moment, putting Fu Cailin on the Must Kill List is to solve the old cause and effect entanglement.

It is the case that this Yijian Master Fu Cailin is of a foreign origin. Zhou Chen will not have the slightest mercy when he is a killer. The same is true for the East Turkic Martial Venerable Bi Xuan.

So when Zhou Chen knew that the life of Martial Dao Great Grandmaster Ning Daoqi was so valuable, he directly targeted Fu Cailin and Bi Xuan, the two Foreign Race people.

From now on, these two alien Martial Dao Great Grandmasters have already been on Zhou Chen’s Must Kill List.

Perhaps after suppressing and killing the two of them, there will still be some gaps in the luck that Zhou Chen needs to gather.

But that doesn’t matter, I can’t go back when the time comes to play the trick of the Emperor Tianxuan, anyway, the kid Li Er can’t get away.

Even as long as Zhou Chen becomes more ruthless and wipes Goguryeo from this world directly, he will naturally gather continuously.

Although the extinct tribes are hurting the heavens, they have the star chart Supreme Treasure to protect them. How can a small Goguryeo like Zhou Chen!

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