Looking at Zhou Chen, who was smiling across the face, Horihor’s eyebrows couldn’t help but raised lightly. She murmured in her heart, "This little brother looks young, but This temperament is much tougher than those Young Hero Young Masters.

No wonder Shifeixuan, the little nun, lost his life under his hands."

At this moment , Zhou Chen's gentle attitude made Houhou feel like a spring breeze, as if the person who exuded the killing intent just now was not him.

But Houhou's heart is very clear, if she can't give an explanation just now, the luxurious gilt and wrong silver sword is probably already out of its sheath.

The existence of Zhou Chen's determination, vicious and merciless, made Houhou, Demon Sect's Little Demoness, feel endlessly terrified.

"Na Houhou made an appointment with the little brother. When the little brother arrived in Daxingcheng, Houhou will give "Demonic Path Caprice" and "Ziwu Tiangang", we Daxingcheng Goodbye!"

Huoyu said with a smile on his face and said with a light wave of his hand.

However, in the next moment, Houhou hurriedly used the cultivation technique, moving towards the forest and drifting away.

She really didn't dare to stay too much here, for fear that when she would provoke the vicious and merciless lord in front of her, she would end up with the same fate as the little nun Shifeixuan.

Seeing Houhou hurriedly fleeing from here, Zhou Chen couldn't help but smile, and he didn't stop it.

Go west along the Luoshui River. Not far away is the destination of Zhou Chen’s trip, Luoyang, the eastern capital of the Sui Dynasty.

Luoyang City is actually an impeccable city with tigers living in the Central Plains.

Even if there are fire beacons in various places today, Luoyang City is indeed still prosperous as before, as if it has not been greatly affected by this troubled world.

Inside and outside of the Four-sided City, there is a constant flow of traffic, and business travelers are bustling with hustle and bustle.

Walking outside the gate of Luoyang City, Zhou Chen did not gather the crowd to walk into Luoyang City. Instead, he turned and moved towards the mountains and forests on the southern outskirts of the city and walked past.

Between the mountains and forests, there is a temple called Jingnian Zen Sect, which is today the Xiajian martial arts righteous way.

Zhou Chen's ambition to obtain rare treasure and Choi Bi are now stored in this Jing Nian Zen Sect.


Just walked to the foot of Jingnian Zen Sect, and the melodious and loud bells came from the temple on the top of the mountain.

Zhou Chen paused and looked up, and across the dense forest of lush and green on the top of the mountain, he saw the ancient temple faintly located in it.

Because this Jingnian Zen Sect is hidden deep in the dense forest, Zhou Chen previously thought that there were only a few temples here.

But when Zhou Chen walked into Jingnian Temple, he discovered that there are hundreds of thousands of buildings in the Temple.

It's just like a Small Accomplishment here, except that all the monks live in it.

"You can save such a huge foundation without production. The life of this monk is really enviable."

The corner of the mouth is gradually curved with a sneer arc. , Zhou Chen murmured disdainfully.

Originally, because of Shi Feixuan and Ci Hang Jing Zhai, Zhou Chen didn't have much favor with Buddhism.

Now after seeing this magnificent Zen Sect, Zhou Chen's heart feels more and more unhappy.

With a sudden movement, Zhou Chen moved towards the Jing Nian Zen Sect above.

The bell ringing just now was the evening class bell, so all the monks in Zen Sect gathered together for evening class.

The sound of chanting and chanting of Buddhist scriptures, melodiously and melodiously, seemed to come from an unknown distance, spreading throughout the temple.

Clothes are fluttering, Zhou Chen's armrest volleys up into the sky, as if he has reached the bell tower of Jingnian Zen Sect as if he is in a no-man's realm. He bowed his head and looked down at the distance and situation of the whole temple.

The main buildings in the Jingnian Zen Sect are arranged on the central axis directly opposite the temple gate, with a bronze great hall as the center of the temple, and the scale is uniform.

Except for the bronze great hall, the other buildings are covered with three-color glazed tiles, with the same color as new.

But I don't know if it is because the monks in the temple are diligent in cleaning, or because of the quality of the tiles. Among them, the peacock blue in the three colors is the most dazzling.

It is conceivable that under the shining of the sun, this Zen Sect will be so magnificent.

It is precisely because of this that Zhou Chen becomes more and more disgusted with the senses of these monks.

The bell tower at the feet of Zhou Chen is located between the bronze great hall and the other main hall. There is a big difference in the distance between the front and back, the former is far and the latter is close.

In front of the bronze great hall, tile this broad, hundred zhang square platform square, paved with white stones, with white jade as the carved fence.

In the middle of Baishi Square, a bronze statue of Manjusri Bodhisattva is enshrined, riding on the back of a golden lion, up to two about one zhang.

Next to the altar, there are three Buddhas such as Medicine Master, Sakyamuni and Amitabha. The colored sculptures and gold ornaments are quite bold, but it also makes people feel that it is a bit out of common temple practice.

On the four sides of the Baishi platform, in addition to the four stone steps and entrances, there are 500 Arhats evenly distributed, all of which are made of gold and bronze, each with a different look and posture.

Whether it’s opening your eyes and protruding forehead, or keeping your eyes down, everything is lifelike, almost like a living person.

The other buildings take the main hall on the axis as a whole, which are arranged in an orderly manner, separated by forest roads, and have a solemn and sacred atmosphere.

A large incense burner was placed in front of the Manjusri Shrine in Baishi Square, and the burning sandalwood was sending out a large amount of fragrance, which permeated the entire space.

Smelling the sandalwood that should be quiet and tranquil, Zhou Chen's heart is getting colder and colder.

Why did the little nun, Shi Feixuan, ask him to save the people from the fire? According to Zhou Chen, as long as he copied a few more temples like Jing Nian Zen Sect, I’m not sure. It is enough to save 100,000 people in the fire and water.

"If I were the emperor of the Sui Dynasty, I would have to destroy these bald donkeys. According to the scale of Zen Sect, as long as ten families were killed, it would be enough to dig a grand canal."

A flashing incomparable killing intent flashed in the depths of his eyes, and Zhou Chen began to search this Jing Nian Zen Sect with a sharp gaze.

Looking in the direction from the chanting sound, Zhou Chen's line of sight finally fell on the bronze great hall only ten zhang from the great hall.

Don't look at the brightly lit in the Zen Sect, but the other places are not half silhouette at all, as if all the monks are chanting in that great hall.

There is quite a profound mystery that makes people afraid to act rashly.

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