Until the moment the corpse separated, Shi Feixuan did not expect Zhou Chen to actually kill her.

Be aware that she said very clearly before. If Zhou Chen helped her Ci Hang Jing Zhai assist the True Dragon emperor, then the emperor, Wang Jue, Divine Art, Supreme Treasure, and even her Fairy among the arena martial arts, all of them are at your fingertips.

As a result, who would have thought that Zhou Chen would kill Shi Feixuan without saying a word.

This is no wonder Zhou Chen's horrible destruction of flowers, it is indeed Shi Feixuan that completely disgusted him.

Zhou Chen knows very well that Ci Hang Jingzhai and Shi Feixuan value the treasure house of Yang Gong in his hands and his own understanding of the great strength of Grandmaster.

In fact, these Zhou Chen simply don't care, he is only interested in the evil emperor Relic in the Yang Gong treasury, and simply never took seriously for those weapons, food and money.

If Cihang Jingzhai can pay the corresponding price, Zhou Chen doesn't mind giving Yang Gong's treasury to these nuns at all.

After all, even Zhou Chen can't understand the behavior of these nuns, but he is also impossible to get along with his own real interests.

Where are there any likes and dislikes in the adult world, it is nothing more than a profit or loss.

Even as long as Ci Hang Jing Zhai is willing to pay down the capital, it doesn't matter if Zhou Chen personally exerts some power.

But Shi Feixuan, this little nun? She actually squeezed Zhou Chen by the righteousness first, and then drew a lot of pie for Zhou Chen, and it was the kind that can go back anytime and anywhere.

Is Zhou Chen really those young people in the martial arts of the rivers and lakes who worshipped under their Cihangjingzhai monk's robe?

Zhou Chen, no matter what, once served as the chief governor of the Five Army Capital Supervisors of the Ming Dynasty, although at that time he was powerful enough to frighten his subordinates.

But during that tenure, he sat and watched the open strife and veiled struggle between his subordinates. What crafty plots and machinations hadn't he seen before?

How can Shi Feixuan’s trick of paying a small price for big rewards in return work? It only makes Zhou Chen more disgusted and disgusted.

With this disgust, Zhou Chen directly slashed Shi Feixuan's head with a knife.

Be aware that Zhou Chen just broke her neck with one hand when he killed Fu Junyu's Goguryeo alien.

At the moment, Shi Feixuan was beheaded, but Zhou Chen directly used the Embroidered Spring Blade, and did not even leave Shi Feixuan with a whole body.

It is conceivable that Zhou Chen hates Shi Feixuan and Ci Hang Jing Zhai to what extent.

Without looking at the corpse on the ground that had been slashed to the head, Zhou Chen stepped straight towards the forest and walked in. He didn't even have the thought of collecting the corpse for the concubine Shi.

But when Zhou Chen just walked a few steps, he suddenly stopped and listened.

Standing on the spot calmly, Zhou Chen said indifferently, "I have been with you for so long, do you want me to invite you out?!"

Being Zhou Chen As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound of leaves stepping in the wood on his left.

I saw a beautiful woman in a pink palace dress with two silk satin dancing in the wind between her arms coming out.

The woman volleyed barefoot in the air, weird and weird, evil and greasy and beautiful, no worse than Shifei Xuan who had just died by Zhou Chen's knife.

Slowly turning around, looking at the barefoot woman not far away, Zhou Chen's mouth can't help but a faint smile arc.

"You’re so close, don’t you be afraid that I will send you a knife to accompany that little nun?!"

While talking, Zhou Chen slowly pressed his palm on On the handle of the Embroidered Spring Blade, it seems like a thunder blow is about to explode anytime and anywhere.

"Hou Hou has seen Zhou's little brother!"

In response to Zhou Chen's gaze, Hou Hou smiled and said: "Little brother, you can do it at every turn. The gun, but it will scare Houhou."

The big shiny eyes blinked and blinked, showing an unearthly temperament.

Although the voice on his mouth is extremely sweet, Houhou stepped back in the dark without a trace.

If you are facing the ordinary Young Master knights in the martial arts of the rivers and lakes, Houhou will definitely not care about them too much.

However, the man in front of him is completely different. During the time when the man was born, his hands were contaminated with a lot of life.

The most terrifying thing is that it contains two pretty girls who can be called peerless, and they are all the kind of extraordinary origins.

The second disciple of the Goguryeo Yijian Master Fu Cailin's neck was twisted not long ago, and the World Traveler of Cihang Jingzhai has just been cut to the head.

I have to say that the man in front of me is synonymous with a heart of stone.

Even if she is a Demon Sect contemporary Saintess, the Master is still Zhu Yuyan of the current Demon Sect First Sect teacher.

But when facing the fierce person who cut two peerless beauty in front of him, Hohoro really didn't dare to be indifferent at all.

After all, the scene of the rival Shifeixuan being slapped to the head, Hou Hun saw clearly.

Of course, his opponent was so cleanly given a knife, which made Hunyu's heart secretly surprised at the same time, it is inevitable that he could not help but give birth to a feeling of joy.

Let Shifeixuan you, a hypocritical little nun, go out in Heaven and Earth one day to bluff and cheat. This time I mentioned the iron plate and lost my life! Deserve it!

Just in Houhou's heart secretly shouted inwardly. When she was good, Zhou Chen's voice resounded in her ears again, shocking her heart trembling.

"Let’s talk about it, what is your intention to follow behind me?"

At the same time, a sharp murderous intention immediately escaped from Zhou Chen’s body Spreading out, slowly moved towards Houhou shrouded in the past.

"If you can’t tell me why, then I’ll have to send you to accompany the little nun.

When I come here, I’m worried about the little nun Yellow Springs Road. There is only one shadow. Secondly, the power behind the little nun is not small. I can’t let you, who have seen me do something, leave easily!"

Trembling, Houyu's heart couldn't help but feel a sense of regret. She should flee obediently and honestly after seeing her dead opponent being shackled just now, instead of daring to follow her up.

This time is all right, she is afraid that she will also follow in the footsteps of the little nun of Shifeixuan.

Hu Hun covered his heart with one hand, rubbed the corner of his eyes with the other, and made a cry of grievance on the exquisite pretty face.

Just listen to her hurriedly replied: "Why is your heart so cruel, little brother Zhou? If you have something to say, people just ask you to make a deal with little brother, little brother you It's going to be fierce."

At the same time, Hobori's figure stepped back again from the heart, as if these steps could make her avoid Zhou Chen's blade.

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