All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 88 Iron-Blooded Hammer? Hammer of Silence!

"What happened next?"

In the cockpit, Niegler, the leader of the Black Blood Organization, asked sharply.

Screams came from the audio equipment on the bridge, and the monitoring screen was covered in thick white steam, and only interlaced shadows could be seen.

"The enemy has invaded." His subordinate replied awkwardly.

"How many?" Niegler asked again.

"There seems to be only one." His subordinate's voice became even softer.

"Huh! One? Hundreds of people can't kill one person?" Niegler immediately slapped his subordinate on the face.

He wore a retro and majestic full-coverage battle armor. Except for the movable joints, there was no exposed skin on his body.

The shape is retro, but it has a bit of Chinese armor flavor. The breastplate and skirt are connected by chains. The shoulder armor is thick and spiked, and the mask is shaped like a ferocious brown bear.

The whole body is pitch black, but there is a rather textured pearlescent light, like a splash of black ink flowing on the surface of the armor, and the engraved patterns are very primitive and barbaric.

Even the shoulder cannon is in the shape of a short sword, full of murderous intent.

There are two rings on the back shoulders, and a black cloak hangs down to the calf.

"A bunch of trash, I'll go there myself."

Niegler strode away, vaguely aware that this uninvited guest was something special.

Although he may be rough and arrogant, he is a fierce man who has a tiger in his heart and smells the roses.

When he was young, he was on a par with the current elder Zhu Yan. After betraying Iron Blood Star, he successfully escaped from the siege of the two elders.

Today's iron-blooded warriors of the abandoned clan are able to fight like this because Nigele is the driving force behind it. Moreover, he is eloquent and good at grabbing people's hearts and inspiring the rebellion in the hearts of countless iron-blooded warriors.

Nigler's goal in life is to rule the galaxy and abolish the way of hunting followed by the Predator.

Then colonize all the intelligent civilizations in the galaxy and turn them into factories and slaves of the iron-blooded clan.

Finally, set your sights on the endless universe outside the Milky Way, turn the Milky Way into a power war engine, and open up a path of bloody killing, instead of wasting your life or even the whole family's life on so-called hunting. , because in his opinion it was really ridiculous.

Da da da~

Seven black-blooded guards followed closely behind, each with elite iron-blooded standards, and Yagor, who was brutally executed by Chu Xin, was one of them.


Chu Xin grabbed an abandoned iron blood and used him to block the incoming plasma light bullets.

The abandoned clan in his hand suddenly opened his chest and abdomen, and the panic on his face was frozen.

The transportation warehouse used to store bulky materials had turned into a green jungle in just three minutes. The ceiling, walls and floors were all painted with a layer of high-quality fluorescent green, coupled with the lingering white mist steam, Very eerie atmosphere.

Should you say it or not, you can open a Predator brand art wall paint store. Every time a haunted house is decorated, a Predator will lose all his blood.

Chu Xin stepped forward and with a heavy punch, he turned the last abandoned iron-blood here into a pulp.

Then, without saying a word, he kicked towards the hatch not far away.


The hatch breaks away inward and flies out.

Several roars and wailings came from behind the door. It was obvious that the reinforcements that had arrived in a hurry had taken advantage of the power of beating the cattle across the mountain.

In the end, Niegler held up the hatch with both hands and lowered his waist to intercept it halfway.

"What the hell is this? Is it the product of genetic mixing? Iron-blooded stars are now also playing the dark iron-blooded game?" He looked at Chu Xin who was looking at him in astonishment.

This battleship is very large. Although it is not as good as a serious main ship, it is at least two to three times the size of an ordinary battleship. The interior is so spacious that Chu Xin, in his bestial form, can complete a set of radio gymnastics.

So Chu Xin rushed straight into the aisle.

When the plasma bullets struck, he dodged sideways and entered another passage.

"The internal link system locked his position." Niegler said calmly.


But after blinking twice, Chu Xin crashed out from behind a door beside them, crushing them like a hill.

With a "snap", the first member of the abandoned clan, Tie Xue, was slapped against the wall, his life and death unknown.

The others dispersed in a slight panic.

Only Nigler reacted quickly and fought back while retreating.

I saw his shoulder cannon rapidly deforming, expanding from twenty centimeters to half a meter in length, and the hollow energy tube gradually lit up.

A scorching plasma beam spurted out, heating the air within tens of meters nearby.


Chu Xin's entire left arm that hit him was swallowed up and melted instantly.

But before Nigeler could think about it, an incredible scene appeared before his eyes.

The bloody arm section unexpectedly exploded with a large cluster of wriggling flesh buds. The small ones gathered into thick ones, and then twisted and intertwined to reshape into a brand new arm. The internal bones were like tree trunks stretching straight and straight, and the tough skin Then cover.


Nigler was shocked and felt something bad, and subconsciously made a blocking gesture.


Chu Xin punched his crossed arm armor, knocking him away nearly twenty meters.

"Five minutes are enough." Chu Xin stared at Niegler, who was getting up tremblingly, and thought silently in his heart.

This guy is the strongest Iron-Blooded guy I have ever met, more than one level stronger than Lone Wolf.

In these short ten seconds, Chu Xin felt a little excited whether it was movement, movement or judgment.


Nigel felt his chest and abdomen hot and violent, and a mouthful of blood spurted into his mask.

With such terrifying power, it's no wonder that the sleep quality of each of his subordinates was better than the last, and they fell to the ground without waking up.

He pulled out a straight and slender black long knife from his waist. The edge of the blade was filled with violent plasma energy. He stared at Chu Xin with great solemnity, observing the battle situation and waiting for the opportunity to make a move.

Chu Xin continued to move, dodging the plasma light bullets flying in the sky, while killing the remaining six abandoned iron bloods in two or three strokes, two of which were pierced through one tail.


Beast sensor triggers.

Chu Xin dodged sideways without looking back, turned and elbowed, but missed.

Nigele slashed out again, and the hot blade cut a scorched gash in Chu Xin's side, but it healed in the blink of an eye.


Being experienced, he fired two plasma beams at the same time. One shot penetrated the inner armor of the battleship, causing sparks to flash. The other shot passed by Chu Xin's head, killing a man who came to support him. subordinates.

Chu Xin started to get serious and punched Nigele continuously.

But Nigler was indeed not an ordinary person. He persisted for more than two minutes, during which time he slashed Chu Xin several times.

"Let's test the waters with you."

Chu Xin looked around, and in the next second, while Nigele and several abandoned clansmen looked up in confusion, he jumped high and jumped to the top of nearly a hundred meters.

Boom boom!

A shocking sound like a loud bell surged through his body instantly.

The moment it began to fall, violent air currents gathered and surged around the body, roaring like a war horn.

At this moment, Chu Xin's fall accelerated, and countless whirlwinds swept across, as if sharp claws were slicing through the surroundings, leaving dense traces, and countless goods were forcibly split into two.

The wind condensed into substance and completely enveloped Chu Xin's body. Even Nigel's shoulder cannon beam could not penetrate it.

And the shape was like a giant hammer falling from the sky and hitting the ground heavily.


Super skill, Iron-Blooded Hammer!

Chu Xin collided fiercely with the metal floor. In just a moment, dozens of cracks spread out on the steel floor, and the entire layout was distorted and deformed.

A huge earthquake erupted immediately, covering a thousand meters in an instant. Everything in its path trembled and cracks appeared.

The ripples from the huge earthquake touched the abandoned clan iron-bloods. They were all unable to move on the spot. They were dizzy and paralyzed to the point of slow thinking. However, their bodies seemed to have been hit hard by an invisible hammer, and their internal organs were immediately injured and bleeding.

"How is that possible? What have you done? Who are you!"

Nigler was no exception. His knees immediately became weak and he fell down, just in front of Chu Xin. His eyes were filled with emotions such as panic and confusion.


After Chu Xin landed, he returned to his humanoid form.

When he looked at this group of people, he could see different countdowns above their heads.

The longest is three minutes, and the shortest is two and a half minutes.

"There is something about this skill. It is suitable to be used with other cards to suddenly silence the enemy." Chu Xin was thinking in his heart, already thinking of the extremely fancy card-fighting tactics in the future.

Nigele stared at Chu Xin with shock, anger and resentment. Although he could not speak, his eyes had already greeted Chu Xin's eighteen generations of ancestors.

Chu Xin picked up a plasma pistol and killed the abandoned iron-blooded people around him one by one, and then came to Nigele.

Taking off his mask, an ugly black and gray face was exposed to the air.

Chu Xin grabbed the dreadlocks and gently pulled them upward~

A few minutes later.


The battlefield suddenly came to a standstill, and everyone looked at the largest battleship hovering in the sky.

It's plummeting!

After a loud noise, it fell into the mountainside. There were occasional bursts of flames, but it did not explode.

For a moment, some people were happy and some were shocked and angry. The abandoned warriors changed their strategies and retreated collectively.

Then, their remaining dozen warships aimed at the people of the major tribes, and it seemed that their posture was to clear the ground indiscriminately, because more than half of the abandoned clans' iron-bloods were still entangled and unable to escape.


At this moment, light flames surged above the clouds, and beams of plasma cannons penetrated.

Bang bang bang!

Four or five warships were hit and destroyed in succession, as brilliant as clusters of fireworks.


The clouds and fog were completely dispersed.

Then the entire sky as far as the eye could see was filled with battleships from the Iron Blood Star.

Three main ships, leading hundreds of battleships!

The chests of the orthodox iron-bloods were immediately filled with a sense of security, and they became even more enthusiastic to encircle and suppress the remaining abandoned clans on the ground.

Soon, the Black Blood Organization's battleship group was gone and all crashed.

Three main ships landed, and the remaining battleships hovered at high altitude, forming the strongest protective wall in the galaxy.

The three elders of Dark Blade, Casting Flame, and Guangyao Tribe led a group of guards down.

Just when they were about to say something~


At the same time, a door of the battleship inserted halfway up the mountain was kicked open from the inside.

Everyone turned around to look.

In the background of flashing electric lights and roaring flames, Chu Xin slowly jumped out with a head with a complete spine, slid all the way to the bottom, and came to the crowd.


The battleship exploded for no reason and everything inside was destroyed.

Pa da ~

Chu Xin threw the head to the ground.

"This is Nigel, who is number one on the bounty list! I didn't expect him to lead the team in person." After seeing the facial features clearly, the queen could not hide her surprise.

The captured iron bloods of the abandoned clan were even more horrified and lost their minds, glaring at Chu Xin in disbelief.


Not to mention them, even the three elders couldn't help but raise their eyebrows, feeling incredible about this.

Because Nigler was considered a figure of the same era as them, and he had fought against many of them, so the elders knew very well how strong he was.

But now, the very young Chu Xin made him a Medal of Honor without any harm, and there is no need to explain what this means.

Chu Xin felt the change in their eyes, as if they were staring at a young elder.

The three elders looked at him with an equal eye and recognized his strength in disguise.

"His ambitions are great, and he is full of charisma for the abandoned tribesmen who have lost their faith. Unfortunately, his abilities are not worthy of the grand plan he has painted, so he just acts as a pirate leader." Elder Zhuyan stared at Nigele's head and said with precision. out of the core.

He patted Chu Xin's shoulder again and said with great respect, "I declare that Chu will be the next Zhuyan elder after me!"

In an instant, everyone was in awe, and even the Queen began to look at Chu Xin.

Because the elders are always above the queen, and Chu Xin, who is equivalent to the "prince of a country", has a hidden status that is equal to her, the queen.

Of course, there is still a slight gap in the number of people who want to conquer them. One is a young female iron-blooded person from the Zhuyan clan, and the other is a young iron-blooded male from hundreds of tribes.

Elder Guangyao took a step forward and said in an inspiring voice, "This hunting fire is officially over. Although there have been some episodes, this is a severe test for you. It is obvious that you are all qualified warriors. "

"Return now!" Elder Dark Blade waved his hand.

The remaining two to three hundred Predators landed on the battleship, took off and left.

The main ship's common room.

Chu Xin, Dao Scar and others were here to replenish the energy needed by their bodies. Even though they had just ended a long period of hunting and being hunted, they were still talking emotionally and were not sad about the death of their friends and comrades. , only full admiration and respect.

Because they know very well that they will eventually die on the hunting road, and everyone will be reunited sooner or later.

Chu Xin's consciousness sank into the card interface, opened the gashapon machine, and selected the guaranteed card pool.


The number of gashapons is -1, and the cumulative number of guaranteed points +1. When reaching 5 times, the guaranteed number is triggered.

The accumulated times are cleared to zero.

A gashapon rolled out.

A card with facehugger eggs printed on it appears, added to the card book, and arranged behind the licker.

The card text suddenly appeared: "Please update [Gachapon Machine 2.0 Simple Version]"

"Update." Chu Xin muttered silently.

The interface of the gashapon machine has changed. The regular card pool and the guaranteed card pool are combined into one, and it does not show what the next guaranteed card is.

“Simplify the complexity and avoid the disadvantages of the host always using a guaranteed card pool;

The guaranteed card pool is cancelled, combined into a single card pool, and the other mechanisms remain unchanged;

The explosion rate of random cards drawn from the only card pool increases by one-third;

If you fail to draw a card for nine consecutive times, a random guaranteed card will be drawn on the tenth draw, adding to the blind box-style sense of anticipation. "

Chu Xin felt okay about this.

Because he originally regarded the gashapon machine as an auxiliary function, and more importantly, as an opportunity to obtain enhanced cards and props, the previous guaranteed lickers and facehugger eggs were not very attractive to him. It is better to be completely random than to guarantee the bottom. Whether it is good or bad will increase the desire to draw cards.

"have a drink?"

The clear voice interrupted Chu Xin's thoughts.

A slender hand pushed a cup in front of Chu Xin.

Chu Xin looked up and looked at the hot figure. The unmasked female Tie Xue in front of him looked familiar.

"Dear Queen, why are you on board our Zhuyan Tribe's ship?" Chu Xin suddenly felt something bad.

(Author's words: The iron-blooded world is coming to an end. Just go get a good thing and have a showdown to show off your cards and that's it;

As for the adjustment of the gashapon machine, I hope everyone will understand, because the regular and guaranteed are indeed a bit cumbersome and conflicting. I blame me for not thinking carefully when I had the idea. Due to the existence of the guaranteed card pool, I really can’t find a reason for the protagonist to draw regular and regular cards. The pool is like a decoration, and the guarantee of always picking out the cards takes away the fun of drawing cards.

After all, the gashapon machine mechanism is just an auxiliary function with a bit of entertainment. The core is the inhuman cards of the heavens. You can’t let this auxiliary turn into a loophole that causes the text to collapse~)

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