All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 82 Use this to test cadres? (Additional update)

Temple of Honor.

Everyone looked at Chu Xin curiously, wondering why he came back so soon.

Generally speaking, it would take at least a year before the Predators go out to hunt or perform missions before seeing them, an average of three to four years, and a longer period of more than ten years.

Like some ruthless people, they disappeared from the world for hundreds of years and came back with loads of glorious trophies. Their strength also increased by leaps and bounds, and they became the mainstay of the tribe in one fell swoop.

But there are also many who die on the hunting trail and disappear never to be seen again.

But this is exactly what they pursue in life, to be annihilated in battle, sublime in hunting, live for hunting, and die for hunting.


Chu Xin opened the iron box in his hand, and the smell instantly filled the air.

The iron bloods who were accustomed to these smells didn't care and came closer.

"This face, could it be a riot!"

"It was him. I will always remember him. My sister was murdered by him."

"I didn't expect this guy to fall into Chu's hands."

"Doesn't this mean that Chu wiped out an entire riot organization by himself?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but stare at Chu Xin dumbfounded. It wasn't until he nodded calmly that they all cheered.

There is respect and praise for Chu Xin, and it also means celebrating the death of one of the leaders of the abandoned clan.

After all, there is a blood feud between them and the Iron Blood of the Abandoned Clan. It is a joyful thing for the enemy to be beheaded and killed by his own family.

They would not doubt whether what Chu Xin said was true or false, because an excellent Predator would never lie or joke about his own glory, not to mention that the head of the riot was already in front of them, and no video was needed to prove it.

Lies are the tools of the weak, and the strong will chop the weak to death before they can speak!

"What do you need?" The old iron-blood from before appeared and smiled happily, "With such outstanding achievements, as long as you are not the main ship or the elder, you can probably pass."

The more he looked at this outstanding and vigorous young man, the more he liked and valued him, "Those young girls here, which one do you like? I will intercede for you. Of course, you can also do it yourself."

Before the topic deviated from the track, Chu Xin quickly pulled back, "I want to customize some equipment, which will involve the plasma cannon device of the spacecraft."

"It's a small matter. The value of fourth place on the bounty list is more than this," the old iron-blooded man waved his hand and said, "I will help you arrange it. You can just go directly and find an engineer named Gona."

Chu Xin did not stay and immediately went to the Zhuyan Tribe's institution similar to the Engineering Academy.

This is a giant building made entirely of metal, like a prostrate and sleeping lion. Every line and every corner is filled with the beauty of hard-core steel. It is definitely an architectural wonder on earth.


Before you even get close, you can hear the loud rumbling noise coming from it, as if you have arrived at a heavy industrial park, with countless roaring metal beasts hidden inside.

As soon as he walked to the door, a female Iron Blood wearing white and silver light armor appeared in front of him.

She is very tall, and the armor that fits her body shape vividly shows off her undulating curves. Before she takes off the mask, everything is pleasing to the eye.

"Chu? I am Ge Na. I heard that you killed the entire riot by yourself?" The female iron blood is very enthusiastic and generous, and also very young, probably in her nineties.

"Yeah." Chu Xin replied briefly.

"They said you are most likely to become the next elder," Ge Na led Chu Xin into the building and smiled heartily, "If you put it this way, you are very strong in all aspects~"


Chu Xin's expression didn't change. Her words sounded strange.

I hope she just simply praises and admires~

Along the way, Chu Xin used the simplest vocabulary to talk to her. He would not talk much if he could hum. Even he felt that it was too perfunctory.

As everyone knows, in Gona's opinion, his appearance was aloof and aloof, belonging to a strong person, so she showed more interest in Chu Xin, no longer concealing it in her speech, and just asked Chu Xin directly if he wanted to fight. Fighting.

In the concept of strong women, powerful men also need to take the initiative to conquer, just like a war, and their minds are extremely open, without any shame or reservation.

Just think about the scene of courtship between men and women in primitive tribes.

Therefore, Ge Na, who was extremely competitive, tried her best to show off her enchanting figure in front of Chu Xin, deliberately walking two meters in front of him.

At this moment, even she can’t twist the gashapon machine~

Chu Xin was unfazed by this.

Use this to test cadres?

Fortunately, Gona put on the mask while walking halfway.

Although Chu Xin is not a eunuch, it still has to suit his taste!

It's not impossible to be non-human, after all, he is already full of strange things, but nothing about the arrogant and arrogant female Iron-Blooded is in line with his aesthetics.

What if he really can’t get off~

The overlord-level scientific and technological civilization of the galaxy has a barbaric style that prevails. Its original intention has remained unchanged for thousands of years. It should be said that the iron-blooded clan knows how to develop.

If possible, don’t develop it in the future.

After one hour.

Chu Xin walked out of Ge Na's workshop.

Unexpectedly, this young female Iron Blood was actually an elite among engineers, a genius comparable to Chu Xin in Iron Blood technology.

He has informed her of his needs in detail, including a lightweight armor for Lickers that can protect vulnerable parts such as the head and torso, and a simple thermal weapon on the back that can fire small plasma beams. bomb.

As for the reason, he said that he planned to adopt a ferret and prepared it for him.

The second and most important thing is the so-called modified spacecraft plasma cannon device.

In fact, what Chu Xin gave was Baofeng Chihong's data. Once he got it, he could secretly replace the plasma cannon on his left hand.

It will then have stronger lethality and a more terrifying range!

After carefully discussing science, Chu Xin suddenly felt that the human knowledge he learned during the Storm Red Period was very shallow.

I have to admit that Gona is a capable and knowledgeable young woman.

In just sixty minutes, Chu Xin was drowned in the torrent of obscure knowledge and found it difficult to extricate himself. He instantly recalled the unbearable memories of his previous life when he was on the same stage as the top student in the school.

But it also made him feel that the iron-blooded clan was not doing their job properly by focusing on hunting!

Next, Chu Xin decisively went to the area where hunting dogs were sold.

It's not to tell a lie, but he really wants to raise a pet. He never raised any small animals in his previous life, so he jumped directly to an alien hound in this life.

Anyway, Gona had to wait a few days to get it done, and he always had to find something to do in the meantime.

There are predators in the tribe who specialize in raising hounds. They will not participate in hunting or fighting, and they are considered workers with a clear division of labor.

Under their leadership, Chu Xin came to a training warehouse that looked like the scene of a science fiction blockbuster.

In every single room, there is an iron-blooded hound, and the instrument on the glass door monitors their health status.

They come in different shapes and have different advantages and disadvantages.

The kind of bone spur hounds raised by Xiang Mian are also found here, but they can only be considered average because their defense is too weak.

"These little guys are not worthy of a powerful hunter like you," Tie Xue, who was leading the way, lifted his belt and said proudly, "I have a ferocious beast, do you want to see it?"

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