All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 62 Beast Sensing (please read more)


The captain's wristband signal light flashed twice, and someone was contacting him.

He clicked on it, and a palm-sized projection screen was projected in the void above.

It seemed to be a real-time video. The content was of three Predator warriors wearing armors fighting passionately. A group of lone wolves were being beaten fiercely. One person was able to challenge two of them with ease, and he had the potential to fly both vertically and horizontally.

The captain made a judgment based on the coordinates, looked up at the top of the mountain, and made a snoring sound in his throat. He knew what Chu Xin's goal was.

Needless to say, a group of more than a dozen people galloped towards the mountain.


The steep and rugged top of the mountain, shrouded in dense vegetation, looks like a naturally generated dark green maze. If you are not careful, you will miss the mark and fall a thousand meters.

But in such an environment, a total of four figures were jumping around like they were desperate.

Soon, one of the Dark Iron Bloods was dead and the other seriously injured.

The other one wanted to attack Chu Xin with a wrist knife, but was kicked to the side a few meters away. When he got up, he stumbled and fell off the cliff. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

Then Chu Xin cut his throat with a last-ditch knife that was still breathing.

These three dark iron-blooded warriors are very weak, and they may not be able to defeat the human warrior king.

They lacked combat experience and were rather thin. The shortest one was only about 1.8 meters. He should be a scout or a recruit who had just grown up.

As far as Chu Xin knows, although the Predators do not have specific combat power levels, they do have a general concept.

First of all, there are the underage iron-bloods who have not received the adult ceremony. The original owner of the body belongs to this category and needs to receive training from the tribe since childhood.

The iron blood who has officially passed the adult ceremony is a real hunter. He is called an ordinary hunter and has the largest number. The individual levels vary widely.

And further up are the elite hunters. Only one among dozens or hundreds of ordinary hunters will stand out.

The elite level has extremely strong hunting ability and can kill aliens and other bloodthirsty creatures like fruits and vegetables. It is an outstanding leader, such as the famous lone wolf in the movie.

Further up, there are the elders in charge of each tribe. They are all veteran warriors who have hidden their secrets. It is not a problem to kill the Alien Queen alone.

In addition to this simple and simple level, it is divided according to functions, such as investigation, scientific research, guarding, etc.

“Gradually implement the way of hunting and killing advocated by the Predator, but not be bound by the rules, be able to quickly examine what you need and put in practice for it;

The straightforward and decisive killing style is more deeply rooted in the bones and is almost instinctive. The bold and careful fighting turns the difficult situation into a hunting ground that is beneficial to oneself, and never wastes a single improvement opportunity;

Proficiency +10%, reaching 15%;

Obtain reward: Passive ability [Beast Sense] (can sense the moment when unknown danger is approaching, and can also detect the murderous intention against oneself within a radius of 20 meters). "

The text on the card appears smoothly in my mind.


There is something about this passiveness~

Like Peter Parker's Spider-Sense?

It’s a good ability!

Chu Xin ran towards the opposite side while thinking in his heart.


After pushing away a large bush, a metal object hidden in a sunken hole came into view.

It was a small spaceship about twenty meters long, with a silver-gray metallic paint finish, full of the style of old science fiction movies, and a heavy mechanical feel.

This is the goal that Chu Xin has been exploring all the way!

Otherwise, he would go hiking and wading on an alien planet when he was full?

However, his gradually increasing pace suddenly stopped, and he quickly retreated to a bunker area.

Because a chill came to my heart without warning. It was not a feeling, but more like an inexplicable cold wind blowing from a certain direction.

"Killing intent?"

Chu Xin immediately thought of the passive ability he had just acquired, which meant that there were creatures hostile to him within a radius of twenty meters.

Is there dark iron blood in the spaceship?


There was a sharp sound of wind in the dense forest beside me, but what came before the roaring sound was a sudden tremor in my heart. This feeling was like walking on the road and missing a step without any precautions.

Beast sensor triggers!


Chu Xin subconsciously turned over and jumped over a big stone.

Almost as soon as he buried his body, an afterimage flashed over, crossed an arc and hit the stone hard.

It was a dark silver dart shaped like a shuriken. A flashing light spot on it showed that it had an automatic locking function and was by no means a simple cold weapon.

And it was almost completely submerged in the stone, leaving only half of the handle outside.

Even the iron-blooded armor may not be able to completely resist this penetrating power.

Chu Xin immediately experienced the benefits of this passivity. If he had to rely on himself to defend or dodge at most, it was the one-second-ahead induction that allowed him to avoid being targeted.

One or two seconds is very short, but the impact at the critical moment is not small.


The dart trembled violently and flew back automatically.


One after another figures came out from behind the spaceship and behind the boulders.

No wonder the thermal imaging didn’t detect it, so we just kept doing it~

The nine figures were the only remaining dark iron blood that had been ambush for a short time.

The leader of the team caught the dart, inserted it back into his waist, and nodded in appreciation of Chu Xin's performance.

"Your head and spine will be my most precious trophy." He said hoarsely.

The captain is an experienced hunter who has been in the industry for nearly a hundred years and has hunted thousands of prey. Although he is not an elite iron-blooded hunter, he is still outstanding among ordinary hunters.

He tapped the wristband twice.


The spacecraft flew up under control and landed on the hill next door.

After doing this immoral thing, the captain walked out alone, saying that he would have an unrestricted duel with Chu Xin until one of them died.

Chu Xin's eyes narrowed slightly under the mask. This unrestriction was very subtle. To put it harshly, it meant that he didn't follow martial ethics!

I am familiar with this, but there is no word martial virtue in my dictionary~

When dealing with enemies, they should be killed by any means necessary, leaving no chance of resurgence.


The battle started straightforwardly, with the captain striking hard without hesitation.

From Chu Xin's actual combat experience, one can tell that this guy is much more powerful than other Dark Iron Bloods. At least he can fight decently, and every move will lead to death or injury.

The battle was fierce, and Chu Xin gradually entered the state, and his violent and fierce moves combined with primary healing were on par with it.

The captain's body was in its prime, and his strength and muscle were superior to Chu Xin's. He withstood several elbow hammer blows.

Even though Chu Xin was fighting in full swing, his mind was also spinning rapidly.

He can't spend all his energy on one person. The eight dark iron-bloods behind him are all there, and they will attack him sooner or later.

The longer you delay, the greater your disadvantage.

"We must fight quickly." Chu Xin thought silently in his heart.

After continuing to interact with him for several rounds, he slowly showed that he was "incompetent" and retreated step by step.

The captain was probably on top, and he was getting more and more aggressive, clinging to Chu Xin's output without giving up any ground.

Bang bang!

Amidst the muffled sounds of punches hitting the flesh, the two of them reached the edge of the cliff.

The captain punched out with a roar, and the wrist knife popped out in an extremely sinister manner, about to pierce Chu Xin's abdomen.

As expected of the sophisticated Dark Iron Blood, he actually tried to kill someone with a feint!

Chu Xin jumped back with all his strength, as if he didn't know that there was a thousand-meter-high death cliff behind him, giving people the illusion that he had lost his footing.

Under the suspicious gazes of the dark iron-blooded people, his figure fell straight down and disappeared.

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