All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 57 Take a deep breath, dizziness is normal (please follow up)

Chu Xin used his foot to pick up a battle-damaged iron-blooded dagger and held it in his left hand.

Maybe it was because Baofeng Crimson was used to holding the Flame Falcon with his left arm, and his left hand was more flexible and versatile in the use of cold weapons.

Since the Predator's natural physical fitness is in place, and his minor body development is relatively balanced, there is not a big gap in strength between his left and right hands, and he is in a hexagonal equalization stage that needs to be developed.


Tuofu's throat kept making muffled sounds like wild beasts demonstrating, and the evil aura all over his body was no longer concealed, like a wild beast that chose people to devour.

Even if he becomes the king of beasts in prison, he still has to maintain his dignity. As the saying goes, if he can't be the tail of a phoenix, he still has to be the head of a chicken.

He dealt with Chu Xin for a while, his pride driving him to launch a fierce attack.

The knife missed, and the punch still missed.

Chu Xin keenly observed Tuofu's body movements, quickly made trajectory predictions in his mind, and constantly converted and applied the practical experience accumulated during the storm.

This is very important. After figuring out the routines of the card system, he knew that such thinking and practice can increase proficiency.


After a fierce attack, Tuofu was out of breath, but he didn't even touch Chu Xin.

He finally knew how Chu Xin killed the two fighting beasts. It turned out that he had been running away like a coward. He must have taken advantage of his opponent's fatigue before sneaking up on him in an insidious way!

Tuofu, who thought he had discovered the truth, increased his strength and wanted to make a quick decision to destroy Chu Xin's conspiracy.

In fact, in Chu Xin's eyes, Tuofu's melee combat was very rough, like a vulgar martial artist who didn't know how to fight.

But it is very consistent with the style of the Iron-Blooded clan, which is brutal and primitive and pursues the pure pleasure of killing and self-satisfaction.

Another point is that they specialize in hunting, and what they are best at is comprehensive hunting, which combines hot and cold weapons, hunting beast control, trap layout, etc.


When the distance between the two was neither far nor close, Chu Xin took a step forward, suddenly raised his right foot, exerted force from the hip joint, and quickly raised his heel and turned inwards with his left leg.

He moved his thigh smoothly, kicked his calf, and unleashed a series of power from his right leg. The maximum amount of explosive force released fell on Takuo's flank.

The leg bones were like blades, so they made a sound like a knife chopping and an axe chopping.

The kick sweep in Muay Thai!

The first second the kick hit, Takuo didn't think it was anything. After all, the iron-blooded people have rough skin and thick flesh.

But in the second second, the force that penetrated the surface was fully exerted internally.

In the blink of an eye, Takuo felt that his waist was no longer his. Severe pain extended to his thighs, and even his brain was numb. His body bent uncontrollably, but he gritted his teeth and crawled back. , I don’t want to be pursued by Chu Xin taking advantage of the victory.

But Chu Xin's breathing has changed, which means that he has entered a serious fighting state!

Back then, in the vast Pacific Ocean, monsters had nowhere to escape. This is just a Colosseum, where can Takuo retreat to~

Chu Xin forcibly closed the distance and pressed his face forcefully.


He continuously threw heavy punches, causing waves of sharp wind howls, like a mechanical arm tearing through smoke amid the roar of an engine.

His fists, feet, elbows, and knees were all turned into sharp weapons comparable to swords and guns, and his flowing attacks intensified under his rapid but steady breathing.

This is no longer a single move, but a mecha body technique that Chu Xin has mastered and mastered!

Bang bang bang~

At this moment, Takuo, who was retreating steadily, had the illusion that what he was fighting against was not flesh and blood, but a cold and heavy steel battleship.

"How is that possible!" He roared inwardly in disbelief, humiliation and anger swelling in his chest.

He couldn't figure out why he had such a ridiculous idea, so he could only be caught off guard and passively defend, trying his best to protect his vulnerable parts from being hit hard by Chu Xin's turning elbow.

At this time, Chu Xin put his thoughts into the red storm, and every move was accurate, and the shadows of his fists and legs were like a violent and violent mechanical torrent.

But this kind of non-stop burst output can kill one thousand enemies and cause three hundred losses to oneself.

The body of flesh and blood is not metal, so it is obviously not enough to be arrogant. For a while, his own ligaments and muscles suffered slight strain.

Fortunately, Chu Xin has primary healing enhancement, and these minor injuries can heal themselves within a few seconds, so his condition has not declined, but his methods have become more and more cruel and cruel.

Bang~bang bang~

The sound of Takuo's quilt exploding from one side echoed in the stadium.

The clamoring fighting beasts were all speechless, and their horrified eyes were clearly revealed through the small holes.

The dark iron-bloods became more and more excited, as if they had discovered a big treasure, and their eyes looking at Chu Xin were full of inexplicable desire.

The battle became increasingly intense, and Takuo continued to resist with his adult physical advantage.


Suddenly, Chu Xin's right knee pushed forward with all its strength, and the strength gathered a little, and the hard knee hit Tuofu's crotch through a layer of fabric.


Tuofu rolled his eyes, shuddered from bottom to top, and then lay trembling on Chu Xin's body.

Severe pain all over his body broke out. He couldn't even hold the knife in his hand and dropped it.

His body was either bruised or bloody. It was extremely miserable, but the most tragic thing was the unprepared way he stood up and hit his knees.


Chu Xin had already seen his own last night. Its structure was similar to that of most flesh and blood creatures, but it was more ferocious and terrifying.

Although Chu Xin himself was a little frightened by the scale, it was also the weak point of the iron-blooded male.

Therefore, Takuo's current performance is reasonable, understandable, and consistent with his physiological structure.

Chu Xin gently held Tuofu's neck, leaned close to his ear, and whispered in iron-blooded language, "Take a deep breath, dizziness is normal."

While diverting Takuo's attention through ridicule, he locked his right arm and neck numbly, and then fell to the ground.


As the joints locked, Chu Xin broke his arm bones in reverse.

Tuofu grinned with a distorted expression, and his four fangs tried to bite Chu Xin's arm.


But what he got in exchange was a short iron-blooded knife inserted into his mouth and thrust straight out from the back of his head.

Tuofu hadn't died yet, so he couldn't help but hold on to Chu Xin.

Chu Xin stepped on his face, drew the knife, held it tightly, and stabbed him, all three actions in one go.

Takuo, whose throat was cut, gradually stopped moving, opened his eyes in despair and died.

As expected of an alien civilization, everyone fell asleep at an enviable speed, and the sleep quality was so good, without any snoring.

"Huhu~" Chu Xin stood up a little tiredly.

Although his fighting skills are not weak and are much better than most iron-blooded people, this body is still underage and is still in the development stage that needs nutrition. Compared with the fully developed adult iron-blooded people, it is certainly at a disadvantage.

I vaguely remember that when I was still Baofeng Chihong, someone on the Internet said that the mecha learned some shitty physical skills and couldn't beat him with a steel fist. But only Chu Xin knew that he didn't just learn from Baofeng Chihong, but now this Doesn't it reflect the old saying - it's always good to learn more.

With the help of cards, Chu Xin can have countless new bodies, but his soul will not start from scratch. Instead, it will experience the tempering of blood and fire from the beginning, be soaked in the flesh and blood of corpses again and again, and experience countless hardships. .

Maybe the card character has an upper limit, but his soul never ends.

Please ask all the ticket bosses (* ̄3 ̄)╭

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